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Page 768 of 854
After the ‘Military Targets’ Run Out
Gershon Shafir has a really perceptive post at the group-blog adjunct to Informed Comment asking what happens in Gaza as the Israeli bombing progresses past its
Jul 31, 2020
After the ‘Military Targets’ Run Out
After the ‘Military Targets’ Run Out
Gershon Shafir has a really perceptive post at the group-blog adjunct to Informed Comment asking what happens in Gaza as the Israeli bombing progresses past its
Gershon Shafir has a really perceptive post at the group-blog adjunct to Informed Comment asking what happens in Gaza as the Israeli bombing progresses past its
Jul 31, 2020
DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy
Despite Obama’s promises to “uphold our most cherished values . . . in times of ease and in eras of upheaval,” he is reserving an extraordinary and highly controversial right to hold suspected terror supporters indefinitely without trial.
Jul 31, 2020
DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy
DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy
Despite Obama’s promises to “uphold our most cherished values . . . in times of ease and in eras of upheaval,” he is reserving an extraordinary and highly controversial right to hold suspected terror supporters indefinitely without trial.
Despite Obama’s promises to “uphold our most cherished values . . . in times of ease and in eras of upheaval,” he is reserving an extraordinary and highly controversial right to hold suspected terror supporters indefinitely without trial.
Jul 31, 2020
Ogden Headed for Confirmation Despite Right’s Fears of Porn and Abortion « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Ogden Headed for Confirmation Despite Right’s Fears of Porn and Abortion « The Washington Independent
Ogden Headed for Confirmation Despite Right’s Fears of Porn and Abortion « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Post-Arizona Law, Anti-GOP Backlash Among Latino Voters Fails to Materialize
Strategists expected Arizona’s harsh new immigration law to turn off Latino voters to the GOP. Instead, due to persistent outreach efforts, Republican candidates like Meg Whitman are running strong.
Jul 31, 2020
Post-Arizona Law, Anti-GOP Backlash Among Latino Voters Fails to Materialize
Post-Arizona Law, Anti-GOP Backlash Among Latino Voters Fails to Materialize
Strategists expected Arizona’s harsh new immigration law to turn off Latino voters to the GOP. Instead, due to persistent outreach efforts, Republican candidates like Meg Whitman are running strong.
Strategists expected Arizona’s harsh new immigration law to turn off Latino voters to the GOP. Instead, due to persistent outreach efforts, Republican candidates like Meg Whitman are running strong.
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Tours ‘God’s Country,’ Va. « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Tours ‘God’s Country,’ Va. « The Washington Independent
Obama Tours ‘God’s Country,’ Va. « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
The Afghanistan-Pakistan Metrics Exist!
Big scoop from Josh Rogin at Foreign Policy: right in time for that closed door briefing to the Senate on the metrics for judging progress in Afghanistan and
Jul 31, 2020
The Afghanistan-Pakistan Metrics Exist!
The Afghanistan-Pakistan Metrics Exist!
Big scoop from Josh Rogin at Foreign Policy: right in time for that closed door briefing to the Senate on the metrics for judging progress in Afghanistan and
Big scoop from Josh Rogin at Foreign Policy: right in time for that closed door briefing to the Senate on the metrics for judging progress in Afghanistan and
Jul 31, 2020
Greene Well Behind DeMint as S.C. Democrats Move Ahead With Challenge
This will surprise no one, but Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) trounces current Democratic opponent Alvin Greene in the first post-primary poll of the state’s U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Greene Well Behind DeMint as S.C. Democrats Move Ahead With Challenge
Greene Well Behind DeMint as S.C. Democrats Move Ahead With Challenge
This will surprise no one, but Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) trounces current Democratic opponent Alvin Greene in the first post-primary poll of the state’s U.S.
This will surprise no one, but Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) trounces current Democratic opponent Alvin Greene in the first post-primary poll of the state’s U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Doc’s Statement on Dodd’s Condition
Just released from the office of Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), who announced today that he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer, comes this statement from Howard
Jul 31, 2020
Doc’s Statement on Dodd’s Condition
Doc’s Statement on Dodd’s Condition
Just released from the office of Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), who announced today that he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer, comes this statement from Howard
Just released from the office of Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), who announced today that he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer, comes this statement from Howard
Jul 31, 2020
U.S.-Iran Group Unhappy With Berman-Pence Resolution
That (updated) House resolution on Iran from Reps. Howard Berman (D-Calif.) and Mike Pence (R-Ind.)? The National Iranian-American Council, which has played a
Jul 31, 2020
U.S.-Iran Group Unhappy With Berman-Pence Resolution
U.S.-Iran Group Unhappy With Berman-Pence Resolution
That (updated) House resolution on Iran from Reps. Howard Berman (D-Calif.) and Mike Pence (R-Ind.)? The National Iranian-American Council, which has played a
That (updated) House resolution on Iran from Reps. Howard Berman (D-Calif.) and Mike Pence (R-Ind.)? The National Iranian-American Council, which has played a
Jul 31, 2020
Goldman Settles SEC Charges for $550 Million
Today -- coincidentally or not, the day Congress passed sweeping legislation reforming the regulation of Wall Street banks -- the Securities and Exchange
Jul 31, 2020
Goldman Settles SEC Charges for $550 Million
Goldman Settles SEC Charges for $550 Million
Today -- coincidentally or not, the day Congress passed sweeping legislation reforming the regulation of Wall Street banks -- the Securities and Exchange
Today -- coincidentally or not, the day Congress passed sweeping legislation reforming the regulation of Wall Street banks -- the Securities and Exchange
Jul 31, 2020
U.S. Experiences Third Straight Month of Deflation
We aren’t technically in a period of deflation yet, as core inflation continues to remain positive. But last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said this
Jul 31, 2020
U.S. Experiences Third Straight Month of Deflation
U.S. Experiences Third Straight Month of Deflation
We aren’t technically in a period of deflation yet, as core inflation continues to remain positive. But last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said this
We aren’t technically in a period of deflation yet, as core inflation continues to remain positive. But last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said this
Jul 31, 2020
Mary Frances Berry: The U.S. Civil Rights Commission Has Become ‘Useless Right-Wing Political Cabal’
Nine months after members of the New Black Panther Party were arrested for menacing voters (dressing in black uniforms and holding nightsticks) outside of a
Jul 31, 2020
Mary Frances Berry: The U.S. Civil Rights Commission Has Become ‘Useless Right-Wing Political Cabal’
Mary Frances Berry: The U.S. Civil Rights Commission Has Become ‘Useless Right-Wing Political Cabal’
Nine months after members of the New Black Panther Party were arrested for menacing voters (dressing in black uniforms and holding nightsticks) outside of a
Nine months after members of the New Black Panther Party were arrested for menacing voters (dressing in black uniforms and holding nightsticks) outside of a
Jul 31, 2020
Grassley Urges State AGs to Investigate Legality of Executive Pay
Sen. Charles Grassley, it seems, has given up on the Bush administration. Just over a month after the Iowa Republican urged the Treasury Dept. to rein in
Jul 31, 2020
Grassley Urges State AGs to Investigate Legality of Executive Pay
Grassley Urges State AGs to Investigate Legality of Executive Pay
Sen. Charles Grassley, it seems, has given up on the Bush administration. Just over a month after the Iowa Republican urged the Treasury Dept. to rein in
Sen. Charles Grassley, it seems, has given up on the Bush administration. Just over a month after the Iowa Republican urged the Treasury Dept. to rein in
Jul 31, 2020
Most Immigrants In Detention Centers Have No Criminal Record « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Most Immigrants In Detention Centers Have No Criminal Record « The Washington Independent
Most Immigrants In Detention Centers Have No Criminal Record « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Graham Moves Forward With Indefinite Detention Proposal
Two weeks ago, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), in the midst of negotiations with the White House over trading a military tribunal for 9/11 conspirator Khalid Shaikh
Jul 31, 2020
Graham Moves Forward With Indefinite Detention Proposal
Graham Moves Forward With Indefinite Detention Proposal
Two weeks ago, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), in the midst of negotiations with the White House over trading a military tribunal for 9/11 conspirator Khalid Shaikh
Two weeks ago, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), in the midst of negotiations with the White House over trading a military tribunal for 9/11 conspirator Khalid Shaikh
Jul 31, 2020
Obama to Sign Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Into Law Today
In a ceremony at the White House today, surrounded by policy experts and bankers, President Obama will sign the sweeping Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform
Jul 31, 2020
Obama to Sign Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Into Law Today
Obama to Sign Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Into Law Today
In a ceremony at the White House today, surrounded by policy experts and bankers, President Obama will sign the sweeping Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform
In a ceremony at the White House today, surrounded by policy experts and bankers, President Obama will sign the sweeping Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform
Jul 31, 2020
Obey: White House Suggested Cutting Food Stamps to Pay for Education Program
This entire interview with Rep. Dave Obey (D-Wis.), the head of the House Appropriations Committee and a powerful veteran member of Congress, who is retiring
Jul 31, 2020
Obey: White House Suggested Cutting Food Stamps to Pay for Education Program
Obey: White House Suggested Cutting Food Stamps to Pay for Education Program
This entire interview with Rep. Dave Obey (D-Wis.), the head of the House Appropriations Committee and a powerful veteran member of Congress, who is retiring
This entire interview with Rep. Dave Obey (D-Wis.), the head of the House Appropriations Committee and a powerful veteran member of Congress, who is retiring
Jul 31, 2020
A Senate of Luddites
Today marks the deadline for Capitol Hill lawmakers to file their third-quarter campaign finance disclosures with the Federal Election Commission, but don’t
Jul 31, 2020
A Senate of Luddites
A Senate of Luddites
Today marks the deadline for Capitol Hill lawmakers to file their third-quarter campaign finance disclosures with the Federal Election Commission, but don’t
Today marks the deadline for Capitol Hill lawmakers to file their third-quarter campaign finance disclosures with the Federal Election Commission, but don’t
Jul 31, 2020
Harvard’s Feldstein: More Stimulus Will Do ‘More Harm Than Good’
Although a good number of (non-congressional) budget hawks are urging more federal spending to address the jobs crisis, not everyone is on board. Martin
Jul 31, 2020
Harvard’s Feldstein: More Stimulus Will Do ‘More Harm Than Good’
Harvard’s Feldstein: More Stimulus Will Do ‘More Harm Than Good’
Although a good number of (non-congressional) budget hawks are urging more federal spending to address the jobs crisis, not everyone is on board. Martin
Although a good number of (non-congressional) budget hawks are urging more federal spending to address the jobs crisis, not everyone is on board. Martin
Jul 31, 2020
Oberstar, Schauer Looking Into Michigan Oil Spill
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar (D-Minn.) and Rep. Mark Schauer (D-Mich.) sent a letter this week to Enbridge Energy, the
Jul 31, 2020
Oberstar, Schauer Looking Into Michigan Oil Spill
Oberstar, Schauer Looking Into Michigan Oil Spill
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar (D-Minn.) and Rep. Mark Schauer (D-Mich.) sent a letter this week to Enbridge Energy, the
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar (D-Minn.) and Rep. Mark Schauer (D-Mich.) sent a letter this week to Enbridge Energy, the
Jul 31, 2020
Bromwich: Minerals Management Service Leaned Too Much on Industry
Michael Bromwich, who is heading up offshore drilling activities in the Interior Department, said yesterday that the now-defunct Minerals Management Service
Jul 31, 2020
Bromwich: Minerals Management Service Leaned Too Much on Industry
Bromwich: Minerals Management Service Leaned Too Much on Industry
Michael Bromwich, who is heading up offshore drilling activities in the Interior Department, said yesterday that the now-defunct Minerals Management Service
Michael Bromwich, who is heading up offshore drilling activities in the Interior Department, said yesterday that the now-defunct Minerals Management Service
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Rep. Wants ’44 Czars’ to Testify Before Congress
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is calling for the 44 appointed ’czars’ of the Obama Administration to appear before a congressional hearing to testify about
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Rep. Wants ’44 Czars’ to Testify Before Congress
GOP Rep. Wants ’44 Czars’ to Testify Before Congress
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is calling for the 44 appointed ’czars’ of the Obama Administration to appear before a congressional hearing to testify about
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is calling for the 44 appointed ’czars’ of the Obama Administration to appear before a congressional hearing to testify about
Jul 31, 2020
Colbert: Migrant Work is ‘Really, Really Hard’
Stephen Colbert went off testimony -- way off -- today when he testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee. His written
Jul 31, 2020
Colbert: Migrant Work is ‘Really, Really Hard’
Colbert: Migrant Work is ‘Really, Really Hard’
Stephen Colbert went off testimony -- way off -- today when he testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee. His written
Stephen Colbert went off testimony -- way off -- today when he testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee. His written
Jul 31, 2020
Geithner Gets Put on the Hot Seat Over Bonuses
Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) challenged Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today to release details of bonuses given to executives of companies that have
Jul 31, 2020
Geithner Gets Put on the Hot Seat Over Bonuses
Geithner Gets Put on the Hot Seat Over Bonuses
Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) challenged Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today to release details of bonuses given to executives of companies that have
Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) challenged Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today to release details of bonuses given to executives of companies that have
Jul 31, 2020