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IvernMains - The Secret Order Of The Green Father

In the sprawling realm of League of Legends, where champions of all kinds vie for victory, there exists a unique and passionate community known as "IvernMains." These dedicated players, fondly referred to as IvernMains, share an unbreakable bond with the champion Ivern, the Green Father.

Author:Iram Martins
Reviewer:Frazer Pugh
Sep 11, 2023
In the sprawling realm of League of Legends, where champions of all kinds vie for victory, there exists a unique and passionate community known as "IvernMains." These dedicated players, fondly referred to as IvernMains, share an unbreakable bond with the champion Ivern, the Green Father.
This article delves into the captivating world of IvernMains, exploring their shared love for this enigmatic champion, their strategies, and the profound impact they've had on the League of Legends community.

Who Is Ivern?

Ivern: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends

Ivern, the Green Father, is a champion in the League of Legends video game. He is a jungler who specializes in controlling the map and helping his team win through vision and objective control. He is a whimsical and mysterious forest spirit who is dedicated to protecting the natural world.
Ivern is a unique champion in a few ways. First, he cannot attack non-epic monsters. Instead, he can "free" them by speaking to them and convincing them to join his side. These freed monsters then become Daisy, Ivern's "Ward," and the Treant Protectors, which he can use to fight alongside him.
Second, Ivern's ultimate ability, Daisy's Ward, is a large, powerful creature that can be used to tank damage and deal area of effect damage. Daisy is also very mobile, making her a valuable asset in team fights.
Finally, Ivern's passive ability, Friend of the Forest, allows him to create bushes that provide vision and healing for his allies. These bushes can be used to create safe areas for his team to hide and heal, or to surprise enemies with ambushes.
Ivern is a challenging champion to play, but he can be very rewarding. He is a great choice for players who want to play a unique and supportive role in the game.
Here are some of Ivern's strengths and weaknesses:


  • Can control the map and gain vision with his bushes.
  • Can create safe areas for his team to hide and heal.
  • His ultimate ability, Daisy, is a powerful tank and damage dealer.
  • Can free non-epic monsters to fight alongside him.


  • Is squishy and can be easily killed by enemy champions.
  • His abilities have long cooldowns.
  • Can be difficult to play effectively.
Overall, Ivern is a unique and challenging champion who can be a valuable asset to any team. He is a great choice for players who want to play a supportive role and help their team win through vision and objective control.

Unearthing The Essence Of IvernMains

Hundreds of people playing video games on computers in front of them
Hundreds of people playing video games on computers in front of them
Ivernmains are a unique breed of League of Legends player. They are dedicated to the whimsical and mysterious forest spirit, and they take great pride in their mastery of his unique playstyle.
Ivern is a jungler who specializes in controlling the map and helping his team win through vision and objective control. He has a variety of tools at his disposal, including his Daisy the Ward, his Brushmaker, and his Rootcaller.
Ivernmains are known for their patience and their strategic thinking. They are not afraid to play the long game, and they are always looking for ways to create advantages for their team. They are also known for their creativity, and they are always coming up with new ways to use Ivern's abilities.
Ivernmains is a small but dedicated community. They are always willing to help each other out, and they are always looking for new ways to improve their skills. They are a valuable asset to any team, and they are sure to bring a unique playstyle to the game.

The Heart Of IvernMains

  • Devotion to Ivern -IvernMains share an unshakable love for the character's whimsical personality, magical abilities, and captivating lore. Their commitment goes beyond just gameplay – it's a genuine connection to the essence of Ivern.
  • Community Spirit -IvernMains engage in discussions, strategies, and creative content that revolve around their shared passion, creating a tight-knit community that thrives on collaboration.

Strategies And Gameplay

Ivern's support-style jungle gameplay sets him apart from other champions. IvernMains excels at harnessing his abilities to assist allies and outwit opponents in unexpected ways.
Ivernmains typically focus on the following strategies and gameplay when playing with Ivern:
  • Early game -Ivern's early game is focused on controlling the map and gaining vision. He can do this by using his bushes to create safe areas for his team to hide and heal, and by using his Rootcaller to disable enemies and set up kills. He can also use his Daisy the Ward to scout the enemy jungle and track the enemy jungler.
  • Mid-game -In the mid-game, Ivern can focus on helping his team take objectives such as the Rift Herald and the Baron Nashor. He can also use his bushes to create ambushes and surprise the enemy team.
  • Late game -In the late game, Ivern can become a powerful force in team fights. He can use his Daisy the Ward to tank damage and deal area-of-effect damage. He can also use his Rootcaller to disable enemies and set up kills for his team.
Here are some specific tips for playing Ivern:
  • Use your bushes to create safe areas for your team to hide and heal.
  • Use your Rootcaller to disable enemies and set up kills for your team.
  • Be patient and don't force plays. Ivern is a late-game champion, so focus on farming and controlling the map until you are ready to strike.
  • Be creative and innovative. There are many different ways to play Ivern, so experiment and find what works best for you.
Here are some common mistakes that Ivern players make:
  • Trying to force plays too early. Ivern is a late-game champion, so it is important to be patient and not force plays before you are ready.
  • Not using their bushes effectively. Ivern's bushes can be used to create safe areas for your team to hide and heal, or to surprise enemies with ambushes. Make sure to use them effectively.
  • Not using their Rootcaller effectively. Ivern's Rootcaller is a powerful disable, but it has a long cooldown. Make sure to use it wisely and to set up kills for your team.

Impact On The League Of Legends Community

Ivernmains have a positive impact on the League of Legends community in a few ways.
First, they help to promote a more supportive and team-oriented playstyle. Ivern is a champion who is designed to help his team win through vision and objective control, and his mains often focus on playing a supportive role. This can help to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in games.
Second, Ivernmains are often creative and innovative in their playstyle. They are not afraid to experiment with new builds and strategies, and they are always looking for ways to surprise their opponents. This can help to keep the game fresh and exciting for everyone involved.
Third, Ivernmains are a passionate and dedicated community. They are always willing to help each other out, and they are always looking for new ways to improve their skills. This can be a great resource for new players who are looking to learn more about Ivern or the jungle role.
Overall, Ivernmains have a positive impact on the League of Legends community. They help to promote a more supportive and team-oriented playstyle, they are creative and innovative, and they are a passionate and dedicated community.
Here are some specific examples of the impact of Ivernmains on the League of Legends community:
  • Ivernmains have created a number of guides and tutorials on how to play Ivern effectively. These resources have helped to make Ivern more accessible to new players.
  • Ivernmains have also organized a number of tournaments and events dedicated to Ivern. These events have helped to raise awareness of Ivern and his playstyle.
  • Ivernmains are often active on social media and forums. They are always willing to answer questions and help other players learn more about Ivern.
The impact of Ivernmains on the League of Legends community is likely to continue to grow in the future. As more players learn about Ivern and his unique playstyle, Ivernmains will continue to play a positive role in the community.

Shared Knowledge And Collaboration

  • In-Depth Guides and Resources -IvernMains frequently create guides, videos, and tutorials to help players better understand Ivern's mechanics, playstyle, and optimal strategies.
  • Theorycrafting and Discussions -The community engages in lively discussions about Ivern's matchups, strengths, and weaknesses, promoting continuous learning and improvement.

Future Of IvernMains

As League of Legends evolves, so too will the IvernMains community. Their unwavering passion for Ivern will continue to shape strategies, inspire new players, and contribute to the broader League of Legends narrative.

People Also Ask

What Is The Role Of Ivern?

Ivern is mainly used as a support “Jungler,” aiming to help his allies and protecting them with his unique set of abilities. Let's take a look at Ivern's skills and abilities—and what makes him such a terrific supporting role: Friend of the Forest: Ivern can't attack or damage non-epic monsters.

What Tree Did Ivern Cut Down?

Sacred God-Willow- Ivern, also known as The Green Father, is a heroic playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends. Originally a warrior known as Ivern the Cruel, he was the one who chopped the sacred God-Willow with his axe.

What Is Ivern's Old Name?

Ivern, known to many as Bramblefoot or the Old Woodsman, is a peculiar half-man, half-tree who roams the wilds of Runeterra, cultivating life everywhere he goes.

What Is Lillia's Relationship To Ivern?

Lillia and Ivern are both forest spirits, but they have very different personalities and roles. Lillia is a playful and carefree spirit who loves to dance and spread joy. Ivern is a more serious and responsible spirit who is dedicated to protecting the forest.
Despite their differences, Lillia and Ivern have a deep respect for each other. Lillia admires Ivern's wisdom and strength, and Ivern is fond of Lillia's innocence and optimism. They often work together to protect the forest from harm.
In the Legends of Runeterra card game, Lillia and Ivern have a champion spell called "Grovemother's Blessing." This spell creates a large area of mist that grants the allied team bonus movement speed and attack speed. The spell's flavor text describes how Lillia and Ivern work together to protect the forest:
"Lillia and Ivern dance through the forest, their movements in perfect harmony. The mist they create surrounds them like a protective embrace, shielding them from harm."
Lillia and Ivern are a powerful force for good in the League of Legends universe. They are a reminder that even the smallest creatures can make a difference.


IvernMains stands as a testament to the profound impact a shared passion for a fictional character can have on a gaming community. With their deep devotion, strategic prowess, and unyielding creativity, IvernMains illuminates the power of connection and collaboration that transcends pixels and avatars. Through the enchanting world of IvernMains, League of Legends enthusiasts have found a realm of inspiration, camaraderie, and strategic innovation that enriches their gaming experience.
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Iram Martins

Iram Martins

Iram Martins is a seasoned travel writer and explorer with over a decade of experience in uncovering the world's hidden gems. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Management from the University of Lisbon, Iram's credentials highlight his authority in the realm of travel. As an author of numerous travel guides and articles for top travel publications, his writing is celebrated for its vivid descriptions and practical insights. Iram’s passion for cultural immersion and off-the-beaten-path adventures shines through in his work, captivating readers and inspiring wanderlust. Outside of his writing pursuits, Iram enjoys learning new languages, reviewing films and TV shows, writing about celebrity lifestyles, and attending cultural festivals.
Frazer Pugh

Frazer Pugh

Frazer Pugh is a distinguished expert in finance and business, boasting over 6 years of experience. Holding an MBA in Finance from Stanford University, Frazer's credentials underscore his authority and expertise in the field. With a successful track record in executive roles and as a published author of influential articles on financial strategy, his insights are both deep and practical. Beyond his professional life, Frazer is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and cuisines. His commitment in delivering trustworthy analysis and actionable advice reflects his dedication to shaping the world of finance and business, making a significant impact through his work.
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