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Npm Trends - Stay Up-to-Date With Popular Packages

NPM Trends allows developers to track the popularity of npm packages over time. It provides valuable insights into the most popular and trending packages in the JavaScript ecosystem. With NPM Trends, developers can quickly identify the most popular packages, as well as identify new and emerging packages that may be worth considering for their projects.

Author:Camilo Wood
Reviewer:Dexter Cooke
Mar 23, 2023
NPM Trendsallows developers to track the popularity of npm packages over time. It provides valuable insights into the most popular and trending packages in the JavaScript ecosystem.
With NPM Trends, developers can quickly identify the most popular packages, as well as identify new and emerging packages that may be worth considering for their projects.
The tool works by analyzing download statistics for npm packages over time. It then presents the data in an easy-to-use format, with graphs and charts that show the popularity of different packages over time. Users can filter the data by date range, keyword, and category to help them find the information they need.
One of the key features of NPM Trends is its ability to track the popularity of specific versions of packages. This is useful for developers who need to make sure they are using the most up-to-date and secure versions of packages in their projects.
NPM Trends also provides information on the dependencies of popular packages, allowing developers to see which packages are commonly used together.
This can help developers make informed decisions about which packages to use in their projects and ensure that they are using packages that are compatible with each other.
Npm Trends is a powerful tool that can help developers analyze package trends for the Node.js ecosystem. By tracking download and version data for packages, Npm Trends provides valuable insights into package popularity, growth, and decline.
Using these insights, developers can optimize their package selection, improving their productivity and code quality. In this article, we will discuss how to analyze npm trends and optimize your package selection.

Select A Package Category

The first step in analyzing npm trends is to select a package category. Npm Trends provides a list of popular categories, such as "Web Frameworks" and "Utility Libraries," which can be used to filter packages by category. Once a category has been selected, Npm Trends displays a list of packages in that category, along with download and version data.
After selecting a package category, it's important to compare package trends to identify which packages are growing in popularity and which packages are declining. Npm Trends allows users to compare up to five packages at once, providing a side-by-side comparison of download and version data.
To compare package trends, simply select the desired packages from the package list and click the "Compare" button. Npm Trends will display a graph of download and version data for each package, allowing users to easily compare trends over time.

Analyze Package Growth

Once package trends have been compared, it's important to analyze package growth to identify which packages are likely to continue growing in popularity.
Npm Trends provides a "Downloads per Day" graph that shows how many downloads a package receives each day. By comparing the growth rate of different packages, developers can identify which packages are likely to continue growing in popularity.

Check Package Stability

While growth is important, it's also important to check the stability of packages before selecting them. Npm Trends provides a "Dependents" graph that shows how many packages depend on a given package. Packages with a high number of dependents are more stable, as they are relied upon by a larger number of packages.

Look At Package Versions

Finally, it's important to look at package versions to ensure that a package is actively maintained and updated. Npm Trends provides a "Versions" graph that shows how many versions of a package have been released over time. Packages that are actively maintained and updated will have a higher number of versions.

use npm trends to pick a javascript dependency

By following these five steps, developers can use Npm Trends to analyze package trends and optimize their package selection. By selecting packages that are growing in popularity, stable, and actively maintained, developers can improve their productivity and code quality.
NPM (Node Package Manager) is a popular package manager for Node.js, which allows developers to install and manage third-party packages for their Node.js projects. With the ever-increasing number of packages in the NPM registry, it is important to keep track of potential security vulnerabilities in the packages being used.
This is where npm trends can come in handy. Npm trends is a tool that allows developers to track the download trends of packages in the NPM registry, including security vulnerabilities.
Here's how to use npm trends to track security vulnerabilities in packages:
  • Identify packages to monitor -The first step is to identify the packages you want to monitor for security vulnerabilities. You can use the NPM registry search function to find packages by name, keywords, or description.
  • Check the package details - Once you have identified the package you want to monitor, check its details in the NPM registry. The package details page provides information about the package, including its download statistics, dependencies, and the latest version.
  • Check for security vulnerabilities - One of the most important pieces of information on the package details page is the security vulnerabilities section. This section provides details about any known security vulnerabilities in the package, including the severity level and the affected versions.
  • Check download trends - Another way to track security vulnerabilities is to monitor the download trends of the package over time. npm trends provides a graph that shows the download trend of a package over a specified period, which can help you identify potential security vulnerabilities. If you notice a sudden increase in downloads, it may be an indicator of a vulnerability being exploited.
  • Set up alerts -You can also set up alerts to be notified when there are new security vulnerabilities in the packages you are monitoring. This can be done using third-party tools that integrate with npm trends, such as Snyk, which provides real-time alerts for vulnerabilities in your Node.js packages.
  • Consider alternative packages -If you find a package with a severe security vulnerability, it may be worth considering an alternative package with similar functionality that does not have any known vulnerabilities. You can use npm trends to compare the download trends of multiple packages and find alternatives that are growing in popularity.
Npm trends can be a valuable tool for tracking security vulnerabilities in packages used by your Node.js project.
By monitoring the download trends of packages and setting up alerts for new vulnerabilities, you can stay on top of potential security issues and take action to protect your project.
It is also important to regularly review the security vulnerabilities of packages used in your project and consider alternative packages when necessary.

People Also Ask

NPM Trends tracks the download statistics of individual NPM packages and displays them in a visual format, allowing users to compare the popularity of different packages over time.
Yes, you can search for specific packages on NPM Trends and view their download statistics over time.
Yes, NPM Trends is a free service.
Yes, NPM Trends can be a useful tool for discovering new packages that are gaining popularity in the Node.js community.
NPM Trends is updated daily with the latest download statistics from the NPM registry.
Yes, NPM Trends allows users to create custom graphs and charts based on the download statistics of individual NPM packages.
No, NPM Trends only tracks the popularity of packages on the NPM registry, which is specific to Node.js. There are other similar services available for tracking package popularity in other programming languages.


Overall, NPM Trends is a valuable tool for any JavaScript developer who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the ecosystem. By providing insights into package popularity and usage, it helps developers make informed decisions about which packages to use in their projects.
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Camilo Wood

Camilo Wood

Camilo Wood has over two decades of experience as a writer and journalist, specializing in finance and economics. With a degree in Economics and a background in financial research and analysis, Camilo brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing. Throughout his career, Camilo has contributed to numerous publications, covering a wide range of topics such as global economic trends, investment strategies, and market analysis. His articles are recognized for their insightful analysis and clear explanations, making complex financial concepts accessible to readers. Camilo's experience includes working in roles related to financial reporting, analysis, and commentary, allowing him to provide readers with accurate and trustworthy information. His dedication to journalistic integrity and commitment to delivering high-quality content make him a trusted voice in the fields of finance and journalism.
Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke is an economist, marketing strategist, and orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience crafting compelling narratives that resonate worldwide. He holds a Journalism degree from Columbia University, an Economics background from Yale University, and a medical degree with a postdoctoral fellowship in orthopedic medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dexter’s insights into media, economics, and marketing shine through his prolific contributions to respected publications and advisory roles for influential organizations. As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in minimally invasive knee replacement surgery and laparoscopic procedures, Dexter prioritizes patient care above all. Outside his professional pursuits, Dexter enjoys collecting vintage watches, studying ancient civilizations, learning about astronomy, and participating in charity runs.
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