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Skincare Brand "Uncover" Is Targeting One Of The World’s Most Underserved Beauty Markets

Skincare brand "Uncover" is targeting one of the world’s most underserved beauty markets. Uncover is redefining beauty standards, fostering cultural sensitivity, and setting new industry benchmarks for representation, all while addressing the unique skincare needs of individuals with African heritage. Embrace a skincare revolution that celebrates diversity with Uncover.

Author:Karan Emery
Reviewer:Stefano Mclaughlin
Oct 06, 2023
In a groundbreaking move, a skincare brand "Uncover" is targeting one of the world’s most underserved beauty markets. The skincare brand "Uncover" has set its sights on transforming the beauty industry by addressing the unique needs of the African skincare landscape.
This in-depth exploration delves into Uncover's mission, the challenges faced by African consumers in the beauty industry, and the innovative strategies employed by the brand to carve a niche in this dynamic and culturally diverse market.

Why African Skincare Is So Underserved?

The global skincare industry has seen remarkable growth and innovation, yet the skincare needs of individuals with African heritage have remained significantly underserved.
This phenomenon can be attributed to a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and economic factors that have perpetuated a lack of representation and attention to the unique characteristics of African skin. In this exploration, we delve into the reasons behind the underservicing of African skincare, shedding light on a critical aspect of the beauty industry's diversity challenge.

Historical Stigmas And Stereotypes

The roots of the under servicing of African skincare can be traced back to historical stigmas and stereotypes. Eurocentric beauty standards have long dominated the industry, perpetuating the notion that skincare products designed for lighter skin tones are universally applicable.

Lack Of Representation In Research And Development

African skin exhibits diverse characteristics, including a higher melanin content, which demands specialized formulations. However, the underrepresentation of people with African heritage in research and development processes has resulted in a dearth of products catering to their specific needs.

Economic Disparities

Skincare product development requires significant investment in research, testing, and marketing. Economic disparities have contributed to a lack of investment in creating products tailored to the diverse needs of African skin, as brands often prioritize markets perceived as more lucrative.

Limited Understanding Of African Skincare Needs

A lack of understanding of the diverse skincare needs across the African continent has impeded the development of effective products. Different climates, skin types, and cultural practices demand a nuanced approach that is often overlooked by mainstream skincare brands.

Global Beauty Industry Bias

The global beauty industry, historically centered in Western markets, has perpetuated a bias that fails to recognize the diversity of beauty standards worldwide. This bias marginalizes the significance of skincare needs specific to African consumers.

Cultural Appropriation And Misrepresentation

Instances of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation in skincare marketing further exacerbate the problem. Brands sometimes adopt elements of African culture without a genuine commitment to understanding and addressing the unique skincare concerns of African individuals.

Market Size Perception

Brands may perceive the African skincare market as smaller compared to other regions, leading to a reluctance to invest in dedicated product lines. This perception overlooks the vast and diverse consumer base across the continent.

Lack Of Advocacy And Consumer Awareness

African consumers themselves may not be aware of the importance of advocating for products that cater to their specific skincare needs. Limited consumer awareness can contribute to a cycle of underservicing perpetuated by the lack of demand.

Impact Of Colonial History

Colonial history has left a lasting impact on beauty standards, with European ideals often being imposed and internalized. This has led to the sidelining of indigenous beauty practices and the natural skincare routines of African communities.

Changing Dynamics And Emerging Opportunities

Despite the historical challenges, there is a gradual shift in dynamics. The emergence of brands like Uncover, explicitly focusing on the needs of African skin, signals a growing recognition of the untapped potential in this market.

Uncover's Mission

Demand for beauty and personal care is increasing rapidly in Africa, but there is still a gap in what is available to consumers. Fake cosmetics and skin-whitening products can endanger consumers, while global brands imported to the continent are frequently expensive and not tailored to Black skin.
Now, skincare brand "Uncover" is targeting one of the world’s most underserved beauty markets. Uncover, a Kenyan startup founded by three women in 2020, wants to change that.
According to Sneha Mehta, the company's CEO and co-founder, it has created a line of cosmetics that cater to the needs of African women. She believes the startup has a good chance of creating something popular in the African market because each product has been tried and tested by focus groups in either Kenya or Nigeria (where the startup is currently active).
For example, one of Uncover's best-selling products is sunscreen. According to Jade Oyateru, the startup's COO and co-founder, while demand for sunscreen is increasing among African women, they frequently complain that it leaves a ghostly white layer on their skin. According to her, Uncover responded by developing a hydrating and fast-absorbing sunscreen that does not leave a white cast.
A woman holding Skincare Brand "Uncover" product
A woman holding Skincare Brand "Uncover" product
The African identity pervades the product's ingredients, which each contain a plant native to the continent. The sunscreen contains cooling aloe vera, while the vitamin C serum contains baobab, which helps to reduce redness, and the toner contains rooibos leaf extract, which is anti-aging.
Uncover's products are currently made in laboratories in South Korea, a world leader in beauty technology. Mehta says she would like to start manufacturing in Africa within the next ten years, but the infrastructure is currently inadequate, and she does not want to compromise on quality.
Africa's beauty and personal care market is expected to grow by more than $5 billion between 2021 and 2026, according to Technavio, a global market research firm. This potential has enticed global players such as L'Oréal and Rihanna's Fenty Beauty to sell on the continent, but their products are still primarily aimed at Western markets, according to Mehta.
Rubab Abdoola at Euromonitor International believes that developing skincare products for African consumers will help homegrown brands like Uncover differentiate themselves from global cosmetic giants. She has also researched the African beauty industry.
She continues:
Although multinational brands still have a strong reputation on the continent and are perceived as being a status symbol in some cases, very often one of the complaints that consumers have is that these companies do not have products that have been developed by taking into account the skin of the African woman and the African climate.- Rubab Abdoola

African Skin Care

According to Uncover's Oyateru, urbanization and a young population are some of the main drivers behind the booming African beauty market, but there is still a significant knowledge gap. "Women know that they want to get into skincare and beauty and cosmetics, but they struggle to find the right products and the right information,"she explains.
Uncover hopes to contribute to the solution by providing digital tools on its website and engaging social content. Customers can schedule virtual consultations with an in-house aesthetician, and there is a free skin quiz on the website that can recommend products and nutrition tips based on a few questions.
The quiz offers valuable marketing information. Oyateru says:
Based on the data we’ve been able to collect, we understand women who have acne-prone skin, we understand women who have dry skin, and the kinds of products they buy.- Jade Oyateru
So far, this method appears to be effective. Since 2020, Uncover has grown its digital audience to over 170,000 people and raised $1.5 million in funding. While it is primarily focused on Kenya and Nigeria, it has received interest from other African countries as well as diaspora communities around the world.
According to Oyateru, the startup will look to expand into other countries such as South Africa and Ghana in the next two to five years, with the goal of becoming a pan-African brand. The long-term goal is to change beauty standards throughout the continent.
Our products don’t just “address how you look, but (also) how you feel,”says Mehta. “We’re building a brand … to ensure that anyone, whether it’s a woman of color, somebody with acne or somebody with hyperpigmentation, loves the skin they’re in.”

Cultural Sensitivity And Representation

Understanding the cultural nuances and diverse beauty standards across Africa, Uncover prioritizes representation in its marketing and product development. By featuring a spectrum of skin tones and celebrating the beauty of African heritage, the brand endeavors to empower consumers and foster a sense of pride in their unique identities.

Community Engagement And Empowerment

Beyond skincare, Uncover engages with local communities to promote skincare education and empowerment. Initiatives include workshops, educational campaigns, and collaborations with local influencers to create a dialogue around beauty standards and self-care practices tailored to African lifestyles.

Overcoming Industry Stereotypes

Uncover confronts industry stereotypes by challenging the notion that beauty standards should conform to Western ideals. Through thought-provoking marketing campaigns and strategic partnerships, the brand endeavors to reshape perceptions and foster a global appreciation for the diversity of beauty.

Global Recognition And Impact

As Uncover gains traction, its impact reverberates globally. The brand's success in addressing the needs of the African skincare market serves as a testament to the potential for inclusivity in the beauty industry. Uncover's journey becomes a source of inspiration for other brands to adopt more diverse and culturally sensitive approaches.

Future Prospects And Expansion

With an initial focus on the African market, Uncover's success paves the way for potential expansion into other underserved beauty markets worldwide. The brand's innovative approach positions it as a trailblazer, challenging the status quo and setting new standards for inclusivity in the global skincare landscape.

Uncover Impact On Global Beauty Industry

The beauty industry, traditionally dominated by Eurocentric standards, has been undergoing a transformative shift in recent years. Brands like Uncover are playing a pivotal role in challenging established norms and reshaping the landscape by focusing on the unique skincare needs of individuals with African heritage. Here, we delve into the impact of Uncover on the global beauty industry, exploring how it is contributing to a more inclusive and representative paradigm.

Championing Diversity And Inclusivity

Uncover stands out as a trailblazer in championing diversity and inclusivity within the beauty industry. By explicitly targeting the underserved African skincare market, the brand is sending a powerful message that beauty comes in diverse forms and that skincare products should cater to the unique needs of all skin types.
Screenshot of Uncover website
Screenshot of Uncover website

Setting New Standards For Representation

The impact of Uncover is evident in its commitment to setting new standards for representation. The brand recognizes the importance of inclusivity not only in its product formulations but also in its marketing and brand messaging. This commitment challenges the industry to broaden its scope and cater to the diverse global population.

Educational Initiatives For Skincare Empowerment

Uncover goes beyond product development by engaging in educational initiatives. These initiatives empower consumers with knowledge about their skin and encourage a more informed approach to skincare. By fostering a sense of empowerment, Uncover contributes to a cultural shift where consumers demand products that align with their unique needs.

Market Expansion And Potential

The impact of Uncover extends to the potential expansion of the beauty market. By tapping into the underserved African market, Uncover not only addresses a long-standing gap but also demonstrates the vast and untapped potential of diverse beauty markets worldwide. This expansion challenges traditional perceptions about market size and demands a more inclusive approach from other beauty brands.
The formulations developed by Uncover to address the specific needs of African skin are influencing broader product formulation trends. The emphasis on hyperpigmentation, sun protection, and hydration sets a precedent for the industry to adopt a more nuanced and tailored approach to skincare, recognizing the diverse needs of global consumers.

Cultural Sensitivity And Authenticity

Uncover's impact is deeply rooted in its commitment to cultural sensitivity and authenticity. In an industry sometimes criticized for cultural appropriation, Uncover's approach sets a standard for authenticity and respect. This commitment resonates with consumers who increasingly value brands that authentically embrace and celebrate diverse cultures.

Inspiring Competitors To Embrace Diversity

The impact of Uncover extends beyond its own brand to inspire competitors to embrace diversity. As Uncover gains recognition and success, other beauty brands are prompted to reassess their strategies and prioritize inclusivity. This ripple effect contributes to a more significant industry-wide transformation.
Uncover products
Uncover products


What Is The Mission Of The Skincare Brand "Uncover"?

Uncover aims to revolutionize the beauty industry by addressing the unique skincare needs of the underserved African market, promoting inclusivity and representation.

What Challenges Does The African Beauty Market Face?

The African beauty market faces challenges such as a lack of products tailored to diverse skin tones, hyperpigmentation, and unique environmental factors.

How Does Uncover Tailor Its Formulations For Diverse Skin Tones?

Uncover crafts skincare formulations specifically designed for diverse African skin tones, addressing concerns like uneven skin tone, sun protection, and hydration.

Why Is Cultural Sensitivity Important For Uncover?

Uncover recognizes the diverse cultural standards across Africa and prioritizes cultural sensitivity in its marketing and product development to empower consumers.

How Does Uncover Challenge Industry Stereotypes?

Uncover challenges industry stereotypes by confronting the idea that beauty standards should conform to Western ideals, reshaping perceptions globally.

What Is The Impact Of Uncover On The Global Beauty Industry?

Uncover's success in addressing the needs of the African skincare market sets new standards for inclusivity, inspiring a more diverse and culturally sensitive approach globally.

How Is Uncover Redefining Beauty Standards?

Uncover is redefining beauty standards by promoting inclusivity, challenging the status quo, and inspiring a paradigm shift in how beauty is perceived globally.


The skincare brand "Uncover" is targeting one of the world’s most underserved beauty markets. Uncover emerges as a transformative force in the beauty industry, redefining beauty standards and championing inclusivity.
By addressing the specific needs of the underserved African skincare market, Uncover not only creates groundbreaking products but also sparks a larger conversation about the importance of diverse representation in the beauty industry. The Uncover effect is poised to leave an indelible mark, inspiring a paradigm shift in how beauty is perceived and celebrated on a global scale.
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Karan Emery

Karan Emery

Karan Emery, an accomplished researcher and leader in health sciences, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals, brings over two decades of experience to the table. Holding a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Stanford University, Karan's credentials underscore her authority in the field. With a track record of groundbreaking research and numerous peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals, Karan's expertise is widely recognized in the scientific community. Her writing style is characterized by its clarity and meticulous attention to detail, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience. Apart from her professional endeavors, Karan enjoys cooking, learning about different cultures and languages, watching documentaries, and visiting historical landmarks. Committed to advancing knowledge and improving health outcomes, Karan Emery continues to make significant contributions to the fields of health, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
Stefano Mclaughlin

Stefano Mclaughlin

Stefano Mclaughlin is a Psychologist focused on mental health, emotional well-being, and healthcare policy. He studied Psychology and Public Health at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, gaining a deep understanding of the intersection between mental health and public policy. Stefano's mission is clear: he aims to destigmatize mental health discussions, improve access to mental healthcare, and promote emotional well-being for all. Drawing from personal experiences with anxiety and depression, Stefano shares real stories to make mental health topics more relatable and less intimidating. In addition to his advocacy work, Stefano enjoys delving into books, experimenting in the kitchen, and embarking on new adventures. These hobbies fuel his creativity and inspire fresh perspectives for his advocacy work.
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