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Nipple Skin Tag - What Is It And How To Remove Skin Tags On The Nipple

Skin tags on the nipple are common since skin tags can appear anywhere on the body, including under the breast. These tags are benign growths of skin with no tendency for malignant transformation. They form when friction occurs from the rubbing of skin folds on each other.

Author:Stefano Mclaughlin
Reviewer:Karan Emery
Oct 09, 2023
Skin tags on the nipple are common since skin tags can appear anywhere on the body, including under the breast.
These tags are benign growths of skin with no tendency for malignant transformation.
They form when friction occurs from the rubbing of skin folds on each other.
The skin tags are attached to the skin with a soft, thin fibrous stalk and differ in size ranging from 1mm to 1cm.
Even though they are not concerned with it, they can still be inconvenient and uncomfortable, especially in areas like the nipple.

Skin Tags - What they are and how to treat them

What Is The Inconvenience Of Skin Tags On The Nipple?

Waking up to find a skin tag on your nipple can be an alarming and terrifying experience, especially if it’s your first time to have skin tags.
Although benign, skin tags on the nipple can be a cause of further complications, such as inflammation when it rubs itself to your bra or fitting tops.
Most people want it removed because it doesn’t only give them discomfort, but awkwardness and embarrassment, especially for those in relationships.
And most times, you have to be extra careful with everything that has to do with your breast so as not to irritate your skin tag.
Sleeping positions should also be observed, or else you might lay flat on your skin tag.
For mothers with newborn babies, skin tags on the nipple might prove a problem.
Breastfeeding might not be an option unless the skin tag would be removed.

What Causes Nipple Skin Tags?

We already know that skin tags grow and form in areas where there is friction. Various factors affect the formation and growth of skin tags.
One of those factors is the weight of a person.
The more fats a person has, the more skin folds to create friction, the more it is likely to produce skin tags.
Although it says that the friction is caused by skin-to-skin rubbing, for nipple skin tags, there are plenty of ways the skin can cause friction, especially for women.
Skin tags forming on the nipple are not new for pregnant women.
In most cases, skin tags are expected to grow.
As a result of the bulging and larger stomach, the breast and stomach can rub against each other and produce skin tags.
That is the reason why the most common location of skin tags in the breast is under it instead of it being on the nipple.
For new mothers, skin tags can grow on the nipple due to constant friction when the baby sucks the nipple.
In the long run, breastfeeding will no longer be a safe option for mothers because sucking skin tags would irritate and cause inflammation that could lead to further problems.
For younger women, skin tags can form due to the rubbing of the breast to the material.
Tight-fitting clothes and bras that don’t fit well anymore could cause friction when the breast rubs on it.
Another cause is piercings on the nipple.
Piercings plus bra is not a good idea, especially since the pierced part of the nipple could rub on both the piercing and bra.
It will irritate the nipple and cause it to form skin tags, which would further complicate the whole thing.

How To Remove Skin Tags On The Nipple?

One thing that you should know is that skin tags are harmless and non-cancerous, except for the fact that they can be a cause of discomfort.
Aside from that, skin tags are not good to look at, especially in unusual places. Having extended skin hanging on your body is unsightly.
That is why many people opt to have it removed rather than keep it.
The good news is that skin tags can be removed, even by yourself.
There are various ways by which you can have your skin tags on the nipple be removed, either by yourself or with the help of a medical practitioner.
The removal of skin tags is quite expensive, especially if you have more skin tags that you want to be removed.
That is why many people choose to remove it themselves or buy over-the-counter products to cut the cost, although this may not seem safe for most.
It should be noted, though, that removal of skin tags by a doctor is not covered by insurance because it is considered cosmetic unless your reason for removing it is because it poses a problem to your day-to-day engagements.
But having a professional remove it would give you peace knowing that you are safe from any possible complications.
We have listed below the different ways to remove skin tags on the nipple.

Home Remedies For Removing Skin Tags

Home remedies for skin tags
Home remedies for skin tags
Since skin tags are not harmful and don’t require a doctor’s attention, you can choose home remedies to remove your skin tags.
You can do it with products that you have in your kitchen. Home remedies work by drying out the skin tag and letting it shrink in size and fall.
After that, you’re good as done.
Below are the lists of home remedies that you can use to remove your skin tag on the nipple.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oilis a 100% oil that has antiviral and antifungal properties and is safe to use on the skin. Using this product will take you at least 3 to 6 weeks before you can get rid of your skin tag.
In using tea tree oil, wash the affected area first.
Then apply a small amount of the oil and gently lather it over the skin tag. To avoid infections, cover your skin tag with a bandage overnight.
Repeat doing it until the skin tag falls off.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cideris also an effective way of treating skin tags. Its acidity helps in breaking down the tissue surrounding the skin tag, which then causes it to fall.
Just like the tea tree oil, apply a small amount of apple cider vinegar to the affected area. But you just have to wrap it with a bandage for 15 to 30 minutes.
After that, you rinse it off with warm and clean water. Repeat the cycle until the skin tag falls off.

Banana Peel

You might be thinking about how a waste product such as a banana peelhelps in getting rid of skin tags.
Like the fruit itself, banana peels have properties that can help our skin. It helps dry out a skin tag, which in turn can help in making the skin tag fall off.
You just have to place the banana peel, preferably a piece of it, over the skin tag.
And then, you cover the skin tag with a bandage along with the banana peel.
It is better to do it every night until the skin tag falls off.
So if you have banana peels in your kitchen and you have a skin tag, don’t throw it out yet.


Garlicis known for its several benefits to the body.
Eastern medication uses garlic as one of the main medicines to cure illnesses.
One benefit of garlic is its ability to reduce inflammation, which makes it a good remedy for skin tags.
To use garlic, you have to crush or grind it first before you apply it over the tag.
Cover it with a bandage to avoid having the garlic fall off instead of the skin tag.
You leave it overnight, then wash the area in the morning.
Do it repeatedly for the coming days until your skin tag disappears.

Over-the-Counter Products For Removing Skin Tags

Aside from home remedies, over-the-counter products can also safely remove skin tags, although they would cost more than what you can find in your kitchen.
Below are some products you can opt to use:

Compound W Skin Tag Remover

This skin tag removercomes with a tag target patch that would help target the skin tag instantly without harming the healthy surrounding skin.
Compound W removes the skin tag by freezing it.

Claritag Advanced Skin Tag Removal Device

Developed by dermatologists, the Claritag Advanced skin tag removal devicecontains unique cryo-freezing technology.
It uses extremely low temperatures to destroy unwanted skin tissues such as skin tags. This device effectively and painlessly removes skin tags, with minimal effort on your side.

HaloDerm Skin Tag Corrector

HaloDerm skin tag correctoris acid-free, which makes it a gentle substance for all skin types.
Aside from that, it is safe to use on the face and other parts of the body, such as the nipple.


TagBandlooks like a string that cuts off the skin tag’s blood supply.
One of the good things about this is that it is designed in a way that doesn’t cut into the skin. It just stops the blood flow without actually harming your skin.
TagBand has a high removal success rate, and results can be observed within days.

Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Away Wart Remover

Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Awayis a doctor-recommended product that can be bought even without a prescription.
Although it says wart remover, it can also instantly freeze and remove skin tags, just as how liquid nitrogen works.

Surgical Procedures For Skin Tag Removal

Skin tag removal
Skin tag removal
If you are keen on using over-the-counter or at-home products in removing your skin tag, you can opt to consult a doctor.
Although it would cost you more, at least you will be relieved knowing that a professional took care of your skin tag and possibly further complications.
Below are lists of surgical procedures that your doctor might employ to remove your skin tag:


Cauterization is a process that uses heat to shrink and remove the skin tag.
This may not seem a good option for skin tags on the nipple as it may irritate or burn the nipple.
To know if this is safe and best for you, you have to discuss it with your doctor as he is the one who is knowledgeable about skin tags.


One way of removing skin tags is by freezing them using extremely low temperatures, which is typically known as cryotherapy.
During cryosurgery, your doctor will spray a small amount of liquid nitrogen to freeze your skin tag and prevent it from growing.


Surgery to remove a skin tag is done by simply cutting the skin tag at its base using surgical scissors or a scalpel.
For women, having someone remove a skin tag on the nipple would be embarrassing, but it is much better than doing it alone and opening doors of complications.

When To Use And Not To Use Home Remedies?

Not all the time is it safe to use home remedies to remove your skin tag.
There are exceptional moments or factors that you need to consider before you choose how to remove your skin tag.
If your skin tag is very large or long, it is best not to remove it on your own using home remedies.
Seek medical attention and let your doctor decide what is best for it.
If your skin tag is painful, bleeding, and itchy, don’t touch it without sanitizing your hands first, as it may cause more infections on your skin tag.
Moreover, don’t resort to home remedies as they may further infect and irritate your skin tag.
If bleeding happens, consult a medical specialist immediately as it may have underlying conditions.

How To Prevent Skin Tags From Growing On The Nipple?

Avoid nipple skin tags
Avoid nipple skin tags
Prevention is better than cure. Just as something can grow, it can also be prevented from growing.
Skin tags are no exception and can be stopped from forming as well.
Below are some ways to prevent skin tags on the nipple from growing:

Weight Loss And Fit Lifestyle

Too much fat produces many skin folds, which then produces skin tags by constant rubbing against other skin folds.
For pregnant women, having a bulging stomach can rub against the breast, which may also cause a skin tag.
Since skin tags are associated with weight, it is best to stay fit.
Whether pregnant or not, staying fit is a lifestyle and a choice, and not just a necessity out of fear of having a skin tag.
Medical studies have indicated that skin tags can be diagnosed as pre-diabetes symptoms.
That is why skin tags are common in obese people.

Use Powders To Reduce Friction

One way to stop a skin tag from forming is to use friction-reducing powders so the skin or nipple will have smooth contact with one another.
To avoid the further formation of a skin tag on your nipple, apply medicated powders on your chest and breast before you wear your bra or shirt.

Avoid Wearing Tight-fitting Clothes

As you can observe, tight-fitting clothes make your skin rub against the material.
That rubbing may cause a skin tag to grow.
To avoid it from happening, it is much better to use loose clothing, especially your top. Aside from that, be sure to wear only bras that fit well and not too small for you.
Jewelry could also make a skin tag to form as it rubs with your skin, too, just like nipple piercings.
Overall, there is nothing to worry about when you have a skin tag on your nipple unless it becomes painful and irritated.
As always, the best thing to do is to immediately seek a medical specialist’s attention to further discuss what could be done to your skin tag.

Skin Tags (Acrochordons) | Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

People Also Ask

What Causes Skin Tags On Nipple?

When skin folds rub against one another, such as in the neck, under the breasts, or in the armpits, or even when you wipe your eyes too much, skin tags are frequently developed.
Dermatologist Amelia K. Hausauer, Director of Dermatology at Aesthetx, says that these growths frequently appear where skin contacts clothing, such as a bra strap.

Can Skin Tags On Breast Be Cancerous?

Skin tags are benign growths made up of blood vessels and the protein collagen, which is present throughout the body.
Skin tags do not need to be treated.
It's possible to confuse a malignant development for a skin tag.

Can A Bra Cause Skin Tags?

Skin tags can develop on runners due to the repetitive friction, tighter-fitting running apparel, and sports bras.

Why Am I Suddenly Growing Skin Tags?

Skin tags develop when extra cells proliferate in the epidermis.
They are more prevalent in people who are overweight and have folds of skin because they tend to form when the skin rubs against itself.
They increase in size in both men and women and are more prevalent in older individuals and those with type 2 diabetes.

How Do I Get Rid Of Skin Tags On My Breasts?

Treatment options for benign skin tags include surgically removing the tag with sterile scissors, freezing it with liquid nitrogen, and electrical burning, or cautery.
Often, these procedures can be accomplished with little discomfort.

Do Skin Tags Fall Off On Their Own?

If the tissue has twisted and died from a lack of blood supply, skin tags may occasionally fall off on their own.
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Stefano Mclaughlin

Stefano Mclaughlin

Stefano Mclaughlin is a Psychologist focused on mental health, emotional well-being, and healthcare policy. He studied Psychology and Public Health at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, gaining a deep understanding of the intersection between mental health and public policy. Stefano's mission is clear: he aims to destigmatize mental health discussions, improve access to mental healthcare, and promote emotional well-being for all. Drawing from personal experiences with anxiety and depression, Stefano shares real stories to make mental health topics more relatable and less intimidating. In addition to his advocacy work, Stefano enjoys delving into books, experimenting in the kitchen, and embarking on new adventures. These hobbies fuel his creativity and inspire fresh perspectives for his advocacy work.
Karan Emery

Karan Emery

Karan Emery, an accomplished researcher and leader in health sciences, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals, brings over two decades of experience to the table. Holding a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Stanford University, Karan's credentials underscore her authority in the field. With a track record of groundbreaking research and numerous peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals, Karan's expertise is widely recognized in the scientific community. Her writing style is characterized by its clarity and meticulous attention to detail, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience. Apart from her professional endeavors, Karan enjoys cooking, learning about different cultures and languages, watching documentaries, and visiting historical landmarks. Committed to advancing knowledge and improving health outcomes, Karan Emery continues to make significant contributions to the fields of health, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
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