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Page 541 of 930
Roger Simon Gets It Wrong on the Gates Caller
This Roger Simon column might not be the silliest thing written about the deathless Henry Louis Gates arrest saga, but it’s interesting for its total ignorance
Jul 31, 2020
Roger Simon Gets It Wrong on the Gates Caller
Roger Simon Gets It Wrong on the Gates Caller
This Roger Simon column might not be the silliest thing written about the deathless Henry Louis Gates arrest saga, but it’s interesting for its total ignorance
This Roger Simon column might not be the silliest thing written about the deathless Henry Louis Gates arrest saga, but it’s interesting for its total ignorance
Jul 31, 2020
Plan for Consumer Protection Agency Falters in Senate
Despite the Wall Street collapse -- a crash that required trillions in federal help and has left nearly a fifth of the country underemployed -- the financial services industry has retained remarkable sway on Capitol Hill.
Jul 31, 2020
Plan for Consumer Protection Agency Falters in Senate
Plan for Consumer Protection Agency Falters in Senate
Despite the Wall Street collapse -- a crash that required trillions in federal help and has left nearly a fifth of the country underemployed -- the financial services industry has retained remarkable sway on Capitol Hill.
Despite the Wall Street collapse -- a crash that required trillions in federal help and has left nearly a fifth of the country underemployed -- the financial services industry has retained remarkable sway on Capitol Hill.
Jul 31, 2020
Movement to Impeach Judge Jay Bybee Gaining Steam
The latest Office of Legal Counsel torture memos released last week have led to calls for further investigation and criminal prosecution of former Bush
Jul 31, 2020
Movement to Impeach Judge Jay Bybee Gaining Steam
Movement to Impeach Judge Jay Bybee Gaining Steam
The latest Office of Legal Counsel torture memos released last week have led to calls for further investigation and criminal prosecution of former Bush
The latest Office of Legal Counsel torture memos released last week have led to calls for further investigation and criminal prosecution of former Bush
Jul 31, 2020
We Don’t All Blog in Our Pajamas From Our Mothers’ Basements
I watched Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. It was mostly a recap of other recent Palin interviews in which she denied all
Jul 31, 2020
We Don’t All Blog in Our Pajamas From Our Mothers’ Basements
We Don’t All Blog in Our Pajamas From Our Mothers’ Basements
I watched Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. It was mostly a recap of other recent Palin interviews in which she denied all
I watched Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. It was mostly a recap of other recent Palin interviews in which she denied all
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Administration Ratchets Up Showdown With Federal Court
Ratcheting up the showdown between the Obama administration and the judiciary that began in March, the Justice Department on Friday insisted to a federal judge
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Administration Ratchets Up Showdown With Federal Court
Obama Administration Ratchets Up Showdown With Federal Court
Ratcheting up the showdown between the Obama administration and the judiciary that began in March, the Justice Department on Friday insisted to a federal judge
Ratcheting up the showdown between the Obama administration and the judiciary that began in March, the Justice Department on Friday insisted to a federal judge
Jul 31, 2020
Scanning for Controversy in the Lincoln Proposal
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) has released her language for the derivatives portion of the bill overhauling financial regulation. I’ve gone through the
Jul 31, 2020
Scanning for Controversy in the Lincoln Proposal
Scanning for Controversy in the Lincoln Proposal
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) has released her language for the derivatives portion of the bill overhauling financial regulation. I’ve gone through the
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) has released her language for the derivatives portion of the bill overhauling financial regulation. I’ve gone through the
Jul 31, 2020
Much Remains Unclear About the SOFA Referendum
In order to secure the passage of the Status of Forces Agreement, the Maliki government had to agree to a Sunni-driven demand for a popular referendum on
Jul 31, 2020
Much Remains Unclear About the SOFA Referendum
Much Remains Unclear About the SOFA Referendum
In order to secure the passage of the Status of Forces Agreement, the Maliki government had to agree to a Sunni-driven demand for a popular referendum on
In order to secure the passage of the Status of Forces Agreement, the Maliki government had to agree to a Sunni-driven demand for a popular referendum on
Jul 31, 2020
Environmental Groups Go After Rockefeller Over EPA Bill
Earlier today, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) introduced legislation to block the EPA from using the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse emissions from
Jul 31, 2020
Environmental Groups Go After Rockefeller Over EPA Bill
Environmental Groups Go After Rockefeller Over EPA Bill
Earlier today, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) introduced legislation to block the EPA from using the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse emissions from
Earlier today, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) introduced legislation to block the EPA from using the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse emissions from
Jul 31, 2020
State of Play: $4
Jul 31, 2020
State of Play: $4
State of Play: $4
Jul 31, 2020
Crooked Dusty Foggo Helped Set Up CIA Black Sites
In a story more baroque than could have been imagined, The New York Times reports that Kyle Dusty Foggo, a senior former CIA official and key figure in the
Jul 31, 2020
Crooked Dusty Foggo Helped Set Up CIA Black Sites
Crooked Dusty Foggo Helped Set Up CIA Black Sites
In a story more baroque than could have been imagined, The New York Times reports that Kyle Dusty Foggo, a senior former CIA official and key figure in the
In a story more baroque than could have been imagined, The New York Times reports that Kyle Dusty Foggo, a senior former CIA official and key figure in the
Jul 31, 2020
Bachmann stands behind pulpit at church that bans women from leadership role
MARION — Church pastors who do not believe women were called by God to serve in leadership roles turned their pulpit over Sunday morning to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann , a 2012 GOP presidential candidate
Jul 31, 2020
Bachmann stands behind pulpit at church that bans women from leadership role
Bachmann stands behind pulpit at church that bans women from leadership role
MARION — Church pastors who do not believe women were called by God to serve in leadership roles turned their pulpit over Sunday morning to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann , a 2012 GOP presidential candidate
MARION — Church pastors who do not believe women were called by God to serve in leadership roles turned their pulpit over Sunday morning to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann , a 2012 GOP presidential candidate
Jul 31, 2020
Subpoena the Blogger
Jul 31, 2020
Subpoena the Blogger
Subpoena the Blogger
Jul 31, 2020
Sadr Fighting Marks Surge Limits
This week, the final U.S. Army brigade deployed to Baghdad as part of the troop surge returns to the United States. And that’s only appropriate, as the
Jul 31, 2020
Sadr Fighting Marks Surge Limits
Sadr Fighting Marks Surge Limits
This week, the final U.S. Army brigade deployed to Baghdad as part of the troop surge returns to the United States. And that’s only appropriate, as the
This week, the final U.S. Army brigade deployed to Baghdad as part of the troop surge returns to the United States. And that’s only appropriate, as the
Jul 31, 2020
Dodd Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer
From The Hartford Courant: U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd has been diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer. Dodd is scheduled to undergo surgery during
Jul 31, 2020
Dodd Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer
Dodd Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer
From The Hartford Courant: U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd has been diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer. Dodd is scheduled to undergo surgery during
From The Hartford Courant: U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd has been diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer. Dodd is scheduled to undergo surgery during
Jul 31, 2020
Finger-Pointing Continues Over Bailout’s Effectiveness
Yesterday, it was Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass,), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, blaming mortgage servicers for a failure to modify loans,
Jul 31, 2020
Finger-Pointing Continues Over Bailout’s Effectiveness
Finger-Pointing Continues Over Bailout’s Effectiveness
Yesterday, it was Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass,), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, blaming mortgage servicers for a failure to modify loans,
Yesterday, it was Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass,), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, blaming mortgage servicers for a failure to modify loans,
Jul 31, 2020
Banks and the Blight They Leave Behind: It’s Not Just Cleveland Anymore
Via, here’s more about how some banks abandoned their foreclosed properties and left innocent neighbors to deal with the blight. And no, this isn’t
Jul 31, 2020
Banks and the Blight They Leave Behind: It’s Not Just Cleveland Anymore
Banks and the Blight They Leave Behind: It’s Not Just Cleveland Anymore
Via, here’s more about how some banks abandoned their foreclosed properties and left innocent neighbors to deal with the blight. And no, this isn’t
Via, here’s more about how some banks abandoned their foreclosed properties and left innocent neighbors to deal with the blight. And no, this isn’t
Jul 31, 2020
RightOnline Attendees Soak Up Success
More than 600 conservatives attended the second annual Americans for Prosperity weekend conference, bringing activists together and supplying them with tools and talking points.
Jul 31, 2020
RightOnline Attendees Soak Up Success
RightOnline Attendees Soak Up Success
More than 600 conservatives attended the second annual Americans for Prosperity weekend conference, bringing activists together and supplying them with tools and talking points.
More than 600 conservatives attended the second annual Americans for Prosperity weekend conference, bringing activists together and supplying them with tools and talking points.
Jul 31, 2020
Chris Hill’s Vote Set for April 20
Jul 31, 2020
Chris Hill’s Vote Set for April 20
Chris Hill’s Vote Set for April 20
Jul 31, 2020
Lunchtime Links
Does anybody like the new Senate Finance Committee health care bill? White House searching for a way to strike back against smears. TWI rolls out a
Jul 31, 2020
Lunchtime Links
Lunchtime Links
Does anybody like the new Senate Finance Committee health care bill? White House searching for a way to strike back against smears. TWI rolls out a
Does anybody like the new Senate Finance Committee health care bill? White House searching for a way to strike back against smears. TWI rolls out a
Jul 31, 2020
Lunchtime Links
The Baucus bill is the health insurance industry’s favorite. The solar industry is slipping away from the United States. Obama’s approval is below 50
Jul 31, 2020
Lunchtime Links
Lunchtime Links
The Baucus bill is the health insurance industry’s favorite. The solar industry is slipping away from the United States. Obama’s approval is below 50
The Baucus bill is the health insurance industry’s favorite. The solar industry is slipping away from the United States. Obama’s approval is below 50
Jul 31, 2020
New Mexico has second highest proportion of food stamp recipients
One in five New Mexicans, or about 20.7 of the state’s population, are on food stamps, according to the U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
New Mexico has second highest proportion of food stamp recipients
New Mexico has second highest proportion of food stamp recipients
One in five New Mexicans, or about 20.7 of the state’s population, are on food stamps, according to the U.S.
One in five New Mexicans, or about 20.7 of the state’s population, are on food stamps, according to the U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes From CPAC 2010, Round One
After the jump, a slideshow of photos from the first day of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes From CPAC 2010, Round One
Scenes From CPAC 2010, Round One
After the jump, a slideshow of photos from the first day of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
After the jump, a slideshow of photos from the first day of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
Jul 31, 2020
Mukasey: Pass A Gitmo/Habeas Law Now
Jul 31, 2020
Mukasey: Pass A Gitmo/Habeas Law Now
Mukasey: Pass A Gitmo/Habeas Law Now
Jul 31, 2020
Right-Wing Activists Lose Seats on Texas Board of Education
For months, liberals have watched the Texas State Board of Education debate standards for new textbooks, with Gov. Rick Perry-appointed member Don McLeroy
Jul 31, 2020
Right-Wing Activists Lose Seats on Texas Board of Education
Right-Wing Activists Lose Seats on Texas Board of Education
For months, liberals have watched the Texas State Board of Education debate standards for new textbooks, with Gov. Rick Perry-appointed member Don McLeroy
For months, liberals have watched the Texas State Board of Education debate standards for new textbooks, with Gov. Rick Perry-appointed member Don McLeroy
Jul 31, 2020