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13 Hair Care Tips For Dry Scalp - Say Goodbye To Itchiness

Caring for a dry scalp requires special attention and tailored hair care practices. Dry scalp can result from various factors such as weather conditions, hormonal imbalances, excessive washing, or using harsh hair products. However, with the right hair care tips for dry scalp, you can effectively manage and alleviate dry scalp issues, restoring balance and health to your hair and scalp.

Author:Katharine Tate
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Feb 26, 2024
Caring for a dry scalp requires special attention and tailored hair care practices. Dry scalp can result from various factors such as weather conditions, hormonal imbalances, excessive washing, or using harsh hair products. However, with the right hair care tips for dry scalp, you can effectively manage and alleviate dry scalp issues, restoring balance and health to your hair and scalp.
Treatment for dry scalp is based on what caused the condition. Should hair products be the source of the issue, you might need to thoroughly rinse out your shampoo. Shampoo residue from your shower may be causing scalp irritation.
You might be able to try home cures for your dry scalp if that doesn't work. You might need to cease using a hair care product if it is causing contact dermatitis. Dry scalp can typically be eliminated by using a mild, non-medicated shampoo. The dryness and flakes on a dry scalp can be prevented with a shampoo.
Dial your healthcare provider if your condition is being caused by a more serious health issue. A dermatologist can identify the cause of your dry scalp and provide treatment.
Here are 13 hair care tips for dry scalp you must try:

Gentle Cleansing

Opt for gentle, sulfate-free shampoos specifically formulated for dry scalp. Harsh detergents in regular shampoos can strip the scalp of its natural oils, exacerbating dryness. Look for moisturizing and hydrating ingredients such as coconut oil, argan oil, or shea butter to nourish and soothe the scalp while cleansing.

Limit Washing Frequency

Reduce the frequency of hair washing to prevent further drying out of the scalp. Washing hair too frequently can strip away the scalp's natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Aim to wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week, or even less frequently if possible, depending on your hair type and lifestyle.

Hydrating Conditioner

Use a hydrating conditioner after shampooing to replenish moisture and nourish the scalp and hair. Look for conditioners containing ingredients such as glycerin, aloe vera, or hyaluronic acid, which help retain moisture and improve scalp hydration. Focus on applying the conditioner to the lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp to prevent weighing it down.

Utilize Medicated Drugs

To treat a dry scalp, you can try using medicated products under the advice of your healthcare provider. They might advise incorporating anti-dandruff shampoos into your hair regimen, applying salicylic acid topically, or taking oral or topical prescription drugs.

Modify Your Hair Wash And Shower Schedule

While taking a hot bath or shower can be soothing, particularly in the winter, a dry scalp can benefit from the warm but not hot water temperature in the shower. Use colder water, especially when washing your hair, and try to limit the amount of time you spend in the shower so as not to overheat your scalp.
Think about washing your hair less frequently as well. It's not necessary to wash your hair every day if you have a dry scalp. Depending on your hair type, try switching to once every other day (or even once a week).

Scalp Massage

Incorporate scalp massages into your hair care routine to stimulate blood flow and promote scalp health. Gently massage your scalp using your fingertips in circular motions to help distribute natural oils and increase moisture levels. You can use a few drops of essential oil such as tea tree oil or jojoba oil for added hydration and soothing benefits.

Avoid Hot Water

Wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water instead of hot water, as hot water can strip away the scalp's natural oils and exacerbate dryness. Cooler water temperatures help seal the hair cuticles and retain moisture, leaving the scalp and hair feeling hydrated and refreshed.

Use A Humidifier

Invest in a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home, especially during dry winter months or in arid climates. Dry indoor air can contribute to scalp dryness and irritation, so using a humidifier can help maintain optimal humidity levels and prevent excessive moisture loss from the scalp and hair.

Avoid Overstyling

Limit the use of heat styling tools such as hair dryers, flat irons, and curling irons, as excessive heat can further dry out the scalp and hair. When using heat styling tools, always apply a heat protectant spray or serum to minimize damage and lock in moisture. Consider embracing air-drying or using heatless styling methods whenever possible.

Protective Hairstyles

Opt for protective hairstyles that minimize manipulation and friction on the scalp, such as braids, buns, or twists. These hairstyles help protect the scalp and hair from environmental damage and reduce moisture loss, promoting overall scalp health and hydration.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to hydrate your body from the inside out, which can help maintain scalp health and prevent dryness. Hydration is essential for overall skin and hair health, so aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to keep your scalp and hair adequately moisturized.

Consider Using Light Therapy

If you've ever used light therapy on your skin or face, you are aware of its ability to reduce inflammation and irritation. Similarly, results from light therapy applied to the scalp may be comparable. See a local dermatologist for treatment, or look into options for light therapy that you can do at home.

Consult A Dermatologist

If you experience persistent dry scalp issues despite following hair care tips, it's essential to consult a dermatologist or trichologist for professional evaluation and treatment. They can assess your scalp condition, identify underlying causes, and recommend specialized treatments or medicated shampoos to address dryness effectively.
Hair Care Tips For Dry Scalp infographic
Hair Care Tips For Dry Scalp infographic

How Can I Naturally Treat My Dry Scalp?

If your scalp is dry, you might find some relief with these natural remedies:
  • Coconut oil -This oil is very beneficial to skin health. Its antifungal and antibacterial qualities can help lower the risk of infections, and it can moisturize the scalp. Studies indicate that it might even be a major treatment for atopic dermatitis.
  • Tea tree oil - This oil relieves the symptoms of dry scalp and has potent antiseptic, antifungal, and antibiotic qualities. That's the reason tea tree oil is found in a lot of dandruff shampoos.
  • Aloe vera - Numerous qualities of this can aid in the treatment of dry scalp. It works well as a moisturizing agent and has anti-inflammatory qualities that may help lessen skin irritation.
  • Applecider Vinegar - Because it is antimicrobial, it can get rid of any bacteria or fungi that might make you scratchy. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps exfoliate the scalp.
  • Witch hazel - Traditionally used in herbal medicine, this ingredient is frequently found in anti-itch products for dry and sensitive skin. It can be used to reduce inflammation that certain conditions may be causing to cause dry scalp. Additionally, it possesses strong astringent qualities that could alleviate dry scalp symptoms.
  • Bananas -These are a great treatment for dry scalp and even dandruff because they are incredibly moisturizing when mashed.

Hair Care Tips For Dry Scalp - FAQs

What Causes Dry Scalp?

Dry scalp can be caused by various factors, including cold weather, harsh hair products, scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, and dehydration.

How Often Should I Wash My Hair If I Have A Dry Scalp?

It's best to wash your hair with a gentle, hydrating shampoo no more than two to three times a week to avoid stripping the scalp of its natural oils.

What Helps With Dry Hair Scalp?

  • Baking soda and olive oil -Baking soda has antifungal and antibacterial qualities, while olive oil is moisturizing. If you have dry scalp in addition to dandruff, this combination of moisture, exfoliation, and antifungal properties can help with those irritating white flakes.

How Can I Moisturize My Dry Scalp?

  • hydrating shampoo.
  • masks for exfoliating the scalp.
  • after-shower hair booster.
  • coconut oil.
  • essential oils, such as jojoba and tea tree.
  • Aloe vera gel or products derived from aloe vera.
  • household cures like apple cider vinegar or witch hazel.

What Hair Routine For Dry Scalp?

To prevent over-or under-shampooing, wash your hair once every two to three days. Reduce your use of heated styling tools and blow-drying. Once a week, give your scalp and hair a deep moisturizing natural oil treatment or mask.

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Dry Scalp?

After applying coconut or olive oil to the scalp, let it sit there all night. Use a gentle shampoo to gently remove the oil in the morning. Your skin will receive moisture and fatty acids from the oil, which are crucial for the regeneration of the natural sebum layer.


Caring for a dry scalp requires a gentle and holistic approach that focuses on hydration, nourishment, and scalp health. By incorporating these hair care tips for dry scalp into your routine and being mindful of your scalp's needs, you can effectively manage dry scalp issues and promote overall scalp health and hydration.
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Katharine Tate

Katharine Tate

I’m a native of Massachusetts, where I earned bachelor's degrees in Health, Science, Society, and Policy and Sculpture from Brandeis University. I enjoy assisting and inspiring women in all aspects of their lives, and I consider myself a partner in their OB an GYN treatment. I particularly enjoy forming relationships with young women and assisting them in determining their healthcare needs and goals. I love to travel, create metal and fiber art, cook, and spend time outside. Also, I’m fluent in both German and American Sign Language.
Karan Emery

Karan Emery

I'm a research scientist interested in learning more about how neural activity influences and shapes human behavior. Project design and management, data analysis and interpretation, and the creation and implementation of testing tools are among my specialties. I enjoy coming up with new ideas and coming up with practical solutions to issues that are widely applicable. My colleagues would describe me as a driven, resourceful individual who maintains a positive, proactive attitude when faced with adversity. Currently, I’m seeking opportunities that will allow me to develop and promote technologies that benefit human health. Specific fields of interest include data analytics, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
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