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The Democratic Party’s New Boogeyman

The Palin brand is undergoing yet another test today in Delaware among Republicans -- will her endorsement energize conservatives in Sussex County to get out

Jul 31, 202059.1K Shares1M Views
The Palin brand is undergoing yet another test today in Delaware among Republicans — will her endorsement energize conservatives in Sussex County to get out the vote for Christine O’Donnell in record numbers, or will the high profile, out-of-state intervention rile the state’s moderate GOPers to turn out and oppose her? Among Democrats in Iowa, on the other hand, the verdict is already in. She’s the best organizer they’ve got:
This week, the Iowa Democratic Party launched a new volunteering drive on its website just days before former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palinheadlines the Ronald Reagan Dinner — the Republican Party of Iowa’s largest fall fundraiser.
Invoking both her image and strong rhetoric against the tea party favorite, the IDP is calling on Iowans to pledge a total 945 volunteer hours– one hour for every day she served as governor of Alaska– before Friday’s event.
In addition to using Palin and her impending appearance in Iowa to drum up funds and volunteer hours in their appeals, Democrats also invoked her name more than once at the Harkin Steak Fry on Sunday, prompting speculationthat she’s replacing Bush as the most effective boogeyman at the party’s disposal.
Rhyley Carney

Rhyley Carney

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