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Understanding The Basics Of Lupus Diagnosis And Treatment

Lupus diagnosis and treatment can seem complicated, but understanding the basics can help make it clearer. Lupus is a tricky condition where your body's immune system attacks healthy tissues.

Author:Stefano Mclaughlin
Reviewer:Dexter Cooke
Feb 20, 2024
Lupus diagnosis and treatmentcan seem complicated, but understanding the basics can help make it clearer. Lupus is a tricky condition where your body's immune system attacks healthy tissues.
Getting diagnosed involves doctors figuring out if you have lupus by looking at your symptoms and running tests like blood tests. Once diagnosed, treatment aims to manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Let's explore the basics of lupus diagnosis and treatment to help you better navigate this journey.

What Is Lupus?

Lupus, medically known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), is a chronic autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues throughout the body. This can lead to inflammation and damage in various organs and systems, including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain.
Symptoms can vary widely and may include fatigue, joint pain, skin rashes, fever, and organ dysfunction. Lupus is a complex condition with no known cure, but treatments aim to manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups through medications, lifestyle changes, and sometimes immunosuppressive therapy.

Lupus Diagnosis

Getting diagnosed with lupus means doctors figuring out if you have the disease or not. Lupus is a tricky condition because its symptoms can be like other illnesses. So, doctors use a mix of tests, like blood tests and checking your symptoms, to make sure they get it right. Let's explore how doctors diagnose lupus and what it means for you.

Clinical Symptoms

Clinical symptoms of lupus can take many different forms, from fever, exhaustion, and skin rashes to joint discomfort and swelling. The butterfly-shaped rash that spreads across the nose and cheeks and is frequently made worse by sunshine is one of the telltale symptoms. In addition, systemic symptoms like fatigue and malaise may occur, as well as hair loss, mouth sores, chest pain, and sensitivity to cold.
It's also typical to experience Raynaud's phenomenon, which is characterized by fingers and toes turning white or blue in response to stress or temperature fluctuations. The wide range of symptoms associated with lupus can vary greatly in intensity and impact various organ systems, making a diagnosis difficult and requiring a thorough assessment by medical experts.

Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests are essential for the diagnosis of lupus because they offer important information about organ function and the immune system's reaction in the body. Although not specific to lupus, the antinuclear antibody (ANA) test is frequently used as the first screening method. The majority of lupus patients test positive for it.
A complete blood count (CBC) can also be used to detect abnormalities like anemia, and tests that measure inflammation markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) can be used to detect lupus activity. In particular, urinalysis and tests for liver and kidney function are crucial for tracking organ involvement in lupus nephritis.
Together with imaging studies and clinical symptoms, these laboratory tests help to accurately diagnose and manage lupus, providing guidance for therapy choices and tracking disease activity.

Imaging Tests

Imaging studies, including CT, ultrasound, and X-rays, are useful for determining the level of organ involvement and estimating possible damage from lupus. X-rays might show abnormalities or damage to the joints, especially in lupus arthritis instances. When using ultrasounds to examine soft tissues, such the kidneys or heart, one can find structural abnormalities or inflammation.
The identification of diseases like pericarditis or lupus pneumonitis is aided by the comprehensive images of interior organs that CT scans reveal. In addition to clinical and laboratory results, these imaging investigations give medical professionals a thorough grasp of how the disease affects different organ systems, which ultimately helps them make treatment decisions and provide better care for their patients.


When lupus affects particular organs or tissues, such the skin, kidneys, or lungs, a biopsy - a technique that involves removing a small sample of tissue for evaluation under a microscope - is frequently required. Kidney samples are essential for determining the severity of lupus nephritis and directing treatment choices, whereas skin biopsies can support the diagnosis of cutaneous lupus, especially when distinctive rashes are present.
In cases of respiratory difficulties connected to lupus, lung biopsies may be carried out to assess the degree of inflammation or scarring. Biopsies help medical professionals diagnose lupus accurately and choose the best treatment plans based on the unique needs of each patient by offering comprehensive insights into tissue pathology.
A woman suffering from lupus with butterfly rash.
A woman suffering from lupus with butterfly rash.

Treatment For Lupus

Treating lupus means finding ways to help you feel better and manage the symptoms of the disease. Since lupus can affect different parts of your body, like your joints, skin, or organs, treatment can vary for each person. Doctors often use a combination of medicines, lifestyle changes, and regular check-ups to keep lupus under control.

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, or NSAIDs, are frequently used to treat lupus patients' pain and inflammation. They provide relief from symptoms like fever, aches in the muscles, and joint discomfort.
NSAIDs assist in reducing swelling and discomfort by blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins, which helps lupus patients better control their symptoms and maintain a higher standard of living. Although NSAIDs can be helpful for mild to moderate symptoms, it's crucial that patients take them with caution and under a doctor's supervision because prolonged use of the drug may result in negative side effects like gastrointestinal discomfort or kidney issues.


Strong anti-inflammatory drugs called corticosteroids, including prednisone, are commonly given to lupus patients in order to reduce immune response and ease symptoms during flare-ups. Corticosteroids provide quick relief from lupus-related pain, edema, and inflammation by acting like the body's own naturally occurring hormones.
Long-term usage of corticosteroids may be linked to a number of potential side effects, such as weight gain, osteoporosis, hypertension, and an increased risk of infections, even if they can be quite helpful in treating acute symptoms.
In order to maximize outcomes for lupus patients, healthcare professionals carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of corticosteroid therapy. They frequently use them in conjunction with other medications and lifestyle changes as part of an all-encompassing treatment plan.

Antimalarial Drugs

Lupus patients frequently receive antimalarial medication prescriptions, such as hydroxychloroquine, to alleviate joint pain, skin rashes, and extreme exhaustion, among other symptoms. These drugs have shown promise in reducing lupus inflammation and aberrant immune system activity; they were first created for the treatment and prevention of malaria.
Because of its low toxicity and possible advantages in lowering the likelihood of lupus flares and long-term organ damage, hydroxychloroquine is frequently prescribed for long-term usage. Regular monitoring by healthcare professionals is necessary to ensure the safe and effective use of antimalarial medications in patients with lupus, as these drugs can produce adverse effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort or retinal damage, although they are normally well-tolerated.


Immunosuppressants, which include drugs like azathioprine, methotrexate, mycophenolate, and cyclophosphamide, are very important for controlling lupus because they stop the immune system from reacting too strongly to the disease. By stopping the immune cells that cause inflammation and tissue damage from working, these medicines help lower lupus symptoms and stop flare-ups.
This reduces organ damage and improves the quality of life for people with lupus. While immunosuppressants can be very good at controlling disease activity, they may also raise the risk of infections and other bad effects.
This shows how important it is for healthcare providers to closely monitor each patient and regularly weigh the benefits and risks of these drugs for each individual patient. Immunosuppressants are often used with other medicines and changes to a person's lifestyle as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to improve outcomes and handle lupus well.
A man suffering from lupus with butterfly rash.
A man suffering from lupus with butterfly rash.


Biologics are a newer type of medicine used to treat lupus. They offer targeted therapy by blocking certain molecules that are part of the immune reaction, like interleukin-6 (IL-6) or B cells. One of these biologics, belimumab, is allowed to treat lupus.
It does this by blocking B-cell activating factor (BAFF), a protein that helps B cells stay alive and become active. Biologics help people with lupus who haven't responded well to traditional treatments by carefully targeting key parts of the immune system.
This lowers inflammation and disease activity. Biologics are a promising new way to treat lupus, but they may come with some risks, such as making you more likely to get infections and having bad effects on other organs. This means that healthcare professionals need to carefully consider and keep an eye on eligible patients to make sure they are using them safely and effectively.

Lifestyle Modifications

Making changes to your lifestyle is an important part of controlling lupus and getting healthier in general. Depending on your skills and preferences, regular exercise can help loosen up stiff joints, keep muscles strong, and make you feel less tired.
A healthy, well-balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins may help control inflammation and improve general health. UV radiation can make lupus flare-ups worse.
To stop this, protect your skin from UV radiation by wearing sunscreen, protective clothes, and finding shade. Taking care of your stress through mindfulness, relaxation methods, or counseling can help lower the number and severity of your lupus symptoms.
Lastly, not smoking and drinking too little alcohol are good for your health in general and may lower the risk of problems related to lupus. People with lupus can improve their quality of life and better handle their disease along with medical treatments by making these changes to their daily routines.

Lupus Diagnosis And Treatment - FAQ

What Is The Most Effective Treatment For Lupus?

Hydroxychloroquine: an antimalarial drug that is effective for treating lupus-related arthritis and rashes. It reduces flares by 50 percent and may also help prevent blood clots.

What Is The Main Cause Of Lupus?

The cause of lupus is unknown, and researchers are still trying to learn what may trigger or lead to the disease. Doctors know that it is a complex autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks the person's tissues and organs.

What Organ Does Lupus Affect First?

Certain cells and processes of the immune system have been identified as playing a role in lupus. Kidneys About one half of people with lupus experience kidney involvement, and the kidney has become the most extensively studied organ affected by lupus.


While lupus diagnosis and treatment may seem daunting, understanding the basics can empower you to take control of your health. By recognizing the symptoms, seeking medical help, and following the treatment plan outlined by your healthcare provider, you can better manage lupus and improve your quality of life.
Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and with the right support and knowledge, you can effectively navigate the challenges of living with lupus.
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Stefano Mclaughlin

Stefano Mclaughlin

Stefano Mclaughlin is a Psychologist focused on mental health, emotional well-being, and healthcare policy. He studied Psychology and Public Health at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, gaining a deep understanding of the intersection between mental health and public policy. Stefano's mission is clear: he aims to destigmatize mental health discussions, improve access to mental healthcare, and promote emotional well-being for all. Drawing from personal experiences with anxiety and depression, Stefano shares real stories to make mental health topics more relatable and less intimidating. In addition to his advocacy work, Stefano enjoys delving into books, experimenting in the kitchen, and embarking on new adventures. These hobbies fuel his creativity and inspire fresh perspectives for his advocacy work.
Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke is an economist, marketing strategist, and orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience crafting compelling narratives that resonate worldwide. He holds a Journalism degree from Columbia University, an Economics background from Yale University, and a medical degree with a postdoctoral fellowship in orthopedic medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dexter’s insights into media, economics, and marketing shine through his prolific contributions to respected publications and advisory roles for influential organizations. As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in minimally invasive knee replacement surgery and laparoscopic procedures, Dexter prioritizes patient care above all. Outside his professional pursuits, Dexter enjoys collecting vintage watches, studying ancient civilizations, learning about astronomy, and participating in charity runs.
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