Leading up to yesterday’s defense authorization bill vote, it seemed unlikely that Republicans would allow the bill to go forward with the DREAM Act attached.
“„Hispanics make up 26 percentof Nevada’s population. (In 2008, they accounted for about 15 percent of the electorate.) In his neck-and-neck battlewith “tea-party” favorite Sharron Angle, the majority leader needs every vote he can get, and he’s counting on a big positive response from Hispanics for pushing a bill that is popular with them. [...]
“„Reid’s more recent move on the DREAM Act, of course, could also anger some independent voters enough to push them into Ms. Angle’s camp – something she is counting on. (The DREAM Act would grant legal status to immigrants younger than 36 who arrived in the US as children, have lived here for five years, and are currently either in college or serving in the military.)