Foes of Gov. Charlie Crist (R-Fla.) are pouncing on this interview, in which host Jimmy Cefalo gives the governor a chance to distance himself from Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) — an early endorser of Marco Rubio, Crist’s primary opponent — and Crist whiffs. But it’s not as bad as Crist’s enemies are saying. “Why do you think you’ve been painted as a moderate Republican as opposed to a John McCain-like Republican?” asks Cefalo. “As opposed to someone like Jim DeMint, for example?”
“I really don’t know,” said Crist. “Probably because it’s the political season.”
As I said, this interview is being pushed hard by Crist foes — Erick Erickson of RedState tweeted it this morning and sent at least a few reporters scrambling to see what Crist actually said. The ease with which Rubio opponents can launch missiles at Crist is the most interesting part of this story.
Crist doesn’t make it too hard. Given a chance to attack the stimulus package, he says it “was the right thing to do” and stands by his support.
“Do I think everything in the stimulus is great? Of course not. Not many bills are perfect.”