Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio (R) just agreed to a debate with Gov. Charlie Crist and Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.), then immediately [said yes to six more](http://blogs.tampabay.com/buzz/2010/08/crist-nightmare-rubio-agrees-to-seven-debates.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+tampabaycom/blogs/buzz+(The+Buzz+|+tampabay.com)). This is the kind of scenario that might prove problematic for Crist’s campaign, [notes](http://blogs.tampabay.com/buzz/2010/08/crist-nightmare-rubio-agrees-to-seven-debates.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+tampabaycom/blogs/buzz+(The+Buzz+|+tampabay.com)) the St. Petersburg Times’ Adam Smith:
“„In a three-person debate, it would be Rubio and Meek each taking turns hitting Crist and pressing him on flip-flops and inconsistencies. It’s hard to stay above the fray when you’re the main target.
“„But skipping most of the debates is equally problematic. If Meek agrees to these debates and the networks agree to televise them with or without all three candidates, Crist would be letting Meek raise his profile as the Democratic alternative to Rubio.
Here’s the tentative debate schedule:
NBC’s Meet The Press Debate
Moderated by David Gregory
Washington, DC
WLTV-Univision 23 Debate
Miami, FL
WTVT-FOX 13 Tampa Bay Debate
Tampa, FL
ABC News, WFTV-ABC 9 Orlando & WFTS-ABC 28 Tampa
Moderated by George Stephanopoulos and two local media panelists
Orlando, FL
Leadership Florida Debate
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
CNN/St. Petersburg Times Debate
Moderated by Candy Crowley
Tampa, FL
NBC News & WESH-NBC 2 Orlando Debate
Moderated by David Gregory
Orlando, FL