Rep. Steve Cohen (D-NC) asked if Yoo ever communicated with Addington without looping in John Ashcroft. “I did not… We notified the Attorney General’s office that we had received the request for the [August 1 2002 torture] memo.” Did Ashcroft ever complain he was cut out? “I don’t think according to the Justice Dept. guidelines I’m allowed to discuss…” And once again, Nadler demands Yoo make specific his assertion of privilege.
“Sir, any information of conversation I had with any individual in the Justice Dept. is covered under either attorney-client privilege or the deliberation privilege…and it’s the Justice Dept. that’s asserting it.” But was Ashcroft Yoo’s client? How can their communications be privileged? Yoo: “… May I just consult with my attorneys? … My recollection is that I did not have such a conversation with the attorney general.”
Cohen: “So the *Washington Post *and General Ashcroft would be wrong about that?” Yoo: “My answer is he never expressed that to me.”