Here’s the text of an ad that the Republican National Committee is running on health care, with Chairman Michael Steele doing the voiceover. The Democrats are
“„The Democrats are accusing us Republicans of trying to delay and stonewall their government takeover of health care. You know what? They’re finally right. Republicans are trying to stop this disastrous health care takeover. Republicans are trying to keep the liberals from creating yet another entitlement program, spending yet another trillion dollars. America’s already seen the results of this year’s “binge spending” by the Democrats: our economy’s in deep trouble and our jobs are evaporating. Now Democrats want a health care bill that will raise taxes, cut Medicare, and increase premiums. Democrats know America doesn’t want this health care takeover, but they’re arrogantly trying to jam it down our throats. This is our last chance to stop them. Contact your Senators. Make Washington listen to you. Log on to Make Washington listen, before it is too late.