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Deficits and Small-Government Republicans: A Love Story

Deficits give Republicans the political cover to cut social programs they always hated anyway.
Jul 31, 2020

Deficits and Small-Government Republicans: A Love Story

Deficits and Small-Government Republicans: A Love Story

Deficits give Republicans the political cover to cut social programs they always hated anyway.
Deficits give Republicans the political cover to cut social programs they always hated anyway.
Jul 31, 2020

Environmentalists Seek to Paint Buck as Inconsistent on Climate Change Stance

Environmentalists Seek to Paint Buck as Inconsistent on Climate Change Stance

Environmentalists slammed Ken Buck, the Republican running for Senate in Colorado, today for Buck-pedaling on his stance on climate change, painting the
Environmentalists slammed Ken Buck, the Republican running for Senate in Colorado, today for Buck-pedaling on his stance on climate change, painting the
Jul 31, 2020

Has Lobbying Derailed the DISCLOSE Act?

Has Lobbying Derailed the DISCLOSE Act?

Efforts by some of Washington’s biggest campaign spenders, like the NRA, may have scared enough Democrats to make the legislation impossible to pass in its current form.
Efforts by some of Washington’s biggest campaign spenders, like the NRA, may have scared enough Democrats to make the legislation impossible to pass in its current form.
Jul 31, 2020