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Who is Tim Geithner?

For those of us who are still having a hard time wrapping our brainpans around what exactly credit default swaps are and why they made the economy go boom, we
Jul 31, 2020

Who is Tim Geithner?

Who is Tim Geithner?

For those of us who are still having a hard time wrapping our brainpans around what exactly credit default swaps are and why they made the economy go boom, we
For those of us who are still having a hard time wrapping our brainpans around what exactly credit default swaps are and why they made the economy go boom, we
Jul 31, 2020

VIDEO: Joe Arpaio heckled at a Tea Party event

VIDEO: Joe Arpaio heckled at a Tea Party event

Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Pic by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr) Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona — known for his controversial immigration enforcement measures and his birther conspiracy theories — was heckled Saturday as he spoke at “Choose Liberty,” an event organized by the Eastern Orlando Tea Party and Americans for Prosperity. A Phoenix Fox TV station reported that, ”while delivering remarks — some hecklers tried to steal the spotlight by yelling and moving toward the sheriff.” The Fox affiliate quotes Arpaio as saying: “I’ve been cracking down on illegal immigration for the last three years, which I now have the Justice Department investigating me, ACLU — everybody’s taking shots at me because of my fight against illegal immigration. And I’m going to continue to do it until the problem is resolved.” A 2009 Time magazine article points out that Arpaio “has faced numerous complaints from Amnesty International, the ACLU and other rights groups.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Pic by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr) Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona — known for his controversial immigration enforcement measures and his birther conspiracy theories — was heckled Saturday as he spoke at “Choose Liberty,” an event organized by the Eastern Orlando Tea Party and Americans for Prosperity. A Phoenix Fox TV station reported that, ”while delivering remarks — some hecklers tried to steal the spotlight by yelling and moving toward the sheriff.” The Fox affiliate quotes Arpaio as saying: “I’ve been cracking down on illegal immigration for the last three years, which I now have the Justice Department investigating me, ACLU — everybody’s taking shots at me because of my fight against illegal immigration. And I’m going to continue to do it until the problem is resolved.” A 2009 Time magazine article points out that Arpaio “has faced numerous complaints from Amnesty International, the ACLU and other rights groups.
Jul 31, 2020

N.M. Environmental Improvement Board hears anti-cap-and-trade testimony

While environmental activists played their part yesterday during demonstrations at the capitol building, going so far as to dress up as solar panels and to sing the tune of “You Are My Sunshine,” their counterparts, the anti-cap-and-trade contingency who has been testifying before the Environmental Improvement Board during hearings on repealing a year-old law to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, did the same. In a Manichean battle pitting good versus evil, one of Wednesday’s key witnesses was none other than a man labeled in 2002 as the “Clean air villain of the month,” who was testifying on behalf of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, an oil, gas and utility interests seeking to overturn the EIB’s 2010 measure, As outlined in an earlier New Mexico Independent story, Governor Susana Martinez has been seeking a repeal of the EIB’s 2010 edict that the state require its utility industries and other large emitters of carbon dioxide to cut their emissions of the gas by two percent a year beginning in 2012 and running through 2020. Martinez has argued — along with the representatives of the Public Service Company of New Mexico, the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association and other oil and gas and utility companies — that the measure harms these businesses, incurs unjust fees on them and that any climate change regulation ought to take place on a national, not state level.
Jul 31, 2020

N.M. Environmental Improvement Board hears anti-cap-and-trade testimony

N.M. Environmental Improvement Board hears anti-cap-and-trade testimony

While environmental activists played their part yesterday during demonstrations at the capitol building, going so far as to dress up as solar panels and to sing the tune of “You Are My Sunshine,” their counterparts, the anti-cap-and-trade contingency who has been testifying before the Environmental Improvement Board during hearings on repealing a year-old law to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, did the same. In a Manichean battle pitting good versus evil, one of Wednesday’s key witnesses was none other than a man labeled in 2002 as the “Clean air villain of the month,” who was testifying on behalf of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, an oil, gas and utility interests seeking to overturn the EIB’s 2010 measure, As outlined in an earlier New Mexico Independent story, Governor Susana Martinez has been seeking a repeal of the EIB’s 2010 edict that the state require its utility industries and other large emitters of carbon dioxide to cut their emissions of the gas by two percent a year beginning in 2012 and running through 2020. Martinez has argued — along with the representatives of the Public Service Company of New Mexico, the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association and other oil and gas and utility companies — that the measure harms these businesses, incurs unjust fees on them and that any climate change regulation ought to take place on a national, not state level.
While environmental activists played their part yesterday during demonstrations at the capitol building, going so far as to dress up as solar panels and to sing the tune of “You Are My Sunshine,” their counterparts, the anti-cap-and-trade contingency who has been testifying before the Environmental Improvement Board during hearings on repealing a year-old law to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, did the same. In a Manichean battle pitting good versus evil, one of Wednesday’s key witnesses was none other than a man labeled in 2002 as the “Clean air villain of the month,” who was testifying on behalf of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, an oil, gas and utility interests seeking to overturn the EIB’s 2010 measure, As outlined in an earlier New Mexico Independent story, Governor Susana Martinez has been seeking a repeal of the EIB’s 2010 edict that the state require its utility industries and other large emitters of carbon dioxide to cut their emissions of the gas by two percent a year beginning in 2012 and running through 2020. Martinez has argued — along with the representatives of the Public Service Company of New Mexico, the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association and other oil and gas and utility companies — that the measure harms these businesses, incurs unjust fees on them and that any climate change regulation ought to take place on a national, not state level.
Jul 31, 2020