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Page 526 of 854
EPA years behind in determining risks of hundreds of toxic chemicals
The Environmental Protection Agency is years behind in determining the health the risks associated with exposure to hundreds of toxic chemicals, according to a
Jul 31, 2020
EPA years behind in determining risks of hundreds of toxic chemicals
EPA years behind in determining risks of hundreds of toxic chemicals
The Environmental Protection Agency is years behind in determining the health the risks associated with exposure to hundreds of toxic chemicals, according to a
The Environmental Protection Agency is years behind in determining the health the risks associated with exposure to hundreds of toxic chemicals, according to a
Jul 31, 2020
WorldNetDaily Does Victory Lap on Van Jones
I reported on Friday that the earliest attacks on Van Jones came from WorldNetDaily. Today, the Website is taking full credit for Jones’ resignation. President
Jul 31, 2020
WorldNetDaily Does Victory Lap on Van Jones
WorldNetDaily Does Victory Lap on Van Jones
I reported on Friday that the earliest attacks on Van Jones came from WorldNetDaily. Today, the Website is taking full credit for Jones’ resignation. President
I reported on Friday that the earliest attacks on Van Jones came from WorldNetDaily. Today, the Website is taking full credit for Jones’ resignation. President
Jul 31, 2020
McChrystal on Detainee Abuses Under His Former Command
Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal sent a written statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee on detention policy, which is a focal point of criticism for his
Jul 31, 2020
McChrystal on Detainee Abuses Under His Former Command
McChrystal on Detainee Abuses Under His Former Command
Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal sent a written statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee on detention policy, which is a focal point of criticism for his
Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal sent a written statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee on detention policy, which is a focal point of criticism for his
Jul 31, 2020
Supporters of the Volcker Rule on Why Current Bankers Are Bad at Their Jobs
Louis Uchitelle of The New York Times got many of the financial industry’s former (and current) titans to speak on the record about their support of the Volcker
Jul 31, 2020
Supporters of the Volcker Rule on Why Current Bankers Are Bad at Their Jobs
Supporters of the Volcker Rule on Why Current Bankers Are Bad at Their Jobs
Louis Uchitelle of The New York Times got many of the financial industry’s former (and current) titans to speak on the record about their support of the Volcker
Louis Uchitelle of The New York Times got many of the financial industry’s former (and current) titans to speak on the record about their support of the Volcker
Jul 31, 2020
U.S. Will Transfer Gitmo Child Soldier to Civilian Court, But Still Won’t Let Him Go
It wasn’t until late Friday afternoon that the Obama Justice Department, after years of wrangling over the fate of Mohammed Jawad, the Afghan boy arrested for
Jul 31, 2020
U.S. Will Transfer Gitmo Child Soldier to Civilian Court, But Still Won’t Let Him Go
U.S. Will Transfer Gitmo Child Soldier to Civilian Court, But Still Won’t Let Him Go
It wasn’t until late Friday afternoon that the Obama Justice Department, after years of wrangling over the fate of Mohammed Jawad, the Afghan boy arrested for
It wasn’t until late Friday afternoon that the Obama Justice Department, after years of wrangling over the fate of Mohammed Jawad, the Afghan boy arrested for
Jul 31, 2020
Three More DOJ Nominees Confirmed, But Dawn Johnsen Still Waits « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Three More DOJ Nominees Confirmed, But Dawn Johnsen Still Waits « The Washington Independent
Three More DOJ Nominees Confirmed, But Dawn Johnsen Still Waits « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Contractors Gone Wild
These documents about the behavior of ArmorGroup, a security company hired by the State Department to protect the U.S. embassy in Kabul, have to be seen to be
Jul 31, 2020
Contractors Gone Wild
Contractors Gone Wild
These documents about the behavior of ArmorGroup, a security company hired by the State Department to protect the U.S. embassy in Kabul, have to be seen to be
These documents about the behavior of ArmorGroup, a security company hired by the State Department to protect the U.S. embassy in Kabul, have to be seen to be
Jul 31, 2020
More Fire From Environmentalists Over Dems Climate Change Bill
Since House Democrats this afternoon released their finalized version of legislation aiming to mitigate America’s role in global climate change, the response
Jul 31, 2020
More Fire From Environmentalists Over Dems Climate Change Bill
More Fire From Environmentalists Over Dems Climate Change Bill
Since House Democrats this afternoon released their finalized version of legislation aiming to mitigate America’s role in global climate change, the response
Since House Democrats this afternoon released their finalized version of legislation aiming to mitigate America’s role in global climate change, the response
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Finance Committee Kills First of Two Public Option Amendments
The vote was 8 to 15, with five Democrats -- Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Tom Carper (Del.) --
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Finance Committee Kills First of Two Public Option Amendments
Senate Finance Committee Kills First of Two Public Option Amendments
The vote was 8 to 15, with five Democrats -- Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Tom Carper (Del.) --
The vote was 8 to 15, with five Democrats -- Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Tom Carper (Del.) --
Jul 31, 2020
EPA: Rep. Gardner bill would increase air pollution exposure in Alaska
Colorado 4th Congressional District Rep. Cory Gardner has been steadily trying to chip away at the regulatory authority of the U.S
Jul 31, 2020
EPA: Rep. Gardner bill would increase air pollution exposure in Alaska
EPA: Rep. Gardner bill would increase air pollution exposure in Alaska
Colorado 4th Congressional District Rep. Cory Gardner has been steadily trying to chip away at the regulatory authority of the U.S
Colorado 4th Congressional District Rep. Cory Gardner has been steadily trying to chip away at the regulatory authority of the U.S
Jul 31, 2020
What Does the Next Marine Commandant Believe About ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’?
Check out this bit of inside baseball in this excellent Greg Jaffe piece about gay servicemembers waiting patiently for a final and to-be-determined end to the
Jul 31, 2020
What Does the Next Marine Commandant Believe About ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’?
What Does the Next Marine Commandant Believe About ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’?
Check out this bit of inside baseball in this excellent Greg Jaffe piece about gay servicemembers waiting patiently for a final and to-be-determined end to the
Check out this bit of inside baseball in this excellent Greg Jaffe piece about gay servicemembers waiting patiently for a final and to-be-determined end to the
Jul 31, 2020
UT professor wields nationwide support in call to rethink U.S.-Egyptian policy
A University of Texas at Austin professor is generating national support for his call to the U.S. to reevaluate its stance on the dire situation in Egypt.
Jul 31, 2020
UT professor wields nationwide support in call to rethink U.S.-Egyptian policy
UT professor wields nationwide support in call to rethink U.S.-Egyptian policy
A University of Texas at Austin professor is generating national support for his call to the U.S. to reevaluate its stance on the dire situation in Egypt.
A University of Texas at Austin professor is generating national support for his call to the U.S. to reevaluate its stance on the dire situation in Egypt.
Jul 31, 2020
Senators agree on high-skilled immigration reform, but Democrats insist it must be comprehensive
The current employment-based immigration system is dysfunctional and needs reform, panelists and lawmakers stated at a Senate Judiciary committee hearing on
Jul 31, 2020
Senators agree on high-skilled immigration reform, but Democrats insist it must be comprehensive
Senators agree on high-skilled immigration reform, but Democrats insist it must be comprehensive
The current employment-based immigration system is dysfunctional and needs reform, panelists and lawmakers stated at a Senate Judiciary committee hearing on
The current employment-based immigration system is dysfunctional and needs reform, panelists and lawmakers stated at a Senate Judiciary committee hearing on
Jul 31, 2020
Clintonite Wolfson Touts Obama (Even without Campaign Job)
When I ran into Howard Wolfson, the former message czar for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, at the Democratic National Convention last week, I asked him
Jul 31, 2020
Clintonite Wolfson Touts Obama (Even without Campaign Job)
Clintonite Wolfson Touts Obama (Even without Campaign Job)
When I ran into Howard Wolfson, the former message czar for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, at the Democratic National Convention last week, I asked him
When I ran into Howard Wolfson, the former message czar for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, at the Democratic National Convention last week, I asked him
Jul 31, 2020
Big Pharma Showers Home-State Senators With Campaign Cash
It came as little surprise when Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) yesterday moved to kill efforts to lower seniors’ drug costs by
Jul 31, 2020
Big Pharma Showers Home-State Senators With Campaign Cash
Big Pharma Showers Home-State Senators With Campaign Cash
It came as little surprise when Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) yesterday moved to kill efforts to lower seniors’ drug costs by
It came as little surprise when Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) yesterday moved to kill efforts to lower seniors’ drug costs by
Jul 31, 2020
What Can the Fed Do About Unemployment?
Today, The Washington Post’s Neil Irwin reports that the Federal Reserve -- concerned about the sustained high level of unemployment and the general stall-out
Jul 31, 2020
What Can the Fed Do About Unemployment?
What Can the Fed Do About Unemployment?
Today, The Washington Post’s Neil Irwin reports that the Federal Reserve -- concerned about the sustained high level of unemployment and the general stall-out
Today, The Washington Post’s Neil Irwin reports that the Federal Reserve -- concerned about the sustained high level of unemployment and the general stall-out
Jul 31, 2020
JFK Lawsuit Tests Washington’s Culture of Secrecy
Last month dozens of public interest groups welcomed the election of Barack Obama with a call to reverse eight years of secrecy and restore openness in the
Jul 31, 2020
JFK Lawsuit Tests Washington’s Culture of Secrecy
JFK Lawsuit Tests Washington’s Culture of Secrecy
Last month dozens of public interest groups welcomed the election of Barack Obama with a call to reverse eight years of secrecy and restore openness in the
Last month dozens of public interest groups welcomed the election of Barack Obama with a call to reverse eight years of secrecy and restore openness in the
Jul 31, 2020
White House Open to Giving Away Some Emissions Permits
President Obama has consistently called for all emissions permits to be auctioned off to polluters under a cap-and-trade scheme to produce strong and immediate
Jul 31, 2020
White House Open to Giving Away Some Emissions Permits
White House Open to Giving Away Some Emissions Permits
President Obama has consistently called for all emissions permits to be auctioned off to polluters under a cap-and-trade scheme to produce strong and immediate
President Obama has consistently called for all emissions permits to be auctioned off to polluters under a cap-and-trade scheme to produce strong and immediate
Jul 31, 2020
What Does the Delegate News Mean for the Environment?
After a long, drawn out battle, Obama has finally clinched the Democratic nomination (numerically speaking) for the 2008 presidential race. So what does this
Jul 31, 2020
What Does the Delegate News Mean for the Environment?
What Does the Delegate News Mean for the Environment?
After a long, drawn out battle, Obama has finally clinched the Democratic nomination (numerically speaking) for the 2008 presidential race. So what does this
After a long, drawn out battle, Obama has finally clinched the Democratic nomination (numerically speaking) for the 2008 presidential race. So what does this
Jul 31, 2020
Soldiers Returning From Iraq Will Be First for Expanded Dwell Time
Robert Gates repeated at his Pentagon press conference that he wants to give troops at war at least two years’ time at home for every year deployed. But there’s
Jul 31, 2020
Soldiers Returning From Iraq Will Be First for Expanded Dwell Time
Soldiers Returning From Iraq Will Be First for Expanded Dwell Time
Robert Gates repeated at his Pentagon press conference that he wants to give troops at war at least two years’ time at home for every year deployed. But there’s
Robert Gates repeated at his Pentagon press conference that he wants to give troops at war at least two years’ time at home for every year deployed. But there’s
Jul 31, 2020
A Window Into Obama’s Foreign Policy
The former Clinton-era State Dept. official shares with the president-elect a frustration with conventional foreign-policy thinking. Impatient with ideology, she focuses on transnational threats, challenges and opportunities -- befitting the emphasis of a new generation of global strategists. Her experience with Africa has taught her invaluable lessons.
Jul 31, 2020
A Window Into Obama’s Foreign Policy
A Window Into Obama’s Foreign Policy
The former Clinton-era State Dept. official shares with the president-elect a frustration with conventional foreign-policy thinking. Impatient with ideology, she focuses on transnational threats, challenges and opportunities -- befitting the emphasis of a new generation of global strategists. Her experience with Africa has taught her invaluable lessons.
The former Clinton-era State Dept. official shares with the president-elect a frustration with conventional foreign-policy thinking. Impatient with ideology, she focuses on transnational threats, challenges and opportunities -- befitting the emphasis of a new generation of global strategists. Her experience with Africa has taught her invaluable lessons.
Jul 31, 2020
Ray Mabus’ Report on Long-Term Gulf Coast Recovery
Here is the full Gulf coast long-term recovery report, written by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. I wrote about the report earlier today here. According
Jul 31, 2020
Ray Mabus’ Report on Long-Term Gulf Coast Recovery
Ray Mabus’ Report on Long-Term Gulf Coast Recovery
Here is the full Gulf coast long-term recovery report, written by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. I wrote about the report earlier today here. According
Here is the full Gulf coast long-term recovery report, written by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. I wrote about the report earlier today here. According
Jul 31, 2020
Previewing the President’s Economic Speech
President Obama heads to Georgetown University today to address the nation regarding the economy. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Christina Romer, chair of the
Jul 31, 2020
Previewing the President’s Economic Speech
Previewing the President’s Economic Speech
President Obama heads to Georgetown University today to address the nation regarding the economy. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Christina Romer, chair of the
President Obama heads to Georgetown University today to address the nation regarding the economy. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Christina Romer, chair of the
Jul 31, 2020
Interesting Note on Oil Prices and Industry Foresight
Jul 31, 2020
Interesting Note on Oil Prices and Industry Foresight
Interesting Note on Oil Prices and Industry Foresight
Jul 31, 2020