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Page 572 of 854
What’s With This DFL Thing? A Brief Minnesota History Lesson
If you’re among the 98.3 percent of the U.S. population that resides outside The North Star State, you’re probably confused by the DFL label you keep seeing
Jul 31, 2020
What’s With This DFL Thing? A Brief Minnesota History Lesson
What’s With This DFL Thing? A Brief Minnesota History Lesson
If you’re among the 98.3 percent of the U.S. population that resides outside The North Star State, you’re probably confused by the DFL label you keep seeing
If you’re among the 98.3 percent of the U.S. population that resides outside The North Star State, you’re probably confused by the DFL label you keep seeing
Jul 31, 2020
Lynn Update: Vote Maybe Tomorrow?
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) just said on the Senate floor that he hopes to move on the nomination of former Raytheon lobbyist Bill Lynn for deputy secretary of
Jul 31, 2020
Lynn Update: Vote Maybe Tomorrow?
Lynn Update: Vote Maybe Tomorrow?
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) just said on the Senate floor that he hopes to move on the nomination of former Raytheon lobbyist Bill Lynn for deputy secretary of
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) just said on the Senate floor that he hopes to move on the nomination of former Raytheon lobbyist Bill Lynn for deputy secretary of
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: American Public Actually Not Afraid of Terrorism; Backs Obama Post-Northwest 253
A fascinating CNN/Opinion Research poll (PDF) shows that there really isn’t much change pre- and post-Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in how the American public
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: American Public Actually Not Afraid of Terrorism; Backs Obama Post-Northwest 253
Poll: American Public Actually Not Afraid of Terrorism; Backs Obama Post-Northwest 253
A fascinating CNN/Opinion Research poll (PDF) shows that there really isn’t much change pre- and post-Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in how the American public
A fascinating CNN/Opinion Research poll (PDF) shows that there really isn’t much change pre- and post-Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in how the American public
Jul 31, 2020
White House Fort Hood Review: Better Info Sharing Needed
John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser, has completed his review of the November shootings at Fort Hood. The White House has just released a
Jul 31, 2020
White House Fort Hood Review: Better Info Sharing Needed
White House Fort Hood Review: Better Info Sharing Needed
John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser, has completed his review of the November shootings at Fort Hood. The White House has just released a
John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser, has completed his review of the November shootings at Fort Hood. The White House has just released a
Jul 31, 2020
Bold New Fox News Interview Technique: Lying
Fox News hosts have been hammering Janeane Garofalo and MSNBC for the comedienne’s comment (made on Keith Olbermann’s MSNBC show) that the Tea Party protests
Jul 31, 2020
Bold New Fox News Interview Technique: Lying
Bold New Fox News Interview Technique: Lying
Fox News hosts have been hammering Janeane Garofalo and MSNBC for the comedienne’s comment (made on Keith Olbermann’s MSNBC show) that the Tea Party protests
Fox News hosts have been hammering Janeane Garofalo and MSNBC for the comedienne’s comment (made on Keith Olbermann’s MSNBC show) that the Tea Party protests
Jul 31, 2020
‘Death to Khamenei’
Speaking of the Green Movement, the Iranian regime directed a new spate of violence against the Greens during street demonstrations yesterday commemorating the
Jul 31, 2020
‘Death to Khamenei’
‘Death to Khamenei’
Speaking of the Green Movement, the Iranian regime directed a new spate of violence against the Greens during street demonstrations yesterday commemorating the
Speaking of the Green Movement, the Iranian regime directed a new spate of violence against the Greens during street demonstrations yesterday commemorating the
Jul 31, 2020
David Bomford Talks About the Forgers Who Used His Birth Certificate to Smear Obama
PM, a series on the Australian Broadcast Channel, tracked down David Bomford, the man whose Australian birth certificate was used as the basis for the forged
Jul 31, 2020
David Bomford Talks About the Forgers Who Used His Birth Certificate to Smear Obama
David Bomford Talks About the Forgers Who Used His Birth Certificate to Smear Obama
PM, a series on the Australian Broadcast Channel, tracked down David Bomford, the man whose Australian birth certificate was used as the basis for the forged
PM, a series on the Australian Broadcast Channel, tracked down David Bomford, the man whose Australian birth certificate was used as the basis for the forged
Jul 31, 2020
Holder’s Blago Omission a Target for GOP Senators « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Holder’s Blago Omission a Target for GOP Senators « The Washington Independent
Holder’s Blago Omission a Target for GOP Senators « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
King Street Patriots set fundraising goal of $500K
Fresh off the heels of its national True the Vote summit, Houston tea party group King Street Patriots (KSP) is seeking to raise $500,000 to achieve its goal of
Jul 31, 2020
King Street Patriots set fundraising goal of $500K
King Street Patriots set fundraising goal of $500K
Fresh off the heels of its national True the Vote summit, Houston tea party group King Street Patriots (KSP) is seeking to raise $500,000 to achieve its goal of
Fresh off the heels of its national True the Vote summit, Houston tea party group King Street Patriots (KSP) is seeking to raise $500,000 to achieve its goal of
Jul 31, 2020
Rasmussen Poll: Mark Kirk Running Competitively in Illinois
Rasmussen Reports finds Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) holding a narrow 41-38 lead against Democratic Illinois Treasurer (and likely nominee) Alexi Giannoulias. In his
Jul 31, 2020
Rasmussen Poll: Mark Kirk Running Competitively in Illinois
Rasmussen Poll: Mark Kirk Running Competitively in Illinois
Rasmussen Reports finds Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) holding a narrow 41-38 lead against Democratic Illinois Treasurer (and likely nominee) Alexi Giannoulias. In his
Rasmussen Reports finds Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) holding a narrow 41-38 lead against Democratic Illinois Treasurer (and likely nominee) Alexi Giannoulias. In his
Jul 31, 2020
KSM Was Asked About ‘Ties to the Iraqi Regime’
Apropos of this post about Lawrence Wilkerson’s charge that the torture apparatus built by the Bush administration was concerned with manufacturing an
Jul 31, 2020
KSM Was Asked About ‘Ties to the Iraqi Regime’
KSM Was Asked About ‘Ties to the Iraqi Regime’
Apropos of this post about Lawrence Wilkerson’s charge that the torture apparatus built by the Bush administration was concerned with manufacturing an
Apropos of this post about Lawrence Wilkerson’s charge that the torture apparatus built by the Bush administration was concerned with manufacturing an
Jul 31, 2020
Louisiana House passes ‘Forced Abortion Prevention Sign Act,’ takes out breast cancer claim
The Louisiana House of Representatives Thursday unanimously approved a measure to require all abortion clinics in the state to post a sign (to be measured
Jul 31, 2020
Louisiana House passes ‘Forced Abortion Prevention Sign Act,’ takes out breast cancer claim
Louisiana House passes ‘Forced Abortion Prevention Sign Act,’ takes out breast cancer claim
The Louisiana House of Representatives Thursday unanimously approved a measure to require all abortion clinics in the state to post a sign (to be measured
The Louisiana House of Representatives Thursday unanimously approved a measure to require all abortion clinics in the state to post a sign (to be measured
Jul 31, 2020
Shades of Reagan
VP hopeful doesn’t have Reagan’s Aw Shucks charm, but she plays the small-town America, nostalgia card well.
Jul 31, 2020
Shades of Reagan
Shades of Reagan
VP hopeful doesn’t have Reagan’s Aw Shucks charm, but she plays the small-town America, nostalgia card well.
VP hopeful doesn’t have Reagan’s Aw Shucks charm, but she plays the small-town America, nostalgia card well.
Jul 31, 2020
Clinton’s Inner Fight Goes Public
Jul 31, 2020
Clinton’s Inner Fight Goes Public
Clinton’s Inner Fight Goes Public
Jul 31, 2020
‘Birthers’ Invade Capitol Hill, Again
Back in June, a small group of birthers arrived in Washington and began handing out grand jury presentments to confused staff at congressional offices and
Jul 31, 2020
‘Birthers’ Invade Capitol Hill, Again
‘Birthers’ Invade Capitol Hill, Again
Back in June, a small group of birthers arrived in Washington and began handing out grand jury presentments to confused staff at congressional offices and
Back in June, a small group of birthers arrived in Washington and began handing out grand jury presentments to confused staff at congressional offices and
Jul 31, 2020
Blue Dog Leader Hardens Opposition to Public Option « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Blue Dog Leader Hardens Opposition to Public Option « The Washington Independent
Blue Dog Leader Hardens Opposition to Public Option « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Bingaman: Egypt situation shows need for domestic oil production
Jul 31, 2020
Bingaman: Egypt situation shows need for domestic oil production
Bingaman: Egypt situation shows need for domestic oil production
Jul 31, 2020
CIA Immunity: Fair or a Coverup?
President Obama’s decision to promise not to prosecute the CIA officers who carried out the range of freakish conduct and torture described in the latest set of
Jul 31, 2020
CIA Immunity: Fair or a Coverup?
CIA Immunity: Fair or a Coverup?
President Obama’s decision to promise not to prosecute the CIA officers who carried out the range of freakish conduct and torture described in the latest set of
President Obama’s decision to promise not to prosecute the CIA officers who carried out the range of freakish conduct and torture described in the latest set of
Jul 31, 2020
Cross-Border Attacks On The Increase in Afghanipakistan
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan -- Usually when you hear about cross-border attacks here, they are perpetrated by the Taliban. Not so much in recent weeks -- this
Jul 31, 2020
Cross-Border Attacks On The Increase in Afghanipakistan
Cross-Border Attacks On The Increase in Afghanipakistan
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan -- Usually when you hear about cross-border attacks here, they are perpetrated by the Taliban. Not so much in recent weeks -- this
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan -- Usually when you hear about cross-border attacks here, they are perpetrated by the Taliban. Not so much in recent weeks -- this
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Vote on Extension of Unemployment Insurance Scheduled for Tuesday
Just in from the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.): the upper chamber will hold a procedural vote next Tuesday afternoon to proceed to
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Vote on Extension of Unemployment Insurance Scheduled for Tuesday
Senate Vote on Extension of Unemployment Insurance Scheduled for Tuesday
Just in from the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.): the upper chamber will hold a procedural vote next Tuesday afternoon to proceed to
Just in from the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.): the upper chamber will hold a procedural vote next Tuesday afternoon to proceed to
Jul 31, 2020
Walt vs. Bergen and Cruickshank on Afghan ‘Safe Havens’
Stephen Walt blogged yesterday to put some stress on the idea that the goal in Afghanistan justifying the war should be to eradicate an even larger safe haven
Jul 31, 2020
Walt vs. Bergen and Cruickshank on Afghan ‘Safe Havens’
Walt vs. Bergen and Cruickshank on Afghan ‘Safe Havens’
Stephen Walt blogged yesterday to put some stress on the idea that the goal in Afghanistan justifying the war should be to eradicate an even larger safe haven
Stephen Walt blogged yesterday to put some stress on the idea that the goal in Afghanistan justifying the war should be to eradicate an even larger safe haven
Jul 31, 2020
How Do You Recognize When You’re Living Under Nazis & Communists?
If you’ve ever found yourself pondering this question, then you should probably get yourself to the How to Take Back America Conference in St. Louis on Sept.
Jul 31, 2020
How Do You Recognize When You’re Living Under Nazis & Communists?
How Do You Recognize When You’re Living Under Nazis & Communists?
If you’ve ever found yourself pondering this question, then you should probably get yourself to the How to Take Back America Conference in St. Louis on Sept.
If you’ve ever found yourself pondering this question, then you should probably get yourself to the How to Take Back America Conference in St. Louis on Sept.
Jul 31, 2020
Let’s Go To The Videotape
Want another example of Mike’s thesis that Bush has lost his congressional mojo? Yesterday the House approved a measure sponsored by Rush Holt (D-NJ) to
Jul 31, 2020
Let’s Go To The Videotape
Let’s Go To The Videotape
Want another example of Mike’s thesis that Bush has lost his congressional mojo? Yesterday the House approved a measure sponsored by Rush Holt (D-NJ) to
Want another example of Mike’s thesis that Bush has lost his congressional mojo? Yesterday the House approved a measure sponsored by Rush Holt (D-NJ) to
Jul 31, 2020
Crucial Senate Hearing on Afghanistan Scheduled for Tomorrow
As I reported today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ thoughts on the proper U.S. force posture in Afghanistan is a work in progress, according to Pentagon
Jul 31, 2020
Crucial Senate Hearing on Afghanistan Scheduled for Tomorrow
Crucial Senate Hearing on Afghanistan Scheduled for Tomorrow
As I reported today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ thoughts on the proper U.S. force posture in Afghanistan is a work in progress, according to Pentagon
As I reported today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ thoughts on the proper U.S. force posture in Afghanistan is a work in progress, according to Pentagon
Jul 31, 2020