Having a bad credit is probably one of the most troublesome things that may happen to you. Most of the time, this won’t allow you to do things like apply for a mortgage, avail of insurance, and any other postpaid tasks.
Another thing, it can be difficult for you to get a loan. Even if you’re not planning to get one now, it will surely be a hassle if you ever face emergency situations in the future.
This being said, there’s only one question lingering — “Can you still get a loan with a bad credit score?” This is what we’re going to find out in the next sections.
Bad credit refers to a person's history of not paying debts on time, as well as the possibility that they would do so in the future. A bad credit score is frequently the result. Companies can also have negative credit if their payment history and present financial status are not in good standing.
A credit report showing a 540 credit score FICO scores range from 300 to 850, and debtors with scores of 579 or lower are typically regarded to have poor credit.
Here are some reasons why you have a bad credit score:
- Late Payments on Bills
- Reported Delinquency on Financial Accounts
- Filing of Bankruptcy
- Charge-Offs
- Loan Defaults
Basically, irresponsible financial and credit management and unforeseen spending are the top causes of bad credit scores.
You can still get a loan even with a bad credit score. Although you will still be subject to screening to know if you’re eligible and capable of shouldering your loans despite the score, this doesn’t erase the fact that you have a chance to apply for one.
There are many ways to do this, but the most guaranteed involves the bad credit loans provided by Urban BCL.
The application process will vary from lender to lender, but in terms of Urban BCL, here are the steps that you need to follow:
Fill up and submit Urban BCL’s inquiry form. Wait for details regarding the pre-approval stage. Once approved, go through the final approval stage by submitting the requirements. Collect due funds.
As you can see, the process is simple. Their agents will also get in touch with you personally, so you can expect a hands-on approach.
With a bad credit loan, a lender will allow you to get access to funds (amount may vary) despite your current bad credit score.
Approved application form They will usually base on your current financial status rather than your history. This means that you will still get your loan funds without worrying about being discriminated against based on credit score.
To wrap it up, you can definitely get a loan with a bad credit. This will be a smooth process if you know where to apply to.
In particular, you should look into the bad credit loans Urban BCL has. They guarantee people with bad credit scores a loan as long as eligible. Even so, they’re one of the few financial institutions that provide assistance despite a troubled financial status.