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How To Build An Air Hockey Table - Save Money With DIY

Are you a fan of air hockey and want to take your love for the game to the next level? Building your own air hockey table can be a rewarding and enjoyable project. Not only will you have a customized table tailored to your preferences, but it can also save you money compared to buying a pre-made one. In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to build an air hockey table from scratch. So let's get started!

Author:Paolo Reyna
Reviewer:Iram Martins
Jul 05, 2023
Are you a fan of air hockey and want to take your love for the game to the next level? Building your own air hockey table can be a rewarding and enjoyable project.
Not only will you have a customized table tailored to your preferences, but it can also save you money compared to buying a pre-made one.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to build an air hockey tablefrom scratch. So let's get started!
In this section, we will introduce the concept of building an air hockey table and highlight the benefits of taking on this project.

Materials And Tools Required

Here, we will provide a comprehensive list of all the materials and tools needed for the construction of an air hockey table. This will include items such as plywood, plexiglass, an air blower, and various tools required for the assembly.

Planning And Designing

A head with a pencil, light bulb, and arrow symbols, as well as settings options
A head with a pencil, light bulb, and arrow symbols, as well as settings options
Proper planning and designing are crucial for a successful build. We will discuss the key considerations, such as the table size, shape, and layout of the playing surface. This section will guide you through creating a detailed plan before starting the construction.

Building The Frame

The frame provides stability and support to the air hockey table. In this section, we will explain the step-by-step process of constructing the frame using the selected materials. We will also cover techniques to ensure the table's durability and strength.
Instructablessaid that the air hockey table's frame is built of 1" by 4" pine wood.

Creating The Playing Surface

The playing surface is one of the most important aspects of an air hockey table. We will guide you through the process of creating a smooth and durable surface using plywood and plexiglass. Additionally, we will provide tips on leveling the surface for optimal gameplay.
A view of the surface of an air hockey table
A view of the surface of an air hockey table

Installing The Air Blower

The air blower is responsible for creating a cushion of air that allows the puck to glide smoothly across the table. This section will explain how to install and position the air blower correctly to ensure consistent airflow throughout the playing surface.

Adding The Rails

Rails act as boundaries and prevent the puck from flying off the table during intense gameplay. We will cover the installation of rails, including the materials needed and the techniques to attach them securely.

Wiring And Electronics

The wiring and electronics are essential components for an air hockey table. In this section, we will provide instructions on wiring the air blower and installing the scorekeeping system, ensuring the proper functionality of the table.

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Finishing Touches

To enhance the aesthetics and overall experience, we will discuss various finishing touches you can add to your homemade air hockey table. This may include painting, decals, LED lights, or any other personalization options.

Maintenance And Care

To ensure your air hockey table remains in top condition, proper maintenance and care are necessary. We will provide tips on cleaning, lubricating the playing surface, and troubleshooting common issues.
According to Air Hockey Place, if you want your table to be smooth, you must use a spray silicone lubricant. This allows you to play a fast-paced game. Going overboard, on the other hand, may lead the table to become overly slick. It will be tough to anticipate the movement of the puck if you are playing on an exceptionally slick surface.

How Much It Will Cost You To Create An Air Hockey Table

Creating your own air hockey table can be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a commercial one.
While the total cost will vary depending on various factors, building an air hockey table allows you to control the expenses and customize the table according to your preferences.
An air hockey table in the background with scattered dollar bills
An air hockey table in the background with scattered dollar bills


  • Table surface- The primary component of an air hockey table is a smooth, durable surface. Depending on the size and quality, materials such as MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard) or plywood can be used. Estimated cost: $50-$150.
  • Frame and legs - Building a sturdy frame using wood or metal will provide stability and support. The cost will depend on the materials chosen. Estimated cost: $30-$100.
  • Air blower system- A powerful air blower is necessary to create the air cushion that allows the puck to glide smoothly. The cost will depend on the quality and brand. Estimated cost: $30-$100.
  • Scoring unit- Optional but recommended, a scoring unit adds to the gaming experience. Electronic or manual scoring units are available at different price points. Estimated cost: $20-$60.

Tools And Hardware

  • Basic tools- Tools like a drill, saw, screwdriver, measuring tape, and sandpaper are typically needed for construction. If you already own these tools, there will be no additional cost. Otherwise, they can be purchased or borrowed. Estimated cost: Variable or none.
  • Hardware- Screws, nails, brackets, and other fasteners are required for assembling the table. The cost will depend on the size and complexity of the table design. Estimated cost: $10-$50.

Additional Expenses

  • Paint and finish- Adding a protective finish or applying paint for aesthetics can incur additional costs. The price will vary based on the type and brand of paint or finish chosen. Estimated cost: $10-$50.
  • Accessories- Strikers (also called paddles) and pucks are necessary for gameplay. These can be purchased separately, with prices varying based on the quality and quantity desired. Estimated cost: $10-$30.

The Benefits Of Creating An Air Hockey Table

Air hockey is a popular arcade game that has gained immense popularity worldwide.
The game involves two players competing against each other on a smooth, frictionless surface using handheld strikers to hit a puck into their opponent's goal.
While air hockey tables are commonly found in arcades and entertainment venues, creating your own air hockey table can offer numerous benefits.
  • Customization- Creating your own air hockey table allows for customization according to your preferences. You have the freedom to choose the dimensions, materials, design, and aesthetics that best suit your style and space. Whether you prefer a sleek modern design or a classic wooden finish, building your own table ensures that it aligns perfectly with your taste and complements your home or recreational area.
  • Cost-Effective- Purchasing a commercial air hockey table can be quite expensive. By building your own table, you can save a significant amount of money. You have the option to source affordable materials and utilize your DIY skills to construct a high-quality table at a fraction of the cost of a store-bought one. Additionally, you can choose to use recycled or repurposed materials, further reducing the overall expense.
  • Skill Development- Building an air hockey table provides an opportunity to enhance your DIY skills and knowledge. From planning and measuring to cutting and assembling, the process involves various construction techniques. This hands-on experience can improve your craftsmanship, problem-solving abilities, and attention to detail. Engaging in such a project can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, allowing you to develop new skills that can be applied to future projects.
  • Bonding and Socializing- Having an air hockey table at home creates a fun and engaging environment for friends and family to come together and enjoy friendly competition. It promotes social interaction, strengthens relationships, and provides a platform for shared experiences and memories. Air hockey is a game that people of all ages can enjoy, making it an ideal choice for gatherings and parties.
  • Physical and Mental Stimulation- Playing air hockey provides both physical and mental benefits. The game requires quick reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and agility, which can help improve motor skills and reaction times. It also stimulates strategic thinking, decision-making, and concentration as players strategize and anticipate their opponent's moves. Regularly engaging in air hockey can contribute to improved cognitive abilities and overall mental sharpness.
  • Physical Fitness- Although air hockey may not be as physically demanding as some other sports, it still provides a moderate level of physical activity. The constant movement, striking, and reaching involved in the game can help burn calories and improve cardiovascular health. It offers a fun and entertaining way to incorporate exercise into your routine without the need for intense workouts.
  • Stress Relief- Engaging in recreational activities, such as air hockey, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. The game provides an outlet for releasing pent-up energy and tension, allowing players to unwind and have fun. The fast-paced nature of air hockey also distracts the mind from everyday worries and promotes a sense of enjoyment and excitement.
Also, according to Internet Public Library, having an air hockey table at home is a great method to stretch your limbs, increase your agility, and maintain your hand-eye coordination. It is also an excellent way to burn off any excess calories.

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People Also Ask

Can I Build An Air Hockey Table If I Have Limited Woodworking Skills?

Absolutely! Building an air hockey table doesn't necessarily require advanced woodworking skills. With proper guidance, patience, and the right tools, even those with limited woodworking experience can successfully complete this project. Take your time to understand the instructions, follow safety precautions, and don't hesitate to seek help or advice from experienced individuals if needed.

How Much Does It Cost To Build An Air Hockey Table Compared To Buying One?

The cost of building an air hockey table can vary depending on the materials and components you choose. However, in general, building your own table can be more cost-effective compared to buying a pre-made one. By sourcing materials strategically, utilizing DIY techniques, and repurposing certain items, you can save a significant amount of money. Plus, building your own table gives you the opportunity to customize it to your preferences without paying a premium for additional features.

Can I Use Alternative Materials For The Playing Surface?

While plywood and plexiglass are commonly used for the playing surface, you can explore alternative materials based on your preferences and availability. Some alternatives include high-density fiberboard (HDF), melamine-coated particle board, or even solid surface materials like Corian. Just ensure that the material you choose offers a smooth and durable surface for optimal puck glide and gameplay.

Is It Possible To Resize The Table To Fit A Smaller Space?

Yes, it is possible to resize the air hockey table to fit a smaller space. When planning and designing your table, consider the dimensions of the available space and adjust the measurements accordingly. Keep in mind that modifying the size may affect gameplay, so it's essential to maintain the proper proportions and maintain a suitable playing surface area. By scaling down the dimensions, you can enjoy air hockey even in limited spaces.

Can I Incorporate Additional Features Like Sound Effects Into My DIY Air Hockey Table?

Absolutely! Building your own air hockey table gives you the flexibility to incorporate various additional features, such as sound effects, to enhance the overall gaming experience. You can integrate speakers into the table or use a separate sound system to generate exciting sounds whenever goals are scored or the puck hits the rails. Just ensure that the sound effects are not too distracting and don't compromise the stability or functionality of the table.


In conclusion, building your own air hockey table is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a customized table that brings hours of fun and entertainment for you, your family, and your friends.
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Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna is a writer and storyteller with a wide range of interests. He graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies. Paolo enjoys writing about celebrity culture, gaming, visual arts, and events. He has a keen eye for trends in popular culture and an enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Paolo's writing aims to inform and entertain while providing fresh perspectives on the topics that interest him most. In his free time, he loves to travel, watch films, read books, and socialize with friends.
Iram Martins

Iram Martins

Iram Martins is a seasoned travel writer and explorer with over a decade of experience in uncovering the world's hidden gems. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Management from the University of Lisbon, Iram's credentials highlight his authority in the realm of travel. As an author of numerous travel guides and articles for top travel publications, his writing is celebrated for its vivid descriptions and practical insights. Iram’s passion for cultural immersion and off-the-beaten-path adventures shines through in his work, captivating readers and inspiring wanderlust. Outside of his writing pursuits, Iram enjoys learning new languages, reviewing films and TV shows, writing about celebrity lifestyles, and attending cultural festivals.
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