For many of us, without much pomp and circumstance, our menstrual flow comes and goes every month, and unless we are hoping to get pregnant or purposely keep an eye on the cycles of our body to prevent conceiving, our cycle can seem more like a monthly nuisance than anything beautiful, worth celebrating. But cycles are fantastic!
Not only are they an automatic method of self-cleaning, they also demonstrate the capacity of our body to build life, and are an important barometer of our wellbeing.
The term menstruation itself is derived from Latin and Greek and is closely connected with the phrases month and moon. The moon and our menstrual system have a long history.
Periods were honored and admired in ancient times, acknowledging the power of the moon to control menstrual cycles and even enhance fertility.
And many indigenous peoples in North America regard "moon time" as a time of healthy cleansing and proof of the divine strength of women and unique proximity to nature.
In addition, Traditional Chinese Medicine assumes that the menstrual cycle is related to the four moon-moving seasons, giving our bodies a union with the cosmos.
Since we know that the moon plays a role in the tides of the ocean and consider how our cycle closely mimics the waxing and waning of the lunar cycle, it is understandable that we are fascinated with the possibility that our own bodies may be influenced by it.
There is a strong belief that you can tune into the moon and synchronize your cycle with it and while evidence to support this is mainly anecdotal after the moon's motion over the months, it is a fantastic way to get in contact with nature and your own natural rhythms, so go with the flow.
Both signs that the hormones are out of control can be irregular periods of heavy flow or cramping.
Hormonal imbalances are very common and are mostly attributed to a variety of causes, including discontinuation of miscarriage stress by oral contraceptives or due to hormonal disorders such as perimenopause and thyroid problems with polycystic ovarian syndrome endometriosis.
Hormonal imbalances are very common and are mostly attributed to a variety of causes, including discontinuation of miscarriage stress by oral contraceptives or due to hormonal disorders such as perimenopause and thyroid problems with polycystic ovarian syndrome endometriosis.
It's a must to get a full job from your healthcare provider to find out what's going on so adding the complementary seed cycling practice according to the moon's wax and wane phases if you're erratic or are not menstruating will also help you get back on track when your cycle is out of sync.
During a particular phase of your menstrual cycle, seed cycling is a tasty practice that encourages the development of certain hormones that may be deficient or out of control.
The following seeds are readily found in supermarkets and possibly already in your pantry and contain incredible characteristics that help produce estrogen and are ideally matched to the two phases of your cycle.
Follow the moon before you start menstruating regularly. This will take at least three cycles to succeed. Until that occurs, the first day of the menstrual cycle would be one of the seed cycle protocol.
While it is not entirely scientific to use the rhythm of the moon as a method to help you get into a good menstrual groove, it is a conventional technique that is easy to follow and a pleasant way to feel a connection with nature.
As nature intended, our bodies are wonderful devices with mode and moods that react to well gentle nurturing and wholesome healthful.
Start each two week process by grinding one cup of each seed together and storing them in the fridge in a covered glass jar so they will still be ready to go put them into a smoothie or sprinkle them on oatmeal to your salad mix in yogurt blend.
follicular phase friends: This Stage involve raw cashews and pumpkin seeds that both encourage the development of estrogen to help create a healthy follicle and ready the fallopian tubes for transplantation.
Feed your phase: 2 Tbsp each of ground flax and pumpkin seeds daily
Luteal phase allies: Sesame and sunflower seeds are included, both of which facilitate the production of progesterone and provide important hormonal nutrients such as zinc and vitamin E.
Feed your phase: 2 Table spoon each of ground sesame and sunflower seeds daily