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The Courting of Ted Kennedy, 2008

I’ve been re-reading Clash of Dynasties, the twelfth chapter of Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson’s campaign history The Battle for America, which is all about
Jul 31, 2020

The Courting of Ted Kennedy, 2008

The Courting of Ted Kennedy, 2008

I’ve been re-reading Clash of Dynasties, the twelfth chapter of Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson’s campaign history The Battle for America, which is all about
I’ve been re-reading Clash of Dynasties, the twelfth chapter of Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson’s campaign history The Battle for America, which is all about
Jul 31, 2020

On Air Base, Kyrgyz Government is Like That Katy Perry Song

On Air Base, Kyrgyz Government is Like That Katy Perry Song

When last we left the Manas air base drama, the Kyrgyz parliament had voted to deny the United States access to the big logistic air hub for the Afghanistan
When last we left the Manas air base drama, the Kyrgyz parliament had voted to deny the United States access to the big logistic air hub for the Afghanistan
Jul 31, 2020

Just Like That, Graham and Holder Find Indefinite Detention Consensus

Just Like That, Graham and Holder Find Indefinite Detention Consensus

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) leads the charge against Attorney General Eric Holder’s effort to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in civilian court. But when it comes
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) leads the charge against Attorney General Eric Holder’s effort to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in civilian court. But when it comes
Jul 31, 2020