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Israel Witnesses One Of Its Largest-ever Protests

Israel witnesses one of its largest-ever protests, with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets across the country to demand action against the government's handling of a range of issues.

Author:Rhyley Carney
Reviewer:Paula M. Graham
Mar 13, 202321.9K Shares322.1K Views
Israel witnesses one of its largest-ever protests, with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets across the country to demand action against the government's handling of a range of issues.
Israelis demonstrated against the government's judicial plans on Saturday evening, in what organizers described as the largest street demonstrations in Israel's history.
From economic inequality to the COVID-19 pandemic, protesters came together to voice their frustration and demand change.
According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the proposed revisions will restore the balance between the arms of government by limiting the power of the courts.
Opponents say that they endanger democracy.

Israel sees its “biggest ever” protests as Binyamin Netanyahu persists with reforms

The Triggering Event

The latest round of protests was sparked by the death of a 16-year-old boy, Ahuvia Sandak, who died during a police chase in the West Bank.
Sandak was a passenger in a car that was allegedly involved in a stone-throwing incident, and the police pursued the vehicle at high speeds, leading to a crash that claimed Sandak's life.
The incident raised questions about police brutality and accountability, with many Israelis criticizing the police's use of force.

A Wider Range Of Issues

However, Sandak's death was just the tip of the iceberg. The protests quickly morphed into a wider movement against the Israeli government's handling of a range of issues, including economic inequality, corruption, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Israel has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases in recent months, leading to renewed restrictions on movement and gatherings.
Many Israelis have criticized the government's handling of the pandemic, arguing that the restrictions have been too harsh and that the economic impact has been devastating.

A Diverse Group Of Protesters

One of the most striking aspects of the protests was the diversity of the participants. Israelis from all walks of life took to the streets, from ultra-Orthodox Jews to secular Israelis, from Arab citizens to Jewish settlers in the West Bank.
Many protesters carried signs and chanted slogans that reflected their specific concerns, but all were united in their demand for change.
During one of Saturday's protests, opposition leader Yair Lapid described the current situation as Israel's "biggest crisis."
Mr. Lapid warned in the southern city of Be'er Sheva that the nation was facing an unparalleled disaster.
A wave of terrorism is hitting us, our economy is crashing, money is escaping the country. Iran just signed yesterday a new agreement with Saudi Arabia. But the only thing this government cares about is crushing Israeli democracy.- Yair Lapid, Opposition leader

The Government's Response

The Israeli government has been quick to condemn the protests, with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett accusing the demonstrators of incitement and violence.
However, many Israelis see the protests as a necessary expression of frustration and anger at a government that has failed to address their concerns.
With Israel facing a range of challenges, from the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians to the economic fallout from the pandemic, the government will need to listen to the voices of its citizens if it hopes to maintain its legitimacy and avoid further unrest.

Final Words

The recent protests in Israel have brought attention to the ongoing issues within the country, including economic inequality and political corruption.
While the government has taken some steps to address these concerns, it is clear that more needs to be done to ensure a fair and just society for all Israelis.
The protests have demonstrated the power of collective action and the importance of holding those in power accountable.
As the situation in Israel continues to evolve, it is important to stay informed and engaged with the ongoing developments.
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Rhyley Carney

Rhyley Carney

Paula M. Graham

Paula M. Graham

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