Izfanamdeis a website to watch Chinese anime with English subtitles. With a global rank of #6,452,404, izfanmade.com is one of the top 10 million most visited websites on the planet.
Launched on November 3, 2019, izfanmade.com has been online for almost 3 years. Each month, it serves 4,890 pageviews and reaches about 2,220 users. It makes an estimated $14.10 per month in income. Izfanmade.com is worth about $171.55.
The popularity of Chinese animation movies and TV shows has dramatically increased. A growing number of foreign anime streaming platforms have started to offer Chinese animation through the Donghua segment in addition to Chinese video streaming platforms.
The biggest and most well-known ACG (anime, comics, and games)-focused video sharing platform in China is called Bilibili. In the interim, it has branched out into more areas like music, dance, technology, life, fashion, and entertainment, gradually becoming a diverse video-sharing platform.
Prior to recently, Bilibili primarily focused on Japanese anime, but it has recently shifted its attention to Chinese animation works as well.
It has also announced and created a sizable number of original anime series, including Fog Hill of the Five Elements and Uncharted Walker. There are about 680 Chinese animated TV shows and movies on Bilibili right now, including some of the most popular and new ones.
Bilibili's real-time captioning system, known as "danmu" or "danmaku," sets it apart from competitors by displaying user comments as streams of scrolling subtitles on a video.
This creates an engaging viewing experience. Although the majority of China's major video streaming websites have embraced this comment feature, Bilibili has been the only place where the "Danmu" culture has received significant attention, with many of the site's original danmu comments going viral online.
Leading Chinese video streaming service Tencent Video is known for its vast original content library and excellent user interface.
Users can watch a variety of popular and recent Chinese TV series, anime, programs, movies, documentaries, and more on Tencent Video. Additionally, there is a considerable amount of imported media content from various nations.
Tencent has boosted his dedication to Chinse Donghua, similar to Bilibili. On Tencent Video, there are many top-notch shows and movies.
Tencent Video's catalog of Chinese animation titles numbers more than 1000, with everything from recently popular continuing series to incredibly classic works like Soul Land, The King's Avatar, Under One Person, and Mo Dao Zhu Shi.
The other leading Chinese video streaming service, iQIYI, is comparable to Tencent Video in terms of market share and substantial resources. With a variety of series in its database, this is an excellent destination if you enjoy watching Chinese animated manga and comics.
While the two sites mentioned above offer more notable instances of original anime series than iQIYI does, there are still plenty of Donghua for anime enthusiasts to binge with. There are also some great specialized book titles to be found there.
Izfanmade.com has a global Alexa ranking of #6,452,404.
Izfanmade.com is used by 0.0012% of all Internet users worldwide.
The servers for Izfanmade.com are in the US.
In addition to the Izfanmade and other websites for Chinese anime listed above, downloading anime from popular torrent websites like Nyaa, 1337x, and Anime Tosho is a good way to watch Chinese anime online with the necessary subtitles.