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How Are Altcoins Used In E-commerce In 2024?

Ready to accept crypto in your online store? Dive into Bitcoin & altcoin use in e-commerce - benefits, challenges, & top altcoins to consider. Boost sales & reach new customers!

Author:James Pierce
Reviewer:Gordon Dickerson
Feb 25, 2024
In the last decade, the rise of cryptocurrencies, including bitcoinand altcoin use in E-Commerceindustry has been remarkable. Cryptocurrencies, being digital and decentralized, offer a novel approach to executing transactions online. The landscape of digital payments, previously ruled by conventional financial mechanisms such as credit cards and internet banking, is now experiencing a wave of change with the introduction of cryptocurrencies powered by blockchain technology.

Is Cryptocurrency A Feasible Payment Method For ECommerce Sites

Numerous prominent eCommerce businesses have started accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, but is this a wise choice? We will explore the pros and cons.
Integrating cryptocurrency payments into your eCommerce business can expand your customer base and accelerate the completion of transactions. Below are four key reasons why you should consider accepting payments in cryptocurrency:

Access A Wider Audience

Accepting payments in digital currency opens your business to a market filled with technologically adept customers. Additionally, by accepting cryptocurrency, you avoid the complexities of currency conversion when dealing with international customers.
Yet, venturing into international markets implies that you might have to manage overseas shipments. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that your shipping and last-mile delivery services are equipped to handle international deliveries.

Speed Up Transaction Processing

Transactions made through credit cards and bank transfers can take several hours, or even days, to complete. In contrast, cryptocurrency transactions are swift, often settling in your digital wallet within minutes, thereby allowing quicker access to funds.

Enjoy Reduced Transaction Costs

Transaction fees from credit card providers and many payment processors can reach as high as 5%. In comparison, the fees for cryptocurrency transactions are variable, yet they typically do not exceed 1.5% per transaction.
While this percentage might appear minimal, it accumulates over time, leading to significant savings in the long haul.

E-Commerce Sites Accepting Bitcoin

A variety of leading brands now welcome bitcoin along with other digital currencies. Below is a list of some online merchants and retailers where bitcoin is accepted as a form of payment:
  • Microsoft Store
  • Overstock
  • Namecheap
  • NewEgg
  • ExpressVPN
  • AMC Theatres
  • Shopify
  • Rakuten

Benefits Of Cryptocurrency In ECommerce

Bitcoin and litecoin in a shopping cart
Bitcoin and litecoin in a shopping cart

For Private Transactions And Those Wary Of Banks

Cryptocurrency enables the making of anonymous purchases online through the use of encrypted wallet addresses, akin to dealing in untraceable cash. This feature permits your customers to buy goods without revealing their personal details and allows you to conduct transactions free from concerns about privacy laws.

Minimize Fraudulent Activity And Chargebacks

Contrary to what some might think, the blockchain technology underlying cryptocurrency was designed with the express purpose of minimizing fraud. When you accept cryptocurrency, the transfer of funds is instantaneous, irreversible, and secure against forgery, significantly lowering the risk of fraudulent chargebacks or returns.

Disadvantages Of Bitcoin And Altcoin Use In ECommerce

Fluctuating Prices

Cryptocurrencies are known for their extreme price volatility, in stark contrast to the more stable value fluctuations of traditional fiat currencies. Should the value of cryptocurrencies decrease, this could lead to challenges with cash flow and disrupt everyday business activities.

Absence Of Consumer Safeguards

Credit card issuers and banks often implement robust customer protection policies to defend against unauthorized transactions. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies do not offer such buyer protections, necessitating a foundation of trust with customers who may initially be hesitant to embrace crypto payments.

Tax Obligations For Cryptocurrency

While Bitcoin itself may not be regulated, the IRS mandates the reporting of your Bitcoin transactions and any profit or loss from holding what it considers "property."
The IRS stipulates that "when a taxpayer receives virtual currency as payment for goods or services, they must calculate their gross income based on the fair market value of the virtual currency in U.S. dollars on the date it was received."

Integrating Cryptocurrency Payments Into Your Website

Many different altcoins stacked on each other
Many different altcoins stacked on each other
Before incorporating cryptocurrency as a payment option on your website, you'll need to set up the following:

Digital Wallet

To handle cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum, a digital wallet is essential for receiving, sending, and storing digital currencies. For those in eCommerce, cryptocurrency exchange wallets such as Coinbase are advised due to their ability to facilitate quicker transactions.

Shipping Considerations

By accepting cryptocurrency, you're inviting business from customers around the globe. It's crucial to assess your shipping infrastructure to avoid any potential complications with deliveries and to confirm your ability to manage overseas orders.
If necessary, enhance your third-party logistics (3PL) software and avoid committing to two-day shipping unless it's a service you can reliably provide.

Payment Processing Solutions

Several eCommerce platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce, now support integrations for cryptocurrency payments. If your chosen platform lacks this feature, seek out a cryptocurrency payment gateway that aligns with your business requirements.

Promotion Strategies

It's essential to communicate that your business now accepts cryptocurrency payments. Make this announcement via your eCommerce site, social media channels, and any other marketing resources you have access to.

Accepting Bitcoin On Your Website

To begin taking Bitcoin as a payment method on your eCommerce website, you need to incorporate a Bitcoin (BTC) payment processor into your online store. When selecting a BTC payment gateway, consider these factors to ensure it meets your needs:
  • Fees associated with cryptocurrency transactions
  • Frequency of batch payouts
  • Range of cryptocurrencies supported
  • Geographic support in terms of regions and countries
  • Customer service quality
After integrating BTC payments, highlight your forward-thinking and technological adeptness to your customers. Consider adding visible notices on your website, such as "Bitcoin Accepted Here," to inform visitors of your new payment option.

Alternatives If Direct Integration Isn't Possible

Should direct integration prove to be impractical, explore other methods like:
  • Payment Buttons -Embed a payment button on your site; the Coinbase API can be utilized to craft your own Bitcoin payment buttons.
  • Bespoke Cryptocurrency Payment Solutions -Develop a tailor-made Bitcoin API that seamlessly works with the shopping cart on your eCommerce platform.
  • Invoicing -Opt to bill your customers using invoices rather than employing shopping carts. Coinbase offers a tool specifically for generating invoices.

Future Outlook

Different altcoins in a shopping cart
Different altcoins in a shopping cart

Progress In Technology And Creativity

The field of blockchain technology and digital currencies is advancing swiftly. Developments like Bitcoin's Lightning Network, the upgrade to Ethereum 2.0, and various Layer 2 solutions aim to address scalability challenges.
Additionally, the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms presents new financial alternatives that can be incorporated into E-Commerce frameworks, opening doors to a broader array of payment methods.

Increased Adoption Of Digital Currencies

The embrace of digital currencies by leading businesses and financial entities signals a shift towards their widespread acceptance. The decision by prominent firms like PayPal, Tesla, and Overstock to accept digital currencies as a form of payment underscores their increasing credibility.
Such a trend is expected to influence smaller merchants as well, solidifying the role of cryptocurrencies in the E-Commerce landscape.
The inclination towards adopting cryptocurrencies is more pronounced among the younger population. As this group grows to represent a larger segment of the market, it is anticipated that businesses will adjust their offerings to align with these evolving preferences, particularly the acceptance of digital currencies.

Frequently Asked Questions - Altcoin Use In E-commerce

What Is Altcoin Trading?

Altcoin trading involves the buying and selling of alternative digital currencies, which encompass all cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin (BTC), the world's first cryptocurrency. By April 2022, the number of registered altcoins surpassed 18,000.

What Are The 4 Types Of E-commerce?

Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Consumer-to-Business (C2B), and Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C). E-commerce activities cover a range of transactions such as dropshipping, crowdfunding, online payments, subscription services, and the sale of digital products.

Who Created Digital Currency?

The inaugural digital currency, cryptocurrency, was developed by an individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. This groundbreaking creation occurred on January 3, 2009, with the public release of the Bitcoin software.


Bitcoin and altcoin use in e-commerce comes with its uncertainties, and it's uncertain whether it will achieve the same level of viability and sustainability as fiat currencies have globally. However, for businesses looking ahead, adopting altcoin presents an opportunity to stay relevant and keep a competitive edge as the financial domain progressively transitions to digital currencies. In the realm of e-commerce, it may not be long before altcoins begin to supplant traditional methods of online payment, such as credit cards or banking platforms.
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James Pierce

James Pierce

James Pierce, a Finance and Crypto expert, brings over 15 years of experience to his writing. With a Master's degree in Finance from Harvard University, James's insightful articles and research papers have earned him recognition in the industry. His expertise spans financial markets and digital currencies, making him a trusted source for analysis and commentary. James seamlessly integrates his passion for travel into his work, providing readers with a unique perspective on global finance and the digital economy. Outside of writing, James enjoys photography, hiking, and exploring local cuisines during his travels.
Gordon Dickerson

Gordon Dickerson

Gordon Dickerson, a visionary in Crypto, NFT, and Web3, brings over 10 years of expertise in blockchain technology. With a Bachelor's in Computer Science from MIT and a Master's from Stanford, Gordon's strategic leadership has been instrumental in shaping global blockchain adoption. His commitment to inclusivity fosters a diverse ecosystem. In his spare time, Gordon enjoys gourmet cooking, cycling, stargazing as an amateur astronomer, and exploring non-fiction literature. His blend of expertise, credibility, and genuine passion for innovation makes him a trusted authority in decentralized technologies, driving impactful change with a personal touch.
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