Earlier this week, it was Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) being targetedby the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which is hoping that some liberal lawmaker will stand up to insist that the public insurance option be included as part of the Democrats’ final health reform bill. Today, the group launched the next wave of its campaign, announcing plans to target Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) with online ads and thousands of daily robocalls to Vermont voters. “The congratulations that Democrats are giving themselves in Washington DC are not shared by voters across the country who overwhelmingly want a public option and oppose being required to buy insurance from companies that put profit ahead of people’s health,” said Adam Green, PCCC co-founder, in a written statement. “Bernie Sanders can be a hero at this historic moment by declaring that any final bill must have a public option to win his support.”
Both Sanders and Feingold are adamant supporters of the public option, though both also voted last week in favor of the Senate bill, which doesn’t include such a plan. (The House bill does.)
House and Senate leaders are hoping to merge the two bills and have the final product on the president’s desk sometime next month.