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AI Art - From Approvals To Acclaims To Aggravations

People all over the world have been praising AI art for several things, including being accessible to artists and to the aspiring ones. On one hand, many would give it a try as they explore various artistic endeavors. On the other hand, despite all the good stuff, more than a few would criticize it.

Author:Elisa Mueller
Reviewer:James Pierce
Apr 12, 2023156 Shares2.5K Views
Artificial intelligence art or AI artis a rapidly evolving field at the intersection of AI and creativity.
Machines are now trained to generate artwork or collaborate with humans to produce novel and innovative pieces.
AI art can range from purely algorithmic creations to hybrid works that incorporate human input or leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze existing art and generate new pieces.
With advances in machine learning algorithms and computer processing power, AI art is opening up new possibilities for artistic expression and challenging our understanding of what art is and how it is created.

AI Generated Images Are Getting Too Real

What Is AI Art?

AI art refers to artworks that are generated with the help of artificial intelligencealgorithms.
These algorithms can range from simple rule-based systems to sophisticated deep learning models that are trained on vast amounts of data.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence (e.g., learning, problem solving, decision making).
The use of AI in art has become increasingly popular in recent years fro two basic reasons:
  • advancements in machine learning techniques
  • availability of powerful hardware
AI algorithms can be used to generate a wide range of art forms, including:
  • paintings
  • sculptures
  • music
  • poetry

Brief History Of AI Art

You might be wondering how AI art started.
Its origins can be traced back to the 1960s, when artists began to experiment with computer programming to create artwork.
However, it wasn’t until the 1980s and 1990s that it began to gain more attention.
Artists such as British abstract painter Harold Cohen (1928-2016) created software programs that could generate original artworks.
In the early 2000s, a new approach to AI art emerged, based on machine learning algorithms that could analyze and learn from large datasets of visual images.
This approach, known as “generative adversarial networks” (GANs), was pioneered by American computer scientist Ian J. Goodfellow in 2014.
It has since become a popular technique for creating AI-generated artworks.
Today, AI art is a rapidly evolving field, with artists and researchers exploring new techniques and applications for using AI in the creative process.
An AI-generated Mona Lisa who is standing up; the oil painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
An AI-generated Mona Lisa who is standing up; the oil painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer

AI Art Pros And Cons

One of the main advantages of AI art is that it allows artists to create new and unique works of art that are not constrained by traditional artistic techniques.
For example, an AI algorithm could be trained on a large dataset of paintings and then used to generate new, never-before-seen artworks that combine elements from different styles and periods.
Another advantage of AI art is that it can help artists to explore new creative directions and push the boundaries of what is possible with traditional artistic techniques.
AI algorithms can generate complex and intricate patterns and shapes that would be difficult, if not impossible, for a human artist to create by hand.
Still, AI art also has its share of disadvantages.

AI Art Advantages

In his AI-related article published online by Artland Magazine, a source for contemporary art, Copenhagen-based gallery assistant Adam Hencz wrote:
AI systems can learn to compose original music in the style of Elvis Presley, generate paintings as if it was unique by Caravaggio, or even create motion picture and animation in collaboration with an artist.- Adam Hencz
Truly, AI art has several advantages, some of which include:
a. Creativity
New and unique art pieces that are not limited by the artist’s creativity or experience can be created.
It can generate entirely new styles and forms of art that would have been impossible to create by humans.
b. Efficiency
It can generate art pieces faster than humans.
This is particularly useful for creating large-scale artworks or generating art in bulk, such as for commercial purposes.
c. Accessibility
It can be created by anyone with access to a computer and the necessary software, regardless of their artistic abilities.
This means that AI art has the potential to democratize art creation and make it more accessible to a wider range of people.
d. Exploration
It can be used to explore new artistic possibilities and push the boundaries of traditional art forms.
It can also help artists discover new techniques and styles and create art that is more experimental and innovative.
e. Reproducibility
AI art can create exact replicas of artworks.
Such can be useful for preservation purposes or for creating prints or reproductions of popular pieces.
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This video is unavailable: Original link to video

Disadvantages Of AI Art

There are several potential disadvantages of AI art, which include:
a. Lack of originality
AI-generated art is created based on algorithms and pre-existing data.
While it may produce visually appealing artwork, it lacks the originality and creative expression of human artists.
b. Bias and lack of diversity
It can reflect the biases of the data and algorithms it is based on, leading to a lack of diversity and representation in the artwork produced.
c. Legal and ethical issues
There are concerns around the ownership of AI-generated artwork and the potential for copyright infringement.
Additionally, there are ethical questions around the use of AI in art, particularly in cases where it is used to replicate the work of human artists without their consent.
d. Dependence on technology
AI art relies heavily on technology, which can be prone to glitches and errors.
This can result in artwork that is:
  • incomplete
  • distorted
  • not representative of the artist’s intent
e. Devaluation of human art
The use of AI in art can lead to a devaluation of human artistic expression and creativity.
This can be seen as a threat to the livelihoods of human artists who rely on their work for income and recognition.
Ten colored and two black-and-white AI art portraits of the same woman, with four on each row
Ten colored and two black-and-white AI art portraits of the same woman, with four on each row

AI Art Criticism

AI art has received disapproval, perhaps even condemnation, from various quarters.
Here are some of the criticisms:
1. Lack of creativity
Some people argue that it lacks creativity and is merely a result of algorithms and programming.
They believe that machines lack the ability to create something truly unique and original.
2. Lack of emotion
Critics argue that it lacks emotion and soul.
They claim that AI cannot capture the depth and complexity of human emotions and experiences.
3. Lack of intentionality
Critics argue that it is created without intentionality, and therefore lacks meaning and purpose.
4. Ethical concerns
Some people are concerned about the ethical implications of AI art. They include these two:
  • the ownership and control of AI-generated art
  • the potential for AI-generated art to be used for nefarious purposes
5. Dependency on human input
Some critics argue that it is not truly autonomous since it requires human input in the form of data and programming.
6. Overemphasis on novelty
Critics argue that it is often valued solely for its novelty rather than its artistic value or meaning.
7. Inability to replicate the human creative process
Critics argue that AI art cannot replicate these two important things:
  • human creative process
  • the unique experiences and perspectives that humans bring to the creative process
Overall, while AI art has the potential to create innovative and interesting pieces, it is not without its concerns, not to mention, denunciations from several people.
The Portrait of Edmond de Belamy, with the face looking blurred and him in black clothes with white collar
The Portrait of Edmond de Belamy, with the face looking blurred and him in black clothes with white collar

People Also Ask

What Is An Example Of AI In Art?

One famous example of this is the “Portrait of Edmond de Belamy,” which was created by a Paris-based art collective called Obvious using a GAN algorithm.
The artwork is a portrait of a fictional person generated by the algorithm. It sold for over $400,000 at an auction in 2018.

Where Does AI Art Get Its Images?

AI art can get its images from various sources, depending on the specific technique and algorithm used to generate the art.
Some common sources of images for AI art include:
  • training datasets (e.g., ImageNet or COCO)
  • user-generated content
  • randomized inputs
  • pre-existing artwork

What Is The AI Art Generator?

An AI art generator is a type of machine learning algorithm that uses deep learning techniques to create or modify images, videos, or other forms of visual media.
These algorithms are trained on large datasets of images, and they can learn to generate new images that resemble the training data.
Some popular examples of AI art generators include the:
  • DeepDream
  • GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)
  • StyleGAN

Final Thoughts

AI art has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, and some pieces have even sold for millions of dollars at auction.
Still, it could potentially devalue human art.
AI-generated artworks principally lack one of the defining characteristics of human art: emotional connection.
On the brighter side, however, AI art has the potential to revolutionize the art world by enabling new forms of creative expression and making art more accessible to a wider range of people.
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Elisa Mueller

Elisa Mueller

James Pierce

James Pierce

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