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After the ‘Military Targets’ Run Out

Gershon Shafir has a really perceptive post at the group-blog adjunct to Informed Comment asking what happens in Gaza as the Israeli bombing progresses past its
Jul 31, 2020

After the ‘Military Targets’ Run Out

After the ‘Military Targets’ Run Out

Gershon Shafir has a really perceptive post at the group-blog adjunct to Informed Comment asking what happens in Gaza as the Israeli bombing progresses past its
Gershon Shafir has a really perceptive post at the group-blog adjunct to Informed Comment asking what happens in Gaza as the Israeli bombing progresses past its
Jul 31, 2020

DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy

DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy

Despite Obama’s promises to “uphold our most cherished values . . . in times of ease and in eras of upheaval,” he is reserving an extraordinary and highly controversial right to hold suspected terror supporters indefinitely without trial.
Despite Obama’s promises to “uphold our most cherished values . . . in times of ease and in eras of upheaval,” he is reserving an extraordinary and highly controversial right to hold suspected terror supporters indefinitely without trial.
Jul 31, 2020