Of all the talking points emerging from the conservative side about the 9/11 trials, the prospect of attack architect Khalid Shaikh Mohammed getting set free in
“„As I reporteda few months ago, because the U.S. has declared war against Al Qaeda–and KSM is quite obviously a member of Al Qaeda–they can claim legal authority to detain him even post-acquittal, until the end of hostilities, under the authority granted by the Authorization to Use Military Force. The Bush administration considered doing this briefly with Osama bin Laden‘s limo driver, Salim Hamdan–but because it makes a mockery of the American system of justice, they decided against it. But the options don’t actually end there.
“„“They have three sources of authority that would allow him to detain him, one of which is the AUMF, because it directly cites the 9/11 attacks in its language–the people who planned the 9/11 attacks are combatants, and are detainable under the AUMF,” Ken Gude, a human rights expert at the Center for American Progress explains. “Under the .000001 chance that they are acquitted, they will have that authority to detain them,” Gude says.