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Yelling to Children: Yay or Nay?

How Yelling damaging the Children's personality. How the impact of Parenting on Child Development.

Author:Sebastian Brooks
Reviewer:Dexter Cooke
Oct 02, 2023
I'm a therapist. I spent my life researching the developing child and the influence of parenting on the growth of the child. Inside and out, back and front, I know this area. I know that an approach to parenting that is both strong and kind is key. I understand that being the kind of parent who has swagger and trust and who is managed and settled by themselves would build the best kind of atmosphere in which any child will succeed. And yet, I have yelled at my kids.
yup. I got it done. Several times. And I'm definitely going to do it again. So why is it that I still always succumb to a yelly shouty outburst even though I have all this expertise? Why is it that we can have the best of intentions as parents to remain peacefully in control, but can still revert to shouting up a storm?

Shouting From The Mountaintop

It has been said that the one that leads from the head to the heart is the longest path to ride. Although you may know what there is to know about good parenting, it might be more difficult to actually practice certain things in a heated moment. This is the distinction between knowledge of the brain and knowledge of the heart.
It is the "programming" that you have learned during your life that tries to take the lead when parental life overwhelms. You become an amalgamation of your different experiences (especially those of your childhood) in those triggered moments, your brain is no longer in control of emotions being your leader and the result is shouting.
I like to imagine standing on the top of a mountain to make sense of why this is happening. The views from the top are absolutely spectacular and we want to keep our spot at the highest more than anything. But there are very steep hills. A kind force is on one side of the mountain. It lifts you up and encourages you to be a caring, understanding, and protective parent who positions the bar just where your child can leap and offers a soft landing in terms of developmental stage and age.
The opposing firm power is located on the other side of the mountain. With certainty and steadiness, it pushes you to establish limits, laws, norms, and aspirations. It is based, without being harsh, on routines and containment. We must find equilibrium in order to retain our precarious spot in the middle of the push and pull of these forces.
The tricky thing is that we do not come into parenthood, almost without exception, prepared to maintain the balance between kind and firm. Typically, our own memories about how we were parented when we were kids spill into our new parenting and we find ourselves tumbling down one or the other side of the mountain repeatedly. If the kind side is our subconscious "weakness" when we tilt too far in that direction, sometimes out of remorse or a sense of overwhelm, we give up the requisite firmness.
When this occurs, our children no longer view us as kind, but as spineless and passive. We are not likely to express our truth with authority and grace in this state but are more likely to be full of anger for what we have given up in a thwarted attempt to be kind and understanding. Our resentment mounts to the point of break and-BAM! The unintended, urgent answer becomes screaming. This lapse into shouting gives your guilt more fodder, which you try to alleviate with overindulgent kindness. And so it goes the loop.
If on the other hand, you appear to slip down the firm side of the mountain, with kindness nowhere insight to help you scrabble your way back to balance on the top, you are viewed as being cruel or even a bully by your children. Unable to invoke your rational self, your expectations for the stuff your child should be able to do become developmentally insensitive and you wonder how many more occasions and for how long you would have to continually step in to deal with problems.
The natural reactions and attitudes of your child are perceived as being rude, through a skewed prism. Your old memories are unable to stay in the present and you erupt in the face of demands that tell you that only shouting will alleviate you.
You unwittingly construct an unbearable reality for your child when you are not firmly rooted at the top of the mountain, something that you undoubtedly understand well from the experiences of your own childhood. Children look to their parents intuitively to be their guides and their greatest protectors.
If you spend more time struggling at the base than enjoying the views from the top, your child will not be able to look up to you as a healthy and able guide. Instead, as they strive to navigate and defend themselves, they will begin to resist your leadership, becoming what I call "hulk kids." They are now guiding you and bringing up a kid who no longer looks at you as their champion is all but impossible.

Your Climbing Partner

What makes all of this much more fascinating is that there is almost always one parent who identifies as kind in families where there are two parents (whether they are under the same roof or not) and the other who identifies as the firm.
We are all but sure to select a parental partner from us who will inhabit the opposite side of the mountain, only one of the many invitations we will receive to find out our own programming over our life path. "Typically, these two positions come to a head with the overly kind parent defending their role by saying, "Someone needs to show some love and compassion for these children! "While the overly firm parent defends his position by saying, "One needs to have some rules and limits! Here's the thing, both views are incorrect in isolation.
As parents, it is up to each of us to find our own way to the mountain peak and figure out how to maintain our position there. In order to prevent the landslide from overwhelming and screaming, each parent must simultaneously manifest their individual firmness and compassion.
What has become very evident from the literature of development is that it only takes one." One big person with the strength to turn up with an abundance of compassion and firmness in the life of a child in order to encourage tremendous growth and potential within the child.
And it is true that if the second parent falls down regularly or spends more time at the bottom of the mountain, the child will need to recover from that. The child will be able to recover, though with one parent at the top of the mountain. So think less about what the other parent is up to and more about how inside yourself you can embody that.

Something To Shout About

To really take on the challenge of conquering your ascent of the parenting mountain and prevent your yelly-shouty slide down one side or the other, think about the following:

Recognize Your Programming

When the going gets rough, the systems still attempt to run the expedition. By looking back to your own childhood, you will find out a little about what your particular services are. Look for themes from that period especially during those moments that felt difficult. What were the wounds like at those moments? Did you feel that to be loved, you had to perform?
Did you worry that you will face rejection from the person supposed to love you the most if you did it wrong? In your childhood home, were there problems or even lots of talk of scarcity, of love, money, or food? Have you ever thought things aren't fair? Did you really and honestly see your parents as "getting you" or did you feel misunderstood or alone?
Check about how they map your reactions to your own children after you have spent some time thinking through these kinds of stuff. If your child misbehaves" (which is not really a thing because all action is communication and should be a welcome fact of child development), are you quick to shut it down harshly out of fear that others may believe you are a bad parent?
Do you get extremely upset when your child is struggling with stuff like school or sports, and focus on improved results for fear they won't do it? Do you get mad and shouty when it doesn't work out then? As a mom, do you still feel taken advantage of or like things are just not fair? Threads will still relate our reactive parenting moments to the responses we had and witnessed as kids.

Cultivate Balance

If you are the unnecessarily kind, spineless parent of jellyfish, time must be spent creating schedules and laws, focusing on follow-through, and disciplining compassionately. Flexing the firm hand, finally. At the same time, you need to be prepared to face the inevitable.
There will always be threads that bind our reactive moments of parenting with the reactions we had as children and witnessed ourselves. The push-back will come. As your child acknowledges the changes and encounters some frustration around them, you may need to remain present and resist your own shame and reactivity programs.
On the flip side, you will have to work hard to build even more gray zone space when it comes to the rigidity of your rules and standards if you classify as leaning more to the firm side and are sometimes mean intense, or bullying. At that moment, you will strive to be gentle and compassionate and to realize exactly who your child is.
Your job will be to find a continuous source of heart-filled compassion for your child, quenching the desire to shut them down that bubbles up in you. It will help prevent it from spilling out of you into your child by discovering and owning the source of why you scream.

Set A Realistic Bar

Our anger and shouting as parents too often come from a place where we just don't understand what our individual child is capable of. It depends on disposition, age, and level, and often on the day of the week, time of the year, and other big setting variables that seem insignificant but have an effect on the changing skill of our infant.
You need to continually reassess where your child is at to avoid setting the bar too low, which easily falls into permissive parenting, while also avoiding putting it too high, which your child would view as harsh. Don't be shy about lifting the bar from a heart-centered position to just feel like this is what is needed for your child at a given moment.

Take The Lead

You're going to need to spend quite a bit of time re-establishing your lead role if you have had a lot of yelly-shouty moments. Rather than a role-based control, this must flow from relationship-based energy.
Nurture and invest time in the relationship and watch the willingness of your child to feel your heart-presence grow as they begin to lean into you. You remain one step ahead with your heart entirely online, firmly rooted in the lead, even during troubled times.
Be one generation closer means that the idea will be everything.

Your Child Has A Meltdown

"Your reply: "Looks like you've got a lot of screams to get out of love, you're going ahead.

Your Child Demands X.

"You exclaim, if reasonable and possible, in disbelief, "You are not going to believe this! I was on my way to X already! Isn't that insane?! ”

Your Child Demands An Extra Bedtime Story

"You respond calmly, "Oh no my love, tonight isn't a night of the two-story variety. It's a three-story night of sorts!
And so forth. For days, for weeks, for months. It takes your child, however long, to believe that the hearts can be safely transferred to your ultimate care.

Champion Connection

The relation is everything. It infuses how your child wakes up in the morning, how you share meals, how you say goodbye and goodbye, how you discipline yourself, how you react to fear, what you do when your child lies, and so on.
If you can make your "North Star" link in your parent's way, you might be teetering, but you won't fall down. It will lead you out of being too firm or too kind, it will assist you on the journey from head to heart, and it will have you climbing to the top of the mountain and retaining equilibrium in ways that otherwise would be difficult.
Parenting is a ride. And just like I slip and fall down the mountain into my yelling self sometimes, you can, too. Welcome to Becoming a Human Club. Know, it's not about how many occasions you fail, and it's not about how many times you're brave enough to get up and pass on.
To dig deep into your own programming in order to be able to understand yourself again. To grow you so that your children can grow and so that as they become more secure and trusting in you, they can climb the mountain. And then just watch the wonders that unfold as you each transform into the greatest, strongest versions of yourself.
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Sebastian Brooks

Sebastian Brooks

Sebastian Brooks is a dedicated Reiki Master, known for his profound understanding and application of energy healing techniques. With more than 13 years of experience in Reiki practice, Sebastian has helped numerous individuals achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through his healing sessions. His approach combines traditional Reiki principles with intuitive insights, creating a holistic and personalized healing experience for his clients. Sebastian's compassionate nature and deep connection to energy work have earned him a reputation for transformative healing results. Outside of his healing practice, Sebastian is passionate about wellness education, sharing his knowledge and insights through workshops and seminars.
Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke

Dexter Cooke is an economist, marketing strategist, and orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience crafting compelling narratives that resonate worldwide. He holds a Journalism degree from Columbia University, an Economics background from Yale University, and a medical degree with a postdoctoral fellowship in orthopedic medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dexter’s insights into media, economics, and marketing shine through his prolific contributions to respected publications and advisory roles for influential organizations. As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in minimally invasive knee replacement surgery and laparoscopic procedures, Dexter prioritizes patient care above all. Outside his professional pursuits, Dexter enjoys collecting vintage watches, studying ancient civilizations, learning about astronomy, and participating in charity runs.
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