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Page 592 of 930
Deficits and Small-Government Republicans: A Love Story
Deficits give Republicans the political cover to cut social programs they always hated anyway.
Jul 31, 2020
Deficits and Small-Government Republicans: A Love Story
Deficits and Small-Government Republicans: A Love Story
Deficits give Republicans the political cover to cut social programs they always hated anyway.
Deficits give Republicans the political cover to cut social programs they always hated anyway.
Jul 31, 2020
Subprime Everything « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Subprime Everything « The Washington Independent
Subprime Everything « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Environmentalists Seek to Paint Buck as Inconsistent on Climate Change Stance
Environmentalists slammed Ken Buck, the Republican running for Senate in Colorado, today for Buck-pedaling on his stance on climate change, painting the
Jul 31, 2020
Environmentalists Seek to Paint Buck as Inconsistent on Climate Change Stance
Environmentalists Seek to Paint Buck as Inconsistent on Climate Change Stance
Environmentalists slammed Ken Buck, the Republican running for Senate in Colorado, today for Buck-pedaling on his stance on climate change, painting the
Environmentalists slammed Ken Buck, the Republican running for Senate in Colorado, today for Buck-pedaling on his stance on climate change, painting the
Jul 31, 2020
Obama heads to Texas-Mexico border to discuss fixing ‘broken immigration system’
UPDATED at 11:58 p.m., with details on how to watch the speech live. Acknowledging that America’s current immigration system is broken, President Obama is
Jul 31, 2020
Obama heads to Texas-Mexico border to discuss fixing ‘broken immigration system’
Obama heads to Texas-Mexico border to discuss fixing ‘broken immigration system’
UPDATED at 11:58 p.m., with details on how to watch the speech live. Acknowledging that America’s current immigration system is broken, President Obama is
UPDATED at 11:58 p.m., with details on how to watch the speech live. Acknowledging that America’s current immigration system is broken, President Obama is
Jul 31, 2020
Geithner on AIG: The Explanation
It was a tough morning for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, summoned to Capitol Hill to testify on the decision-making surrounding the federal bailout of
Jul 31, 2020
Geithner on AIG: The Explanation
Geithner on AIG: The Explanation
It was a tough morning for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, summoned to Capitol Hill to testify on the decision-making surrounding the federal bailout of
It was a tough morning for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, summoned to Capitol Hill to testify on the decision-making surrounding the federal bailout of
Jul 31, 2020
The Death of an Appropriations Machine
With the death of Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) Monday -- just three days after he’d become the longest-serving congressman in Pennsylvania’s history -- Capitol
Jul 31, 2020
The Death of an Appropriations Machine
The Death of an Appropriations Machine
With the death of Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) Monday -- just three days after he’d become the longest-serving congressman in Pennsylvania’s history -- Capitol
With the death of Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) Monday -- just three days after he’d become the longest-serving congressman in Pennsylvania’s history -- Capitol
Jul 31, 2020
Payday Lenders Use Loopholes to Continue High-Interest Loans
Instead of shutting down, payday lenders in some of the same states that passed reforms are making loans at higher rates than before the laws were enacted.
Jul 31, 2020
Payday Lenders Use Loopholes to Continue High-Interest Loans
Payday Lenders Use Loopholes to Continue High-Interest Loans
Instead of shutting down, payday lenders in some of the same states that passed reforms are making loans at higher rates than before the laws were enacted.
Instead of shutting down, payday lenders in some of the same states that passed reforms are making loans at higher rates than before the laws were enacted.
Jul 31, 2020
There Are No Children Here
Jul 31, 2020
There Are No Children Here
There Are No Children Here
Jul 31, 2020
Has Lobbying Derailed the DISCLOSE Act?
Efforts by some of Washington’s biggest campaign spenders, like the NRA, may have scared enough Democrats to make the legislation impossible to pass in its current form.
Jul 31, 2020
Has Lobbying Derailed the DISCLOSE Act?
Has Lobbying Derailed the DISCLOSE Act?
Efforts by some of Washington’s biggest campaign spenders, like the NRA, may have scared enough Democrats to make the legislation impossible to pass in its current form.
Efforts by some of Washington’s biggest campaign spenders, like the NRA, may have scared enough Democrats to make the legislation impossible to pass in its current form.
Jul 31, 2020
State Department’s Contract With ArmorGroup Is ‘Under Review’
According to a State Department spokesman, a new review currently underway within the department might result in controversial security company ArmorGroup North
Jul 31, 2020
State Department’s Contract With ArmorGroup Is ‘Under Review’
State Department’s Contract With ArmorGroup Is ‘Under Review’
According to a State Department spokesman, a new review currently underway within the department might result in controversial security company ArmorGroup North
According to a State Department spokesman, a new review currently underway within the department might result in controversial security company ArmorGroup North
Jul 31, 2020
Gitmo Closure Briefing Canceled
D.C. snowpocalypse has closed government buildings for a second day -- for those not subject to this winter siege, we’re told to expect another 10 to 20 inches
Jul 31, 2020
Gitmo Closure Briefing Canceled
Gitmo Closure Briefing Canceled
D.C. snowpocalypse has closed government buildings for a second day -- for those not subject to this winter siege, we’re told to expect another 10 to 20 inches
D.C. snowpocalypse has closed government buildings for a second day -- for those not subject to this winter siege, we’re told to expect another 10 to 20 inches
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Senate Leader Pledges to Block Funding for 9/11 Trials
In an address to the Heritage Foundation filled with unsubstantiated assertions about the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies, Sen. Mitch McConnell
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Senate Leader Pledges to Block Funding for 9/11 Trials
GOP Senate Leader Pledges to Block Funding for 9/11 Trials
In an address to the Heritage Foundation filled with unsubstantiated assertions about the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies, Sen. Mitch McConnell
In an address to the Heritage Foundation filled with unsubstantiated assertions about the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies, Sen. Mitch McConnell
Jul 31, 2020
No House Votes This Week
...So says Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), citing (what else?) the snowy spell that hit the nation’s capital over the weekend, and is expected to dump as
Jul 31, 2020
No House Votes This Week
No House Votes This Week
...So says Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), citing (what else?) the snowy spell that hit the nation’s capital over the weekend, and is expected to dump as
...So says Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), citing (what else?) the snowy spell that hit the nation’s capital over the weekend, and is expected to dump as
Jul 31, 2020
Religious leaders call on West to apologize for ‘intemperate comments about Islam’ (Update: West responds)
In a letter sent today to Rep.
Jul 31, 2020
Religious leaders call on West to apologize for ‘intemperate comments about Islam’ (Update: West responds)
Religious leaders call on West to apologize for ‘intemperate comments about Islam’ (Update: West responds)
In a letter sent today to Rep.
In a letter sent today to Rep.
Jul 31, 2020
10th Mountain Soldiers Don’t Care If Their Comrades Are Gay
On Saturday, the commander of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, Maj. Gen. James Terry, put up an open forum on his Website for his soldiers, officers and
Jul 31, 2020
10th Mountain Soldiers Don’t Care If Their Comrades Are Gay
10th Mountain Soldiers Don’t Care If Their Comrades Are Gay
On Saturday, the commander of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, Maj. Gen. James Terry, put up an open forum on his Website for his soldiers, officers and
On Saturday, the commander of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, Maj. Gen. James Terry, put up an open forum on his Website for his soldiers, officers and
Jul 31, 2020
Palau Agrees to Take the Uighurs, Who Never Thought They’d Be on a Boat
And so ends a demagoguery-laced vignette from the Age of Terrorism, as Daphne and Weigel have been all over: the tiny Pacific archipelago of Palau has agreed to
Jul 31, 2020
Palau Agrees to Take the Uighurs, Who Never Thought They’d Be on a Boat
Palau Agrees to Take the Uighurs, Who Never Thought They’d Be on a Boat
And so ends a demagoguery-laced vignette from the Age of Terrorism, as Daphne and Weigel have been all over: the tiny Pacific archipelago of Palau has agreed to
And so ends a demagoguery-laced vignette from the Age of Terrorism, as Daphne and Weigel have been all over: the tiny Pacific archipelago of Palau has agreed to
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Dems Drop Coverage of Legal Immigrants from SCHIP Plan, Will Try to Add Later
This is a little bit inside baseball, but it lends a glimpse at the relationship between politics and policy in Washington. Democrats, as they push to renew
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Dems Drop Coverage of Legal Immigrants from SCHIP Plan, Will Try to Add Later
Senate Dems Drop Coverage of Legal Immigrants from SCHIP Plan, Will Try to Add Later
This is a little bit inside baseball, but it lends a glimpse at the relationship between politics and policy in Washington. Democrats, as they push to renew
This is a little bit inside baseball, but it lends a glimpse at the relationship between politics and policy in Washington. Democrats, as they push to renew
Jul 31, 2020
Fontaine and Nagl Evidently Made an Impact on Obama
I had some concerns that a recent Los Angeles Times op-ed from Richard Fontaine and John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security treated the fraudulent
Jul 31, 2020
Fontaine and Nagl Evidently Made an Impact on Obama
Fontaine and Nagl Evidently Made an Impact on Obama
I had some concerns that a recent Los Angeles Times op-ed from Richard Fontaine and John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security treated the fraudulent
I had some concerns that a recent Los Angeles Times op-ed from Richard Fontaine and John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security treated the fraudulent
Jul 31, 2020
Who’s Responsible for the National Debt?
Annie just noted that the national debt hit a (somewhat meaningless) milestone this week, topping $13 trillion yesterday. As a quick addendum, it’s worth
Jul 31, 2020
Who’s Responsible for the National Debt?
Who’s Responsible for the National Debt?
Annie just noted that the national debt hit a (somewhat meaningless) milestone this week, topping $13 trillion yesterday. As a quick addendum, it’s worth
Annie just noted that the national debt hit a (somewhat meaningless) milestone this week, topping $13 trillion yesterday. As a quick addendum, it’s worth
Jul 31, 2020
Economist: Dems’ 15-Day Unemployment Extension ‘Makes No Sense’
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is reportedly preparing to introduce a bill extending the filing deadline for the next tier of unemployment benefits
Jul 31, 2020
Economist: Dems’ 15-Day Unemployment Extension ‘Makes No Sense’
Economist: Dems’ 15-Day Unemployment Extension ‘Makes No Sense’
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is reportedly preparing to introduce a bill extending the filing deadline for the next tier of unemployment benefits
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is reportedly preparing to introduce a bill extending the filing deadline for the next tier of unemployment benefits
Jul 31, 2020
Fight for Colorado GOP begins in wake of Dick Wadhams’ exit
In the wake of Dick Wadhams’ exit from GOP leadership , a shootout is erupting over the soul of the state Republican Party. Wadhams this week said he is done with the political sniping – particularly from Tea Party and 9-12 sectors – and is not seeking a third term as party chair.
Jul 31, 2020
Fight for Colorado GOP begins in wake of Dick Wadhams’ exit
Fight for Colorado GOP begins in wake of Dick Wadhams’ exit
In the wake of Dick Wadhams’ exit from GOP leadership , a shootout is erupting over the soul of the state Republican Party. Wadhams this week said he is done with the political sniping – particularly from Tea Party and 9-12 sectors – and is not seeking a third term as party chair.
In the wake of Dick Wadhams’ exit from GOP leadership , a shootout is erupting over the soul of the state Republican Party. Wadhams this week said he is done with the political sniping – particularly from Tea Party and 9-12 sectors – and is not seeking a third term as party chair.
Jul 31, 2020
Federal Judge: Evidence Against Detainee Is ‘Surprisingly Bare’
Last week, a federal judge ruled that the government had failed to justify the detention for the last seven years of a 50-year-old Kuwaiti engineer who worked
Jul 31, 2020
Federal Judge: Evidence Against Detainee Is ‘Surprisingly Bare’
Federal Judge: Evidence Against Detainee Is ‘Surprisingly Bare’
Last week, a federal judge ruled that the government had failed to justify the detention for the last seven years of a 50-year-old Kuwaiti engineer who worked
Last week, a federal judge ruled that the government had failed to justify the detention for the last seven years of a 50-year-old Kuwaiti engineer who worked
Jul 31, 2020
House Panel to Examine Continuing Foreclosure Crisis
The media might be turning their attention to the looming crisis in commercial real estate, but some on Capitol Hill still doubt that the White House is doing
Jul 31, 2020
House Panel to Examine Continuing Foreclosure Crisis
House Panel to Examine Continuing Foreclosure Crisis
The media might be turning their attention to the looming crisis in commercial real estate, but some on Capitol Hill still doubt that the White House is doing
The media might be turning their attention to the looming crisis in commercial real estate, but some on Capitol Hill still doubt that the White House is doing
Jul 31, 2020
National Republican Congressional Committee running ads against Rep. Loebsack
The National Republican Congressional Committee has begun running ads against U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
National Republican Congressional Committee running ads against Rep. Loebsack
National Republican Congressional Committee running ads against Rep. Loebsack
The National Republican Congressional Committee has begun running ads against U.S.
The National Republican Congressional Committee has begun running ads against U.S.
Jul 31, 2020