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Prince Harry Dresses As Spider-Man For Military Kids Who Lost Their Parents

He is a superhero in the real world. Prince Harry dresses as spider-man! The bereaved children whose parents passed away while serving in the British Armed Forces received a heartfelt message from Prince Harry in the guise of Spider-Man. The message was quite touching.

Author:Paolo Reyna
Reviewer:Hajra Shannon
Dec 04, 2022
He is a superhero in the real world. Prince Harry dresses as spider-man!
The bereaved children whose parents passed away while serving in the British Armed Forces received a heartfelt message from Prince Harry in the guise of Spider-Man. The message was quite touching.
The Duke of Sussex, who lost his own mother, Princess Diana, when he was just 12 years old, gave an address in a video that was shown at the annual Christmas party for Scotty's Little Soldiers on Saturday. He explained to the children why they should not feel guilty about wanting to enjoy the holiday season.

The Duke Of Sussex's Advice While Dressed As Spider-Man

"Christmas is a time when we miss our loved ones really, really badly, and that’s OK, but at the same time, it can be possible to feel guilty for having fun without our parents," Harry, 38, said in the clip.

Prince Harry Dresses As Spider-Man In Video Message To Military Kids

He also reassured them that kids do not need to worry about feeling guilty for having fun because their parents will always want them to have fun and will never cease wanting them to do so. He said this so that they would not feel guilty for having fun.
Within this particular group of Scotty's Little Soldiers, they are not only permitted but also encouraged to have the time of their lives and live it up to the fullest.
The British royal then finished the video by stating, "So, go out there, have the best time, and Merry Christmas," while raising his mask to expose his face to the youngsters. The children were very surprised to see him.
This year's party theme was "Heroes and Villains," which is why Harry was dressed up like a superhero. Scotty's Little Soldiers is a British organization that provides support to children whose parents have passed away while serving in the armed forces.
The little children were given the mission of capturing "five villains" during their party by the man who looked to truly get into character for the film.
Harry advised the group:
You guys need to stop them from ruining Christmas, so use your teamwork, your brains, and your brawn to make sure that you do exactly that. Find them and don’t let them ruin Christmas, OK?- Harry
The children who took part in the charity event expressed their delight at having the opportunity to hear the message delivered by the prince.

A Compassionate Hero For Every Member Of The Party

Annual Christmas party for Scotty's Little Soldiers
Annual Christmas party for Scotty's Little Soldiers
Emily Reynolds, who is now 12 years old and was only seven years old when her father, Sergeant Antony Reynolds, passed away in 2018, stated in a news release that she found it "It’s cool that someone who’s been through the same experience as us is thinking about us."
“He’s not just someone who’s trying to be sympathetic, he actually knows what it’s like to grow up without your parent.”
Ben O'Donnell, who is now fourteen years old and was only nine weeks old when his father, Warrant Officer Class 2 Gary O'Donnell, passed away in 2008, said, "It’s great he wore the Spider-Man outfit. Maybe he’ll be the next Spider-Man!"
In the past, Harry has not been shy about discussing how challenging it was for him to come to terms with the passing of his mother when he was still so young.
The author of "Spare" previously stated in 2017:
I can safely say that losing my mom at the age of 12, and therefore shutting down all of my emotions for the last 20 years, has had a quite serious effect on not only my personal life but my work as well.- Spare
I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and sort of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to me from every angle.- Harry
At a speaking event in 2020, Harry shared that he had been in therapy for three yearsin order to try and overcome the “trauma” from losing his mother.
At the time, a source informed us, "He does not want [his wife] Meghan [Markle] and their son Archie to go through what he did as a child."
The couple, both 41 years old, now have two children together. In addition to their son Archie, who is 3 years old, the couple also has a daughter named Lilibet Diana, who is 1 year old. Lilibet Diana was named in part after her late grandmother.
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Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna is a writer and storyteller with a wide range of interests. He graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies. Paolo enjoys writing about celebrity culture, gaming, visual arts, and events. He has a keen eye for trends in popular culture and an enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Paolo's writing aims to inform and entertain while providing fresh perspectives on the topics that interest him most. In his free time, he loves to travel, watch films, read books, and socialize with friends.
Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannon

Hajra Shannona is a highly experienced journalist with over 9 years of expertise in news writing, investigative reporting, and political analysis. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Columbia University and has contributed to reputable publications focusing on global affairs, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Hajra's authoritative voice and trustworthy reporting reflect her commitment to delivering insightful news content. Beyond journalism, she enjoys exploring new cultures through travel and pursuing outdoor photography
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