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Linda McMahon’s Business Credentials

This weekend, I went to a wedding in Connecticut and, on the drive from Greenwich to Hartford, in the middle of the state, was surprised to see Linda McMahon’s

Jul 31, 2020
This weekend, I went to a wedding in Connecticut and, on the drive from Greenwich to Hartford, in the middle of the state, was surprised to see Linda McMahon’s (R) Senate campaign signs outnumbering Richard Blumenthal’s (D) about 10 to 1. Blumenthal currently has but a slim lead over the former wrestling executive, to the surprise of many in the Nutmeg State. So he’s upping his game, bringing in none other than President Obama to stump with himand spending more on advertising.
In ads, he is going after McMahon’s record as an executive, focusing on her cutting workers and avoiding corporate taxes.
McMahon’s campaign has run numerous ads playing up how she headed a job-creating company, described as a producer of a “soap opera.” Here’s one:
I can’t find any detailed employment information on the WWE, but its stock shows it has not been a great long-term investment. It is currently tradingat 2001 levels.
Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke

He is an orthopedic surgeon who insists that a physician's first priority should be patient care. He specializes in minimally invasive complete knee replacement surgery and laparoscopic procedures that reduce pain and recovery time. He graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina with a medical degree and a postdoctoral fellowship in orthopedic medicine.
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