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Reiki Practicing For Beginners: What To Expect And How To Do It Correctly

Reiki is a great form of healing therapy most people should consider learning. This guide is about what makes Reiki good and how you can learn Reiki course online.

Author:Daniel James
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Jul 09, 2021
Going through different types of therapywill make you experience a lot in life. We are talking about therapies that help you release your inner energy to heal your body better. This time around, we will focus more on Reiki.
Someone who has never heard about Reiki might be wondering what it is all about. Do not worry as we will look at it in detail here. Let us get into the guide already.

What Is Reiki?

What is reiki
What is reiki
We can define Reiki as a form of therapy that involves using the internal body energy for healing. The therapy has its origin in Japan and was developed by Mikao Usuiback in the 1920s.
In the Japanese language, “reiki” means experiencing universal life energy. Reiki practitionersclaim our bodies comprise of different energy fields. When these fields are disrupted, then you start to experience health problems.
The purpose of practicing Reikiis to help in realigning the different energy fields that you have. Such include physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.
A practitioner will move their handles above or on your body during a reiki session. This is to help with balancing the flow of your energies. After a good reiki session, you are likely to end up feeling relieved and better than before.
Reiki supporters agree that it can reduce anxiety, perception of pain, stress, and so much more. We will learn more about its health benefits in this guide to understand what you are likely to get with Reiki.
There is still a lot of misinformation about Reiki out there. As such, you can always take a reiki course online to learn more about the practice and improve your life.


Reiki is now practicedaround the world. However, it hails from Japan, where it was practiced for years before other countries started to pick it up.
Reiki is based on the teachings of Mikao Usui, who was a lifelong spiritual leader and a lay monk. During his time, the various Japanese spiritual themes coexisted side by side, sharing the knowledge and teachings. Such themes include the Buddhists, the Taoists, and the Shintos.
Usui’s spiritual practices were intense to the point more people were willing to learn about the practice. That is how it culminated in Reiki in the 1920s.
Usui seeing that more people were willing to learn more about the practice, he dedicated four years of his life traveling to offer his teachings. During these four years, he mentored more than 2,000 students.
Being a student is one thing from being a master. Out of the 2,000 students, only 16 were appointed as the Reiki masters.
One of the masters was Chujiro Hayashi, who had worked as a naval office before. Hayashi, together with Usui, went on to make Reiki quite popular in Japan and other neighboring counties.
Hayashi later opened a Reiki clinicin Tokyo and started offering the teachings and practice to the city dwellers.
Each time a person came to the clinic for healing, he or she ended up being a devoted student. This is because the practice worked good for them.
Most people visiting the clinic had medical conditions such as asthma, chronic pain, and more. Since more people would now see the benefits of Reiki, it was easier to offer the teachings.
Hawayo Takata, a student of Hayashi, was the first one to bring Reiki to Hawaii. This was in 1937, making it the first time Reiki had crossed over the continents. It did not take long before the practice got to the US mainland.
Takata went on to practice Reikifor 40 years before she began training masters to take over the practice. Today, there are many Reiki masters around the US and the world. They have continued to spread the benefits associated with Reiki to the masses. You can become a master when you consider taking a Reiki course.

How Reiki Works

How reiki works
How reiki works
During your Reiki certificationclasses, you will learn about how it works and the proper way of administering Reiki.
Still, on how it works, you can say Reiki treatmentwill lessen the impact of stress by releasing the tension from your entire body. When this happens, a person can now move towards the body, mind, and spirit's unique balance. Having the right balance eliminates the chances of experiencing health problems.
So, how does Reiki help in removing tension and healing your body? That question is still yet to be answered fully; however, several reports have documented the benefits of Reiki.
When you have a Reiki session, you will end up with a lowered heart rate, fewer stress triggers and hormones, increased immune performance, and so much more.
Each person will have a different response to Reiki. However, one thing to note is that more people feel relieved once they go through a session. It has been effective to a point some researchers claim that the spiritual level is triggered based on a sub-physical level. You might as well as call it a biofield.
To help you further understand how Reiki works, you can take it as meditation. This is because several pieces of evidence show that the two are closely related. The only difference is that the practitioners guide you into a state of realigning your energies.
As a treatment, Reiki is offered in abbreviated treatments. In such a case, Reiki would be administered to specific areas of the body one at a time.

Health Benefits Of Reiki

Health benefits of reiki
Health benefits of reiki
At this point, the chances are you are considering to learn Reikito see what more it can do in your life. Learning more about its health benefits should help in understanding Reiki even more. Here are some of the health benefits you should expect from Reiki.

1. Relieving Fatigue, Pain, And Anxiety

Several random Reiki trials show that the practice is good at relieving pain,anxiety, and fatigue. A study in 2015 showed that people who were undergoing cancer treatment were always stressed. However, when they were subjected to a Reiki treatment, it helped in reducing their stress levels. It is about giving it a chance to see how best it can work for the different health conditions you might be experiencing. We had likened it to meditation. We all know that when you have a lot of things off your mind, then you can relax better.

2. Good For Treating Depression

Reiki should be part of your depression treatment. Since the treatment can relieve pain, stress, and fatigue, it is easy to see how it can be good for treating depression.
To help in effectively treating depression, you have to consider taking several treatments over several weeks. This will help in aligning your energies to heal better.
Those who had depression claimed that Reiki helped them feel more relaxed and further improve their self-care levels. With improved self-care, you are sure such a person would take good care of themselves than before.

3. Enhancing The Quality Of Life

Another reason to opt for Reiki is that it will enhance the quality of life. It does not have to good for only those who are sick, but even if you are healthy, you also need Reiki.
Studies show that Reiki sessions are good for improving sleeping patterns, reduce depression levels, relaxing, enjoying inner peace, and more. It is easy to see how Reiki would enhance life quality when you use it more often.

4. Boosting Your Mood

Boosting your mood is another common benefit you will get when using Reiki. Each time you have a Reiki session, the depression and anxiety levels drop, then it is easy to see that your mood will improve.
Generally, people who opt to take upon Reiki end up feeling good compared to those who do not use it.
You can take sessions lasting up to 30 minutes a few times a week. The experience will be quite transforming. It is easier to find many people going for it once they know how relaxing it can be.
With the improvement in your moods, it is always easier to relate with other people.

5. Improving Symptoms Of Various Conditions

Depending on how Reiki is administered, then it can help in improving various symptoms of different conditions. It is why the practice is used to treat headaches, tension, nausea, and insomnia.
The relaxing feeling you get from Reiki goes a long way in improving these conditions. However, a lot more research has to go into understanding if Reiki can treat other conditions.

Important Reiki Principles You Should To Boost Your Well-Being

Reiki principles
Reiki principles
Reiki Philosophyis based on five main principles. When you understand these principles, you would learn Reiki or enjoy it even more during a session.
So, what are these principles? We will check them out below to help you understand how to enjoy Reiki for your well-being.

1. For Today, I Release My Angry Thoughts

It is possible to get angry. Many things in life can make you angry. What is important is how you deal with anger.
Based on Reiki teachings, we find that anger does not come from the outside events, but it is rather one of the energies in the body. So, there is a need to correctly release this energy to achieve the best balance.
Without the correct balance of the energy, you would end up having issues in your life. It is why, after a Reiki session, you will no longer be feeling angry.

2. For Today, I Release My Worry

Another thing you are likely to feel more often is being worried. People are often worried about something that is yet to happen. They would feel like they have no control over such things. However, Reiki is here to help you deal with any worry you might be experiencing.
Those who worry more often need to get themselves Reiki sessions to calm their nerves.
Reiki will be an ideal avenue for releasing this negative energy from your body. You can have several Reiki sessions to help deal with your anxiety issues.

3. For Today, I Am Grateful For Life

Before someone goes through a Reiki course, their thoughts would be that Reiki is only for those who might be sick, stressed, or fatigued. However, Reiki applies to different people, even those who are healthy.
Sometimes all you want is to express gratitude for your life. By taking a Reiki session, it helps you to slow down enough to appreciate what you have in life. You are also likely to foster more positive energy after learning that your life is better.
Some people tend to push themselves too much to the point they get worried about their life when it is good. Take a break occasionally to appreciate what you have in life.

4. For Today, I Open To Expanding My Consciousness

Reiki is essential for balancing your energy while at the same time, help you practice mindfulness. This principle is all about being more conscious about what you do with your life.
When you are open to opening your consciousness, then it becomes easier for you to have a positive look at your life to make it better.

5. For Today, I Am Gentle With All Beings

You might have been experiencing a lot of negativity lately, and all that can change when you embrace Reiki.
This principle helps us understand the importance of being kind to other people and how other people can give back the same energy.
If you can show other people that you are gentle and caring, then your life also improves as they will be gentle with you.
Also, being gentle with yourself can be good for improving your spiritual health.

Reiki First Session: What To Expect

Reiki first station
Reiki first station
As part of the Reiki certification course, you will learn how to make your client feel comfortable before, during, and after the session.
If you are new to Reiki, do not worry as it will not be nerve-wracking. All you have to do is relax and be ready to enjoy the whole session.
We will look at some tips to help you get your mind at ease during the first Reiki session.

1. Get A Reliable Practitioner

For your first Reiki session, you need someone who knows what they are doing. It is why you are advised to take your time to choose the right and reliable practitioner.
Since you can get a Reiki course online, many people can access it. That does not mean everyone would be good at it.
It is why you have to look for a reliable and qualified practitioner to make the whole experience better.
We will look at tips on choosing the best Reiki practitioner later in the guide, so keep reading.

2. The Setting

As much as there are no protocols on where you can conduct Reiki, we always find that a quiet setting would be ideal for you to experience the most benefits.
Most Reiki practitionerswould have a room dedicated to handling the customers. This will help the client to relax and forget about their worries.
Depending on the practitioner, it can still be arranged for the master to come to your home. Sometimes people would feel more comfortable in their homes.

3. Sometimes Interviews Are Carried Out

The Reiki practitioners can sometimes opt for an interview to better understand the client before getting down to the session.
Interviews are common when you are looking to treat some medical conditions. The interview helps the Reiki master know which techniques to use on a client to make the results better.
Not all practitioners will interview a client before a session. They might, however, ask you to sign a consent form.
Do not worry as the practitioner will take you through the whole process before a Reiki session begins.
Always ask about the session if you have any questions. Having more answers should leave you feeling comfortable.

4. Complete Session Details

Some people might be wondering if they have to be naked or wearing clothes during a Reiki session.
Well, a complete session will be offered to a client wearing clothes while lying on a table or sometimes sitting on a comfortable chair.
The Reiki touch is considered non-invasive and light. As such, not many people would feel uncomfortable when the Reiki session is going on.
The practitioner will place the hands through a series of locations depending on the desired output.
The practitioner can offer additional placements on limbs if you have an injury or recently had surgery.
At no point is the touch supposed to inappropriate or intrusive. When you feel that is the case, you can always point it out to the practitioner.

5. What You Should Do During The Session

What is important during the first Reiki session is that you remain relaxed to enjoy the whole process.
If you find some good music for relaxation, you can request the practitioner to play in the background.
It is also advisable to use the restroom before the session. As such, you would be able to lie down comfortably without worrying about going to the restroom anytime soon.
If you are shy about being touched by someone else, then ask the practitioner about where to expect the hands before the whole process can start. This gives you an idea of what to expect about where you will be touched.
Always let the practitioner know your needs before the session can start. A good example is that some people might have a problem breathing when lying flat. Others might have had surgery recently and it will be painful touching such an area.
As the session progresses, you should feel more relaxed. In case you become uncomfortable, adjust your position to make it easier to enjoy the whole process.

Possible Reiki Side Effects

Reiki side effects
Reiki side effects
As much as Reiki is a good form of therapy, some people would be concerned about the possible side effects.
The side effects are not many, and they would vary depending on the user. Here are some of the common after-effects of Reiki.

1. Discomfort When Undergoing The Session

During Reiki, the room might be dimly lit, thus making some people feel uncomfortable about the whole process. It might be why some would consider asking the session be done in their homes where they feel comfortable.
When the discomfort becomes too much, it could lead to an inability to relax, anxiety, and sometimes panic attacks.

2. A Few Cases Of Dropping In Oxygen Levels In The Blood

It is not the most common side effect, but it has happened to a few people before. Some related such scenarios to negative placebo effects. Nevertheless, if you feel that you cannot breathe properly during the session, communicate it with your practitioner. Sometimes the practitioner can allow you to take breaks between the sessions to help you regain better control of your breathing.

3. You Can Face Increased Tiredness

Some anecdotal reports show that most people would feel more relaxed after aReiki session. However, some might feel unusually tired. Some practitioners will claim that you feel this way because the body is now healing.
In addition to feeling tired, some are likely to experience weakness, headaches, and stomachaches.
As much as the side effects can happen, they are usually not common. You will find that it is a small percentage of the people who use Reiki sessions experience such.
Do not let the mentioned side effects scare you from taking a Reiki online course or try out Reiki sessions. The experience is often different from one person to another.

How To Find The Best Reiki Practitioner Or Teacher

It is always nice to get your Reiki certification from a qualified teacher or practitioner. The last thing you want is to end up with the wrong techniques for conducting Reiki.
The same thing applies to those who want to hire a practitioner for a series of Reiki sessions. It will help if you find the right person for the job.
Let us look at some of the tips you need to keep in mind when hiring a Reiki practitioner or teacher.

1. Look For Personal Recommendations

One of the things that most people would have on their minds includes who else has used the teacher or practitioner before?
At this point, it would be best if you consider seeking recommendations from friends and relatives who have used practitioners before.
Having a positive reference is always good to pick someone to give you the best Reiki sessions.
Sometimes other professionals would refer you to related practitioners. Let us say you know people who are massage therapists, psychologists, or chiropractors. Such can be a good source to help you find a great Reiki practitioner.

2. Opt For Reiki Events Open To The Public

From time to time, Reiki practitioners would hold public events to sensitize people about the practice. It is during such events that you can learn more about what to expect during a Reiki session.
It would also be an excellent event to socialize with many practitioners to better understand the practice before choosing the right one to handle your sessions.
Always talk to as many of them as possible to understand their experience and techniques.

3. Ask At Your Local Hospital

What if you found a Reiki practitioner in the hospital? Yes. Some hospitals run Reiki programs, and some have the Reiki practitioners as part of their staff.
It should be more comforting when your Reiki practitioner or teacher is part of the hospital staff. It shows that such a person has the right qualifications to deliver the best results.

4. The Internet Is Your Friend

You might also want to consider using the Internet to research more about the different Reiki practitioners. This is because people who have used such a practitioner would leave their reviews online.
Reading through the reviews helps you to learn more about what a practitioner can do. If the practitioner has many negative reviews, you might want to reconsider the whole engagement with such a person.

5. Evaluate The Practitioner Or Teacher Qualifications

This is another important consideration when looking for a Reiki practitioner. You do not want to get someone who is unqualified to pass unverified techniques onto you.
Ask about the level of Reiki the practitioner is and the experience too. These two will often help you understand if the Reiki master is good for you or not.
Any qualified practitioner would always display their certificates to assure you that you are engaging the right person for the job.

3 Levels Of Reiki Mastery

Reiki mastery
Reiki mastery
If it seems like Reiki is something you would want to do, then it is worth understanding the various levels involved in making you a master of the practice.
Several components in the Reiki process would be standardized, but some will be taught differently depending on the master.
You might have heard of the term attunementwhen learning about Reiki. Attunement is a ceremony that Reiki masters will perform at each level that you pass to expand your energy channels. The process largely varies from one master to the other.
Here is a breakdown of the different levels so that you can know which one would be great for you.

Level 1: Shoden (The First Degree)

Every Reiki certification course will start here. It will be the first thing a practitioner has to go through before becoming qualified.
This level is all about opening the energy channels, mostly on a physical level. As such, the student would be able to connect with the universal life force energy. The energy flows through the head and down to the hands and heart.
The masters would encourage the students to practice Reikion themselves first to understand how it works before performing it on other people.
It is during this level that you would also learn more about the history of the practice.

Level 2: Okuden (The Second Degree)

When you get to Level 2, you are ready to learn how to practice Reiki on other people while at the same time open deeper energies.
Students will also receive their symbols during this level.
The five symbols include power, distance, harmony, completion, and mastery. The students are supposed to use these various symbols to harness the universal energy and further improve their channeling capabilities.
These symbols are also great for the masters to provide Reiki over long distances from wherever they are to the rest of the world. The same can be used for sending the healing energy to where it is needed most anywhere in the world.

Level 3: Shinpiden And Reiki Master (The Third Degree)

Some Reiki masters can separate the Shinpiden and Reiki Master into two parts while overs treat them as the same.
When you get to Level 3, you are at the same level as the teacher. As such, you can now attune new students.
When you become a Reiki master, it means that you will now have a deep commitment to practicing Reiki. This ensures that those that learn from your methods get them right.
Now that you know more about the Reiki levels go ahead and try out our Reiki course online. It will help you learn about the practice so that you can start the journey towards being a Reiki master.

How To Start Your Own Reiki Practice

Reiki practitioner room
Reiki practitioner room
If you are reading this part, then Reiki seems interesting to you so far. Now that you know the benefits associated with Reiki, it might be the time you started your practice.
Like any other business and profession, there are some things to keep in mind. The last thing you want is to overlook some things that might end up affecting your practice.
Let us look at some of the tips to keep in mind when starting a Reiki practice.

1. Get The Right Certifications

It is crucial that you take a Reiki course before trying to start your practice. The last thing you want is to end up being a quack at your job as a Reiki practitioner.
The good thing about getting the certification is that the whole process is easy. Now that you can take the Reiki course online, it becomes easier for everyone to get the training and start the treatments.
To start your own practice, you will only need the first level training. However, to start teaching other people on practicing Reiki, you need to have certifications in all the levels.
Once you are a master in all three levels, it will be easier to give Reiki attunementsto the students. More people would be comfortable visiting your practice as they know you have the right mastery of the skill.

2. Be Comfortable With Reiki Techniques

Do not be in a hurry to set up the Reiki practice when you have not yet mastered the Reiki techniques. We recommend that you take the time first to work under a master for several months or longer before setting up your practice.
You could also consider doing Reiki on a personal level by doing self-treatments then move to treat your friends and family members.
If their feedback is all good, then you know that you have what it takes to make a good Reiki practitioner.

3. Understand The Law Surrounding Such A Practice

Another thing to keep in mind is the law surrounding the practice.
Let us say you have done a Reiki course online, and now you have a certificate showing that you are a qualified practitioner. You cannot just go ahead and start your practice. There is the need to understand the law about you running such a practice.
Depending on your location, you might have to get an additional license before you can start to operate as a Reiki practitioner. Considering that Reiki can be a spiritual healing art, then you will have to get ordained as a minister in some states.
So, consider calling your local city hall to learn more about such licenses. No one wants to be with a client and then ordered to shut down because of having the wrong license.
Another thing to consider is getting yourself liability insurance. This is crucial for protecting yourself against possible lawsuits in the future.
Sometimes you might need the client to sign a release form stating that Reiki is not a medical care substitute.

4. Find The Best Work Location

The location for setting up your practice is crucial to its success. It must be in a location that people will easily access as they desire.
Having a private practice is often a dream of many practitioners. Some would start in their homes or small offices and expand their space depending on their client base.
However, some can still work in nursing homes, pain management clinics, hospitals, and spas offering their services to potential clients.
The good thing about working in a hospital is that the insurance claim fillings and appointment setups would have been handled already.
Depending on the insurance cover, some cover Reiki treatment, while others do not cover. Make sure to inquire about this before trying to use it for your next Reiki appointment.

5. Gather The Right Equipment And Supplies

You will enjoy working as a Reiki practitioner only if you have the right equipment. One of the most essential pieces of equipment is the massage table. This will be essential for ensuring that the clients are comfortable.
For those who plan to make home visits or give Reiki treatments in hotel rooms, consider buying a portable massage table.
The other supplies and equipment you need include table accessories, blankets, tissues, pillows, bottled water, swivel chair with rollers, freshly cleaned linens, and more.

6. Start To Advertise Your Practice

If you do not advertise your business, then it becomes hard for people to know about it. It is why we recommend that you invest more in advertisements to have more people learn about the practice.
Word of mouth can be powerful too. When you do a good job, it is possible to have many more people coming to your practice without a lot of advertising.
You should consider internet marketing too. This is where you invest a lot more in social media marketing and other forms of online presence. Now that people are always looking for information online, it would be nice to have resources about your practice online.

7. Come Up With The Right Fees For The Sessions

If it seems more and more people are inquiring about your Reiki services, go ahead and come up with the right fees for the practice.
When it comes to setting up the fees you want to charge, consider being competitive but do not undercut your prices. Consider doing a cost-benefit analysis of the business to see how much you would charge to make a profit. This is considering the expenses you might have to incur too.


Reiki is what you need when it is time to balance your inner energies and achieve inner peace. You are likely to get many people going for such a practice as they know it will generally help them achieve the best inner balance.
Looking at the various benefits of the practice, there is so much more to experience. Some use Reiki to deal with various medical conditions. The best part is that it works. With all the many positive reviews of the practice, it is why more people would opt for it.
If you want to become a Reiki master, then it is crucial that you look at a Reiki online course to start the whole process. It is not hard, and you might complete your level one qualification in no time. Those who get to level 3 find it easier to channel their energies into other people and help them deal with various conditions.
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Daniel James

Daniel James

Daniel James is a distinguished gerontologist, author, and professional coach known for his expertise in health and aging. With degrees from Georgia Tech and UCLA, including a diploma in gerontology from the University of Boston, Daniel brings over 15 years of experience to his work. His credentials also include a Professional Coaching Certification, enhancing his credibility in personal development and well-being. In his free time, Daniel is an avid runner and tennis player, passionate about fitness, wellness, and staying active. His commitment to improving lives through health education and coaching reflects his passion and dedication in both professional and personal endeavors.
Karan Emery

Karan Emery

Karan Emery, an accomplished researcher and leader in health sciences, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals, brings over two decades of experience to the table. Holding a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Stanford University, Karan's credentials underscore her authority in the field. With a track record of groundbreaking research and numerous peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals, Karan's expertise is widely recognized in the scientific community. Her writing style is characterized by its clarity and meticulous attention to detail, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience. Apart from her professional endeavors, Karan enjoys cooking, learning about different cultures and languages, watching documentaries, and visiting historical landmarks. Committed to advancing knowledge and improving health outcomes, Karan Emery continues to make significant contributions to the fields of health, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
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