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Annals of Confusing Spin, Eric Holder Edition

One more thing on the Post’s story about Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-S.C.) desired grand bargain on terrorism detentions -- Check out this paragraph: Attorney

Jul 31, 2020
One more thing on the Post’s storyabout Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-S.C.) desired “grand bargain” on terrorism detentions— Check out this paragraph:
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was scheduled to testify Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, but the hearing was postponed because of Obama’s signing of the health-care bill. When Holder does appear, he will testify that the original decision on holding a trial in Manhattan was a “close call,” a Justice Department official said, a phrase that he has used before but that in the current debate would signal an impending White House decision in favor of a military commission.
So if Holder says the same thing that he’s said before it’ll mean that he’s waving the white flag on trying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in federal court? Holder isn’t scheduled to testify before the committee until April 14. Who knows what the state of the debate will be then? This reads a lot like someone trying to shape the terms of that debate in the press.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannona is a highly experienced journalist with over 9 years of expertise in news writing, investigative reporting, and political analysis. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and has contributed to reputable publications focusing on global affairs, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Hajra's authoritative voice and trustworthy reporting reflect her commitment to delivering insightful news content. Beyond journalism, she enjoys exploring new cultures through travel and pursuing outdoor photography
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