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‘Break Their Windows. Break Them Now.’

I think Mike Vanderboegh will end up making a lot of trouble for Tea Parties with this off-the-rails blog post calling, many times over, for violence against

Jul 31, 2020
I think Mike Vanderboegh will end up making a lot of trouble for Tea Parties with this off-the-rails blog post calling, many times over, for violence against members of Congress. Vanderboegh basically courts controversy— his blog profile tells readers how to send him anthrax and death threats — but as Democrats make hay from attacks on congressional offices, this blog post might become a sort of Rosetta Stone of wingnuttery.
“If you agree with this message,” writes Vanderboegh, “spread it far and wide. The night is coming, and there are many windows to break.”
The post:
To all free Americans who still hold dear the Founders’ vision of a constitutional Republic and who wish to remain free –
Nancy Pelosi’s Intolerable Act is within days of passage by devious means so corrupt and twisted that even members of her own party recoil in disgust.
This act will order all of us to play or pay, and if we do not wish to, we will be fined.
If we refuse to pay the fine out of principle, we will be jailed.
If we resist arrest, we will be killed.
They will send the Internal Revenue Service and other federal police to do this in thousands of small Wacos, if that is what it takes to force us to submit.
This arrogant elite pretends that this oppression is for our own good, while everyone else understands that this is about their selfish, insatiable appetite for control over our liberty, our money, our property and our lives.
The majority of the people have made it plain that they do not want this tyrannical transfer of power wrapped in soft lies.
It does not matter.
Pelosi and her ilk apparently do not understand that this Intolerable Act has some folks so angry that they are ready to resist their slow-rolling revolution against the Founders’ Republic by force of arms. Why should they? For in the past seventy-five years of being pushed back continually from the free exercise of our God-given rights to life, liberty and property, WE HAVE NEVER SHOVED BACK. Rather, it was we, the law-abiding, who backed up each time, grumbling.
These are collectivists. They do not hear you grumble. They do not, it is apparent after the past year of town halls and Tea Parties and nose-diving opinion polls, hear you SHOUT. They certainly do not hear the soft “snik-snik” of cleaning rods being used on millions of rifle barrels in this country by people who have decided that their backs are to the wall, politics and the courts no longer are sufficient to the task of defending their liberties, and they must make their own arrangements.
The Imperial Democrats do not care what you think. They will not hear you. They are every bit as arrogant and isolated as King George the Third was from the liberty-loving American colonists in 1775.
And yet, if we are to avoid civil war, we must get their attention BEFORE the IRS thug parties descend upon us each in turn — when we will be forced into dozens of defensive slaughters and then, to end it, forced yet again to call Pelosi and the other architects of this war upon their own people to final account.
We are the law-abiding of this country, yes. We always have been. But when the “law” is distorted and twisted into an unconstitutional means of oppression, backed by the entire weight of the federal Leviathan, it is not “law” at all, but mere illegitimate force.
John Locke said it best:
When the law becomes a deadly tool of tyranny, it is no longer a good thing to be obedient and “law-abiding.” It is, in fact, suicidal.
Yet, given the federal mandarins’ willful ignorance of our very existence and conviction that we have no opinions that they are bound to respect, is there anything that can be done to prevent civil war?
Yes, there is.
We can emulate the Sons of Liberty of old.
These windows are not far away from where you are reading this right now. In virtually every city and county in this land, there is a local headquarters of Pelosi’s party — the Democrat party. These headquarters invariably have windows. When the Sons of Liberty wanted to express their opposition to the actions of the King’s ministers, they would gather in front of the homes and offices of his tax-collectors and government officials in Boston or New York and break their windows. Glass was expensive. The King’s minions were often the most well-to-do. The Sons of Liberty hit them in their pocketbooks.
Most importantly, however, was the message to the royal functionaries that there are personal consequences for oppressing your fellow citizens. The King is far away, and you are here, among us, the people.
This is the message that modern Sons of Liberty should get across to the Royalists of today. Now. Before we have to resort to rifles to resist their “well intentioned” tyranny.
This is not to say that the GOP (I refuse to call them “Republicans” for that is a misuse of the word) does not bear a large measure of responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in today. However, they have opposed this Intolerable Act. Yet, if we do a thorough job of breaking Democrat windows, I am sure that the GOP will profit from the example.
So, if you wish to send a message that Pelosi and her party cannot fail to hear, break their windows.
Break them NOW.
Break them and run to break again. Break them under cover of night. Break them in broad daylight. Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. Break them with rocks. Break them with slingshots. Break them with baseball bats.
The time has come to take your life, your liberty and that of your children and grandchildren into your own two hands and ACT.
It is, after all, more humane than shooting them in self defense.
And if we do a proper job, if we break the windows of hundreds, thousands, of Democrat party headquarters across this country, we might just wake up enough of them to make defending ourselves at the muzzle of a rifle unnecessary.
Sons of Liberty, this is your time.
Break their windows.
Break them NOW.
And Nancy, if this be sedition, if this be treason in your eyes, then make the most of it.
Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126
Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke is an economist, marketing strategist, and orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience crafting compelling narratives that resonate worldwide. He holds a Journalism degree from Columbia University, an Economics background from Yale University, and a medical degree with a postdoctoral fellowship in orthopedic medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dexter’s insights into media, economics, and marketing shine through his prolific contributions to respected publications and advisory roles for influential organizations. As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in minimally invasive knee replacement surgery and laparoscopic procedures, Dexter prioritizes patient care above all. Outside his professional pursuits, Dexter enjoys collecting vintage watches, studying ancient civilizations, learning about astronomy, and participating in charity runs.
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