These days, in their efforts to patch together a bipartisan coalition to pass climate legislation, Democrats have been falling over themselves to kowtow to
“„We should not, in the name of global warming, provide even more government loan guarantees and subsidies for new nuclear power, which is actually the most costly form of new energy. Independent estimates are that new nuclear plants will produce energy at 25-30 cents per kilowatt hour, even with Price-Anderson and all of the other government subsidies taken into account. The last round of nuclear plant construction in this country left taxpayers and ratepayers paying the bill for $240 billion (in today’s dollars) in stranded costs for plants that were not completed and in cost overruns at plants that were. If the private sector will not finance new nuclear plants, the government should not risk taxpayer dollars by stepping in. Further, at a time when we still do not know how to get rid of the toxic waste produced by nuclear plants, it is absurd to be adding new plants that will generate even more waste.