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How to Treat the Top 10 Injuries Caused In and Around the Home

There are a number of common injuries that happen everyday in peoples’ homes and on their way to work. Luckily, there are ways to navigate through these injuries and find the best ways to avoid them. Having an awareness of the dangers in and around your home will not only prepare you for the worst, but it will also make you more aware of what’s going on around you.

Author:Daniel James
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Dec 08, 2021
There are a number of common injuries that happen everyday in peoples’ homes and on their way to work. Luckily, there are ways to navigate through these injuries and find the best ways to avoid them. Having an awareness of the dangers in and around your home will not only prepare you for the worst, but it will also make you more aware of what’s going on around you. When you make the choice to be more mindful in your daily life, you not only reduce your risk of becoming injured, but you also help the people around you too. Consider some of the top ten injuries caused in and around the home, and learn how to treat and handle each incident in the best possible way.

Household Burns

Hot drinks cause most burns and scalds to children under the age of five and, of course, children should be kept a safe distance away from open fires, cookers, irons, hair straighteners and matches, as these can be dangerous too. Any burn should be held under cold running water for ten minutes and then assessed. Having a clean plastic bag or cling film in your first aid kit can be an ideal way to cover burns to keep them clean and help them to heal.

Objects Falling In The Home

Both adults and children are at risk of objects falling on them when walking around the home. Children are especially vulnerable especially if they have only just started moving around by themselves. They may pull objects down onto them without realizing the dangers. This means that you should be extra aware of what’s around them, from electrical leads to the edges of tablecloths. This should help to prevent these types of accidents from happening.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

When you leave your home to head out for work in the morning, you don’t expect to get into a car accident. In the U.S. every year more than three million people are injured due to motor vehicle incidents, so it’s important to be aware of what to do if you are involved. When an accident isn’t your fault, you may need an auto accident attorneyto represent you. Filing a claim for compensation will help you to gain the closure you need from the accident. It goes without saying that car insurance is vital for every driver too, no matter how short the journey may be.


Even shallow water can pose a risk to children around the home, especially at bathtime. Make sure they’re supervised at all times to avoid any unnecessary incidents. If you have a garden pond or a pool, you should always make sure there is a responsible adult nearby.


There are a number of household products that are poisonous to children and adults so make sure you keep them out of day to day reach. Dishwasher tablets, bleach and medicines should always be safely locked away to avoid swallowing.


When a part of your body such as the ankle, wrist or knee becomes twisted or torn it could be counted as a sprain. Usually an ice pack or bandage will alleviate the pain for minor sprains around the home, but seek medical attention if the pain worsens.


Bruising is extremely common especially in young children; they can trip, fall and bump into things without causing any major damage. It is however important to know how to treat a bruise, as they can become quite painful at times. Using a cold compress or a bag of frozen peas on the affected area will help to reduce any swelling or discoloration to the area. If you suspect that the bruising is severe, then it’s very important to contact a medical professional as there could be underlying issues such as broken bones or tissue damage. If the sufferer is unable to move the area where the bruise has appeared, then you should seek out the advice from a medical expert.


There are a number of different types of cuts, which range from minor to severe. When it comes to defining a cut, it usually means that there is some blood involved. For any cut make sure you apply pressure to the area in order to prevent excess blood loss. You may also want to find a first aid kit with an antiseptic wipe or cream to treat the affected area. Every situation is different, but you should use your judgement and see if stitches are required. If the bleeding stops with gentle pressure it’s usually minor and would not require any additional attention. Cuts from glass are very common around the home so make sure that any doors or tables are clearly marked so that children don’t bump into them unintentionally.


It’s no secret that choking is one of the most common injuries around the home for children. As they learn to eat solid foods and explore the world around them, they can become fascinated with putting things in their mouths. If you can’t dislodge the object immediately then call the emergency services as soon as possible.

Tripping And Falling Over Objects In The Home

Very young children and the elderly have the highest risk of tripping and falling over objects in and around the home, so it’s important to take extra precautions to maintain their safety. Luckily, children are quite robust and will often bounce back from a slight fall. However, older people are more likely to sustain long term injuries or break a bone, which could impact their health. If you know someone who has recently fallen and they display signs of drowsiness or vomiting, then it’s important to seek medical advice right away.
You may believe that some of these incidents and injuries don’t apply to you, but anything can happen to you when you least expect it. When you’re prepared for the worst it can put you in a stronger position to navigate calmly and rationally through each incident. Ultimately, your safety in and around the home is paramount, so take the time to become aware of the risks around you and how you can treat them should the worst happen.
Tripping and Falling Over Objects in the home
Tripping and Falling Over Objects in the home
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Daniel James

Daniel James

Daniel James is a distinguished gerontologist, author, and professional coach known for his expertise in health and aging. With degrees from Georgia Tech and UCLA, including a diploma in gerontology from the University of Boston, Daniel brings over 15 years of experience to his work. His credentials also include a Professional Coaching Certification, enhancing his credibility in personal development and well-being. In his free time, Daniel is an avid runner and tennis player, passionate about fitness, wellness, and staying active. His commitment to improving lives through health education and coaching reflects his passion and dedication in both professional and personal endeavors.
Karan Emery

Karan Emery

Karan Emery, an accomplished researcher and leader in health sciences, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals, brings over two decades of experience to the table. Holding a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Stanford University, Karan's credentials underscore her authority in the field. With a track record of groundbreaking research and numerous peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals, Karan's expertise is widely recognized in the scientific community. Her writing style is characterized by its clarity and meticulous attention to detail, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience. Apart from her professional endeavors, Karan enjoys cooking, learning about different cultures and languages, watching documentaries, and visiting historical landmarks. Committed to advancing knowledge and improving health outcomes, Karan Emery continues to make significant contributions to the fields of health, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
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