The incredibly successful, punchy conservative messaging firm -- one year ago, it was dumping negative ads into the NY-20 special election -- is back with an
“„Dear Fellow Conservative:
“„Blue Dog Democrats control the future of our country. Unless we convince enough Blue Dogs to repent and standup against Speaker Pelosi’s American-hating “progressive” agenda, .
“„I hate to say I told you so… I predicted this would happen on the day Scott Brown was elected! In a letter I wrote, “The Democrats intend to pull out their army of slimy lawyers, lobbyists and deceitful legislative tactics to pass their disastrous healthcare bill. Their counter-offensives will continue changing… bypassing Scott Brown and his 60th vote in the U.S. Senate.”
“„The National Republican Trust, the nation’s third largest PAC, is running a series of radio ads to force the Blue Dog’s hands and kill Obama’s disastrous healthcare bill. We are the ones the Democrats fear most. With your help we have been fighting this healthcare bill from the beginning and we have now forced them to do what we said they would end up doing all along. These ads will expose the liberal Democrats masquerading as Blue Dogs and lay the foundation for a historic election for conservatives in November.
“„It is imperative that we come together and stand firm because Obama and Pelosi remain hell bent on passing healthcare despite recent electoral defeats and dreadful poll numbers. The Wall Street Journalwrites,
“„The best way to defeat healthcare is to peel off as many Blue Dog Democrats as possible. We will shine the light of truth on their voting record for all their constituents to see.
“„The National Republican Trust PAC is committed to leading way just as we did in Massachusetts when we backed Scott Brown and when we paved the way for crucial Republican victories in Virginia and New Jersey last fall. We are also the ones who warned the nation of Obama radical socialist agenda even before he was elected. WE HAVE BEEN AHEAD OF EVERYONE in our warnings about the direction Obama, Reid and Pelosi would be taking us. It is our strategy that has kept them from passing the worst part of their agenda.
“„We have been watching them and reading their every move and employed careful counter-strategies to blunt their corrupt tactics. . This important ad campaign can finish our fight!
“„. Each of our targets voted in favor of Obamacare last fall. They were each elected from conservative districts won by the McCain/Palin ticket but on average they support Pelosi’s radical agenda 77% of the time.
“„Every one of our targets acts like a conservative at home but votes like a liberal in Washington. They include:
“„The National Republican Trust is actively buying as much airtime as possible. We are fully committed to continuing this fight until we permanently defeat healthcare.
“„Please join with us and keep these ads coming as often as possible.
“„We need as many soldiers as possible. It is critical that we come together now to save our country from the progressives.
“„The ad campaignis based on our PELOSI INDEX, an online analysis and rating database designed to hold members of Congress accountable for the votes they cast and to show how often they side with Pelosi.
“„If you have not done so already please go to to see how your member of Congress votes.
“„Many Democrats campaign as conservatives but their voting record tells a different story. Their own actions make them the most vulnerable Members of Congress.
“„Please forward this link to all of your friends and family so they to can learn the truth and help us win back our country!
“„Our series of adswill expose the liberal voting records of the most vulnerable Democrats elected in conservative districts. We will show the American public that . Blue Dogs are just pawns of Pelosi!
“„Nancy Pelosi is by far and away the most radical Speaker in U.S. history. She has pushed through her socialist agenda and massively expanded the size, scope and cost of government. Despite struggling American families, she continues to peddle massive tax increases and impose catastrophic debt levels onto future generations before traversing the globe in her taxpayer funded military jet.
“„Now she is trying once again to force feed Obama’s government healthcare package on us. No doubt Cap and Trade, card check and other economy crushing policies adored by the “progressives” will follow this. It is some coincidence that all of their solutions – to problems created – give more power to them and takeaway more liberty from us.
“„The good news is that Pelosi’s radical, elitist actions have driven her approval rating to record lows and made her our greatest weapon for defeating healthcare and taking back Congress this year.
“„Our ads will unleash the Plague of Pelosi on all vulnerable Democrats. Not even the liberal media will be able to protect them once we expose their habitual support for Pelosi’s agenda.
“„We are starting with this adand will personalize it for every vulnerable Democrat. We will be developing TV ads with the same concept of Liberty vs. the Left Wing. We will make them pay the price for selling out our country.
“„This campaign will draw a clear contrast between freedom and the radical agenda they support. We will draw a line in the sand for the whole country to see. If they support healthcare their voters will know about it immediately.
“„We will run this campaign in our usual clever way to grab the attention of their voters and expose their true voting records. We are going to make them famous or rather infamous for what they are doing!
“„With your support, we will expose the truth and set the stage for the conservative resurgence this fall.
“„Until these liberals acting as conservatives at home are exposed, the Democrats will continue to shove their liberal policies through the halls of Congress. The National Republican Trust is fully committed to exposing the truth behind every vote.
“„With your support our ad campaign will derail Pelosi’s radical agenda and position conservative Republicans to retake Congress.
“„Help Stop Pelosi’s Radical Transformation of America!CLICK HERE TO SEND PELOSI’S PALS PACKING.
“„Thank you for your generosity. Conservatives like you have allowed us to stay ahead of the curve on important issues and to have a significant impact on the advancement of conservative policies and candidates.
“„Join with me and help take our country back. GO HERE NOW.
“„Yours for America,
“„Scott Wheeler