Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage has perfected the art of the salt-in-the-wound press release. His message to supporters on Scott Brown:
“„While in the Massachusetts legislature, Scott Brown was one of the courageous few to stand for marriage, voting yes on the Massachusetts Marriage Amendment in 2007. Now in Washington, he will bring a strong new voice to protect and uphold DOMA against the attacks by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the pro-gay marriage lobby in Congress.
“„The contrast in the race couldn’t be more striking. As Massachusetts Attorney General, Martha Coakley has been a radical activist for same-sex marriage, even suing the federal government in an attempt to have DOMA declared unconstitutional.
“„Last night’s victory will make even Nancy Pelosi think twice about trying to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. And with Senator-elect Brown as the 41st Republican vote in the Senate, any effort to repeal DOMA this year should be dead on arrival in the Senate.