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Rubio: ‘Fight the Smears’

The Republican Obama -- who doesn’t really push back against that term -- gets the first real negative coverage of his Florida campaign for U.S. Senate, and

Jul 31, 2020
The “Republican Obama” — who doesn’t really push back against that term — gets the first real negative coverageof his Florida campaign for U.S. Senate, and fundraises off it in terms reminiscent of the Obama-Biden campaign.
Full email after the jump:
Charlie Crist and his campaign are incredibly desperate and may well have hit rock bottom.
This week, two polls show Charlie Crist is losing by 18 points in the primary, while two staffers have deserted his campaign. Jeb Bush called his support for the stimulus “unforgivable.” In response, Crist has reacted by going on national television to announce his intentions to smear Marco in the upcoming election. Meanwhile, multiple media sources reported this week on Governor Crist possibly running for the Senate not as a Republican but as an Independent.
As a result, earlier this week, the Crist campaign leaked copies of Marco’s American Express card statements from his time as a Florida GOP leader to at least one Florida-based media outlet. Given that no one had access to these records other than Marco and the previous, Crist-selected state party administration, copies of these internal documents could only have been obtained for them through the efforts of former Chairman Jim Greer and his team.
The fact that the sitting Governor of Florida, who was elected as a Republican, would go on to leak private internal RPOF documents is outrageous and appalling, especially in light of the scandals and destruction left behind by his handpicked choice for Chairman.
When Marco first entered this race, he was warned that there was nothing Charlie Crist would not do to save his political career. Now we all see how true that is. The Crist campaign is leveling every made-up charge and sleazy innuendo it can come up with.
I am sure that before the day is done, Charlie Crist and his campaign will respond to this story with expressions of shock and outrage. Perhaps he will go on to profess his supposed longstanding adherence to transparency. We think this would be a wonderful opportunity for him to prove that.
He should apologize for the irresponsible spending of his hand-picked state party leaders, former Chairman Jim Greer and Executive Director Delmar Johnson, and demand a full accounting of their spending.
He should also call for an audit on the work performed for the party by consultants linked directly to him, as well as examinations into any direct or indirect contributions the party has provided, in possible violation of party rules, to his Senate campaign.
On a day when Floridians are focused on finding a job, working hard to keep the one they have, or concerned about what may come of today’s Obama Health Care Summit in Washington, it’s sad that Charlie Crist has resorted to this type of campaign. It’s especially sad when you consider the major challenges our nation faces.
Have you had enough of these desperate smears against Marco? If so, here’s what you can do:
Send Charlie Crist a signal that you’re not going to let him get away with it. Help Marco fight the smears. Donate today and help Marco fight back.
Thanks for your continued support,
Team Rubio
Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna is a writer and storyteller with a wide range of interests. He graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies. Paolo enjoys writing about celebrity culture, gaming, visual arts, and events. He has a keen eye for trends in popular culture and an enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Paolo's writing aims to inform and entertain while providing fresh perspectives on the topics that interest him most. In his free time, he loves to travel, watch films, read books, and socialize with friends.
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