Completing a degree is a very different reality to that of entering the workforce. Starting in a role that deals with communication or media within a business can also be a shock to the system as these roles tend to be quite varied in requirements despite the different jobs having very similar titles. A student who has studied a Bachelor in Communication Studies, a Master of Arts in Professional Communication or even an online Masters in Journalism are all qualified to manage communication and media within a business, but what exactly does this mean?
Below we walk through some of the key roles communication and media have in business.
Communication can touch every aspect of a business. Good communication will help allow an organization to survive. Great communication will let it thrive. Looking at it very broadly, communication in business can be broken into two key categories; internal communication and external communication.
Internal communication is the flow or exchange of information between two or more employees of the same company. This could be in the form of email, messaging through apps like Microsoft Teams or Slack, virtual or in-person meetings, company-wide events, or even specific channels for particular business functions in larger organizations.
Internal communication is used to ensure employees stay up to date with business news, convey upcoming goals or OKRs, share process or operational changes, inform on employee movement, or as a method to flow information down from an executive level to wider teams. Utilizing a professional to help craft these kinds of messages - particularly those relating to expectation-setting for employees, company and individual goals, or employee movement - in a clear, effective manner can help build a healthy team environment where key outcomes or expectations are understood and there is a reduction in the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflict occurring.
What Is The Role Of Communication And Media In Business
Bad communication with a customer will lead to a poor customer experience. Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash.
External communication is information that comes from an internal source within a company and is shared or exchanged with an external source outside of the company. Excluding some media which will be reviewed below, this may include scripts for customer service channels, scripts for sales channels, reports to stakeholders, or content in a sales tool kit like sales decks or media kits.
External communication can help build the perception of an organization in the market. Employee interactions with customers can be written, verbal, or visual in nature and play a part in building the public image and brand perception of a company. Brand perception is the sum of a consumer’s feelings, experiences, or thoughts about a company. Ultimately, having a professional develop better communication tools to be used with customers will result in improved customer service, a better perception in the market, higher retention, and greater sales volume.
No two companies define or utilize media in the exact same way, however, broadly speaking, media are the communication tools or outlets a company may use to deliver information externally. This can include but is not limited to social media, digital advertising, TV, print advertising, radio, and out-of-home media (OOH). Some of the functions within an organization that utilize these media outlets are social media, marketing, and public relations functions.
Just like external communications, the use of media can help build a customer’s perception of a brand and is an important tool to help shape a company’s identity.
What Is The Role Of Communication And Media In Business Social media is a direct channel to the customer. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash.
Social media is a communication tool as well as the title of a team that often sits within the marketing function. Social media marketing is a channel to market through apps like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X, or LinkedIn that can help build brand reputation and loyalty. Social media allows customers to interact with a company in real-time, creates online networks, increases traffic to the company website, and allows a company to sell and promote their products to a broader audience.
Managing social media communication can be tricky. All responses are public-facing and it is not uncommon for people to use the platform to complain or air their grievances with an organization. The ability to remain diplomatic, professional, and empathetic are all key attributes needed to manage social media channels.
The marketing function in a business will manage ongoing or seasonal marketing campaigns. This may involve television commercials (TVC), radio advertising, digital advertising, email marketing (eDMs), print, and out-of-home media such as signage. Successful marketing campaigns will often see a boost in sales and brand perception in the market.
Marketing teams may also do ongoing reviews of the branding of a company. This may include brand colors, logos, slogans, taglines, music, and visuals. These assets are often built into a brand guidelines document which outlines how exactly these assets can and cannot be used to help maintain a consistent brand image.
To work within the marketing function you will likely need to have completed higher study in a marketing, communications, media, or journalism field.
Public relations (PR) refers to how the general public may feel about a brand or organization. The PR team will focus on maintaining a positive image of a company by releasing content and press releases to external media outlets while also handling incoming media requests for statements or interviews. PR may also handle communication to shareholders.
PR is very strategic in nature - it requires a very specific style of writing and verbalization that remains in line with the organization’s brand guidelines. The PR function will work very closely with the marketing team to ensure all external communications are aligned and the brand persona is maintained.
Like becoming a marketer, a PR employee will likely need to complete higher study in communications or a similarly related course.
Communication and media maintain a vital role within a business and can have a serious impact on employees, customers, and stakeholders alike if not handled correctly. The importance of these functions should not be underestimated and instead be invested in to maintain a successful, operating business that both internal and external parties alike can hold in good esteem.