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NY-23: MoveOn for Owens

Greg Sargent noted this development in the New York 23rd Congressional District race earlier today, and I’ve got the full email MoveOn sent out asking its

Jul 31, 2020
Greg Sargent noted this development in the New York 23rd Congressional District race earlier today, and I’ve got the full email MoveOn sent out asking its members to deny a victory for Sarah Palin by backing Bill Owens, the Democratic candidate in NY-23.
The email is below the jump. Here’s a response from Rob Ryan, a spokesman for Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman:
We are fighting against Dede Scozzafava, bill Owens, the NRCC, the DCCC, the WFP, ACORN, big labor and a host of special interests. Now far left MOVE-ON is joining the fray. This is David vs. Goliath. They are all attacking us because we are surging in the polls. And we’re surging because Doug Hoffman has become the voice of the average hard working American. We will win because the people are behind us.
And the MoveOn email:
Dear MoveOn member,
Warning: A bizarre House race in upstate New York could end up giving a big national boost to Sarah Palin and the far right, and endangering health care reform in the House.
Here’s how: In a three-way race, Doug Hoffman, a right-wing third party candidate, has gotten Sarah Palin’s endorsementand become a cause célèbre for the far-right fringe. They think the Republican nominee is too liberal because she’s pro-choice and supports gay marriage.
So hate groups are running radio ads warning against the “far left socialist agenda.”1 The right-wing teabagger activists who spent the summer disrupting town halls are showering Hoffman with donations and volunteers.2 And, unfortunately, it’s working. Hoffman is gaining in the polls3 and has moved into a close second place behind Democrat Bill Owens, whom local MoveOn members endorsed last week.
If Hoffman wins, teabaggers and hate groups will have their own representative in Congress.The far right will be emboldened. And a victory for an anti-reform teabagger just before the big health care votes will send exactly the wrong message to Democrats who are nervous about their own re-election.
Election Day is Tuesday. The race is tight, and we can make the difference. Can you make an emergency contribution to help stop the far right from electing one of their own?
Charlie Cook, one of the most respected political analysts in Washington, says that a Hoffman win would “shock Washington and force both parties to rethink their strategies.”4
It would dramatically strengthen the Sarah Palin wing of the Republican party. And as for the Democrats—remember how the teabaggers’ town hall disruptions rattled conservative “Blue Dog” Democrats? Imagine how hard it’ll be to pass progressive legislation if conservative Democrats spend the next year worrying that they may be unseated by people who think Medicare is socialism and President Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. But it is. Which is why Bill Clinton and others are working hard to raise the money Bill Owens needs to win. Local MoveOn members voted 77% to endorse Owens. But they need our help.
Most of us probably haven’t heard of this race. But it will have an impact on health care and everything else we’re fighting for. So can you spare $10 or $20 to help stop the far-right from scoring a major victory?I’m contributing. Will you join me?
Thanks for all you do.
–Justin, Noah, Kat, Michael, and the rest of the team
Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna is a writer and storyteller with a wide range of interests. He graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies. Paolo enjoys writing about celebrity culture, gaming, visual arts, and events. He has a keen eye for trends in popular culture and an enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Paolo's writing aims to inform and entertain while providing fresh perspectives on the topics that interest him most. In his free time, he loves to travel, watch films, read books, and socialize with friends.
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