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Walmart Orientation - A Comprehensive Guide For New Employees

Ace your Walmart Orientation with this step-by-step guide, covering everything from company culture to job-specific training. Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and how to make a good impression.

Author:Paolo Reyna
Reviewer:James Pierce
Nov 12, 2023
Walmart orientationserves as the crucial first step in welcoming and integrating new employees into the company's dynamic workforce. This initial onboarding process is a one-day training session that all newly hired Walmart employees, regardless of their role or department, are required to attend. It plays a fundamental role in shaping the employee's experience, providing them with a foundational understanding of what it means to be a part of the world's largest retailer.
Walmart orientation is not merely a formality but a strategic approach to prepare new team members for success within the organization. It is meticulously designed to introduce them to various aspects of the company, ensuring they are well-equipped with the essential knowledge and tools to perform their job effectively.
Walmart recognizes the diverse needs and circumstances of its new employees and, as such, offers flexibility in the format of its orientation programs. Depending on the specific location and the nature of the job, these orientations can be conducted in various formats, including in-person, online, or a combination of both. This adaptability ensures that each employee can embark on their Walmart journey in a way that best suits their needs and the requirements of their role.
In-person orientations are often conducted at Walmart's physical locations, such as stores, distribution centers, or corporate offices. They involve face-to-face interactions with supervisors, trainers, and fellow employees. On the other hand, online orientations are designed for the convenience and accessibility of employees. These digital orientations can be completed remotely, which is particularly beneficial for employees who may not be located near a physical Walmart facility or have scheduling constraints.
Walmart orientation is designed to ensure that new team members not only understand their roles and responsibilities but also feel part of the larger Walmart family from the very beginning.

What To Expect At Walmart Orientation

Welcome And Introductions

The orientation will begin with a welcome from a Walmart manager. The manager will introduce themselves and other members of the Walmart team who will be leading the orientation. You will also have the opportunity to introduce yourself and get to know other new employees.

Company Overview

During the company overview, you will learn about Walmart's history, culture, and values. You will also learn about Walmart's mission and vision, and its commitment to customer service.

Workplace Safety

Walmart takes workplace safety very seriously. During the workplace safety training, you will learn about Walmart's safety procedures and how to stay safe on the job. This will include topics such as fire safety, electrical safety, and lifting safety.

Walmart Policies And Procedures

Walmart has a variety of policies and procedures that all employees must follow. During the Walmart policies and procedures training, you will learn about these policies and procedures, so that you can ensure that you are in compliance. This will include topics such as dress code, attendance policy, and timekeeping procedures.

Customer Service Skills

Walmart is committed to providing excellent customer service. During the customer service skills training, you will learn about Walmart's customer service standards and how to provide a great customer experience. This will include topics such as how to greet customers, how to answer customer questions, and how to resolve customer complaints.

Job-specific Training

The final part of the orientation will cover job-specific training. You will learn about the specific duties and responsibilities of your job, as well as how to use any equipment or software that you will be using on the job.
For example, if you are hired as a cashier, you will learn how to operate the cash register, scan items, and process payments. If you are hired as a stocker, you will learn how to stock shelves, rotate inventory, and build displays.
Here are some additional tips for what to expect at Walmart Orientation:
  • You will be required to complete some paperwork, such as a W-4 form and an I-9 form. You will also need to provide proof of residency and proof of your Social Security number.
  • You will have the opportunity to tour the store and meet your new manager and colleagues.
  • You will be given a break for lunch.
  • You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification on anything that you are unsure about.

How Long Is Walmart Orientation

A walmart orientation class
A walmart orientation class
Walmart Orientation typically lasts for about 8 hours, but the duration of Walmart orientation can vary depending on several factors, including the specific position, the location of the store or facility, and the format in which the orientation is conducted. Typically, Walmart's in-person orientation sessions last one full day. This one-day training program covers various aspects of the company, such as its culture, policies, safety procedures, and job-specific training.
For online orientations, the length of the program may vary. Online orientations are often designed to be self-paced, allowing new employees to complete the required modules and assessments on their own schedule. The time it takes to finish an online orientation may vary based on the employee's ability to progress through the content and complete any associated quizzes or assessments.
In some cases, especially for certain job roles or departments with more specialized training requirements, the orientation process may extend beyond a single day, involving additional training sessions or on-the-job training.
It's important to note that the specific duration of the orientation will be communicated to new employees during the onboarding process. They will receive details about the schedule and content, so they know what to expect and how long the orientation will last.

Prepare For Walmart Orientation

  • Review Orientation Materials -If you've received any orientation materials or documents in advance, make sure to review them before the orientation day. This can include information about the company's policies, dress code, and other essential guidelines. Familiarizing yourself with these materials will help you be better prepared and may enable you to ask more informed questions during the orientation.
  • Dress Appropriately -It's important to adhere to the company's dress code even on your first day of orientation. Dress in a clean and appropriate manner. The attire may vary depending on the role and location, so if you're uncertain, it's better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.
  • Bring Required Documentation -Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and identification with you. Walmart may require specific documents for tax and employment purposes. These could include a driver's license or other photo ID, Social Security card, and any other documents outlined in the pre-orientation materials or instructions.
  • Arrive Well-Rested and Alert -The information presented during orientation is essential for your role and understanding the company's culture. Be well-rested and alert, so you can absorb the information effectively. Avoid staying up late the night before or engaging in activities that might leave you fatigued.
  • Pack Snacks and Water -Depending on the location and schedule, you may not have a long lunch break during orientation. It's a good idea to bring some snacks and water to stay energized and hydrated throughout the day.
  • Consider Transportation and Parking -If you're attending an in-person orientation at a Walmart location, plan your transportation and parking in advance. Make sure you know the location, its parking facilities, and any specific instructions for new hires.
  • Ask Questions with Confidence -While it's mentioned, it's worth emphasizing the importance of asking questions during orientation. Don't hesitate to seek clarification or additional information on any topic. Your inquisitiveness demonstrates your engagement and eagerness to learn.
  • Be Positive and Open-Minded -Approach the orientation with a positive and open-minded attitude. It's your first step toward becoming a part of the Walmart team, so stay enthusiastic about the opportunities that lie ahead. Positivity and a willingness to adapt to new information and procedures will serve you well in your Walmart career.
  • Network and Connect -Orientation is not just about learning; it's also an opportunity to start building relationships with your colleagues. Be friendly, engage with your fellow new hires, and begin forming the connections that can be valuable throughout your Walmart journey.
  • Set Personal Goals -Think about what you want to achieve during your orientation and beyond. Setting personal goals for your time at Walmart can help you stay focused and motivated. These goals could include mastering a specific skill, achieving a particular level of customer service, or building positive working relationships with your team.

What To Wear To Walmart Orientation

You want to make a good impression on your new employer and colleagues at Walmart Orientation, so it's important to dress professionally. This means wearing clean, neat clothing that is appropriate for a workplace setting.
Here are some specific tips:
  • Avoid wearing shorts, tank tops, or flip-flops. These items are too casual for a professional workplace.
  • Choose clothing that fits well and is comfortable to move around in. You will be on your feet for most of the day, so you want to be sure that your clothes are comfortable.
  • Avoid wearing too much jewelry or makeup. You want to look professional, but you don't want to be too flashy.
Here are some specific outfit ideas:
  • For women -A skirt or pantsuit with a blouse or button-down shirt is a good choice. You can also wear a dress, but make sure it is not too short or revealing.
  • For men -A pair of slacks with a button-down shirt and tie is a good choice. You can also wear a polo shirt, but make sure it is tucked in.
If you are unsure about what to wear, it is always better to err on the side of caution and dress more conservatively. You can always ask your new manager or another Walmart employee for advice.
Here are some additional tips for dressing for Walmart Orientation:
  • Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed.
  • Avoid wearing any clothing with offensive or suggestive language or images.
  • If you have any piercings or tattoos, make sure they are covered up.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that you can walk in all day.
By following these tips, you can dress appropriately for Walmart Orientation and make a good impression on your new employer and colleagues.

Things To Bring To Walmart Orientation

A group of people standing in front of a Walmart store.
A group of people standing in front of a Walmart store.
Here is a detailed list of what to bring to Walmart Orientation:
  • Your driver's license or state identification card -You will need this to complete your I-9 form.
  • Your Social Security card -You will also need this to complete your I-9 form.
  • Your birth certificate -This may be required if you are unable to provide a driver's license or state identification card.
  • Proof of residency -This can be a utility bill, bank statement, or lease agreement.
  • A completed W-4 form -This form is used to withhold federal income taxes from your paycheck.
  • A completed I-9 form -This form verifies your identity and employment eligibility in the United States.
  • Direct deposit information -This will allow Walmart to deposit your paycheck directly into your bank account.

Frequently Asked Questions - Walmart Orientation

Can I Switch My Orientation Date If I Have A Scheduling Conflict?

Yes, you can usually switch your orientation date if you have a scheduling conflict. However, it is important to contact Walmart as soon as possible to let them know of your situation. They may be able to reschedule your orientation for a different date or time that works better for you.

Is There A Test Or Assessment At The End Of Orientation?

Yes, Walmart Orientation typically ends with a test or assessment. This test is designed to assess your understanding of the information that was covered during orientation, as well as your customer service skills and job-specific knowledge.

Are There Any Additional Training Programs After Orientation For Career Development?

Yes, Walmart offers various training and development programs for career advancement. These programs vary by department and position, and you can explore opportunities for further education and skill development throughout your Walmart career.


Walmart orientation is a pivotal step in the journey of new employees joining the company. It sets the stage for understanding the culture, policies, and work environment of Walmart, equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools required for their roles. Whether conducted in-person or online, the orientation process is a vital component of Walmart's commitment to fostering a strong, well-prepared team. As new hires navigate their orientation, they embark on a path toward successful and fulfilling careers, underpinned by a solid foundation in Walmart's values and expectations. In embracing the significance of Walmart orientation, employees position themselves for a rewarding experience within the retail giant.
Walmart orientation is a mandatory one-day training session that all new Walmart employees must attend. It covers a variety of topics, including company history, culture, and values; workplace safety procedures; Walmart policies and procedures; customer service skills; and job-specific training.
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Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna

Paolo Reyna is a writer and storyteller with a wide range of interests. He graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies. Paolo enjoys writing about celebrity culture, gaming, visual arts, and events. He has a keen eye for trends in popular culture and an enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Paolo's writing aims to inform and entertain while providing fresh perspectives on the topics that interest him most. In his free time, he loves to travel, watch films, read books, and socialize with friends.
James Pierce

James Pierce

James Pierce, a Finance and Crypto expert, brings over 15 years of experience to his writing. With a Master's degree in Finance from Harvard University, James's insightful articles and research papers have earned him recognition in the industry. His expertise spans financial markets and digital currencies, making him a trusted source for analysis and commentary. James seamlessly integrates his passion for travel into his work, providing readers with a unique perspective on global finance and the digital economy. Outside of writing, James enjoys photography, hiking, and exploring local cuisines during his travels.
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