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Croc ‘n’ Roll « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Croc ‘n’ Roll « The Washington Independent
Croc ‘n’ Roll « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Palin on Grabbing Federal Funds: Hypocrite or Good Mayor?
There’s been a good deal of response to my post yesterday about Mayor Sarah Palin’s enthusiasm in receiving federal money for Wasilla -- some of it from from
Jul 31, 2020
Palin on Grabbing Federal Funds: Hypocrite or Good Mayor?
Palin on Grabbing Federal Funds: Hypocrite or Good Mayor?
There’s been a good deal of response to my post yesterday about Mayor Sarah Palin’s enthusiasm in receiving federal money for Wasilla -- some of it from from
There’s been a good deal of response to my post yesterday about Mayor Sarah Palin’s enthusiasm in receiving federal money for Wasilla -- some of it from from
Jul 31, 2020
Shelby Amendment Gutting Consumer Protection From FinReg Bill Fails
The much-derided amendment by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) to gut the consumer financial protections from Sen. Chris Dodd’s (D-Conn.) financial regulatory
Jul 31, 2020
Shelby Amendment Gutting Consumer Protection From FinReg Bill Fails
Shelby Amendment Gutting Consumer Protection From FinReg Bill Fails
The much-derided amendment by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) to gut the consumer financial protections from Sen. Chris Dodd’s (D-Conn.) financial regulatory
The much-derided amendment by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) to gut the consumer financial protections from Sen. Chris Dodd’s (D-Conn.) financial regulatory
Jul 31, 2020
Birthers: The Movie
On Aug. 4, President Obama’s birthday, WorldNetDaily released and began shipping A Question of Eligibility. It’s an hour-long documentary produced by an
Jul 31, 2020
Birthers: The Movie
Birthers: The Movie
On Aug. 4, President Obama’s birthday, WorldNetDaily released and began shipping A Question of Eligibility. It’s an hour-long documentary produced by an
On Aug. 4, President Obama’s birthday, WorldNetDaily released and began shipping A Question of Eligibility. It’s an hour-long documentary produced by an
Jul 31, 2020
Bingaman: No Comprehensive Climate Bill in Next Two Years
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), who unveiled this week a stand-alone bill that would require a certain percentage of the country’s energy to come from renewable
Jul 31, 2020
Bingaman: No Comprehensive Climate Bill in Next Two Years
Bingaman: No Comprehensive Climate Bill in Next Two Years
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), who unveiled this week a stand-alone bill that would require a certain percentage of the country’s energy to come from renewable
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), who unveiled this week a stand-alone bill that would require a certain percentage of the country’s energy to come from renewable
Jul 31, 2020
State of Play: Jackson Criticizes Obama
Jul 31, 2020
State of Play: Jackson Criticizes Obama
State of Play: Jackson Criticizes Obama
Jul 31, 2020
Candidate Who Denounced Negative Ads Won’t Denounce Negative Ad
The Republican candidate in New York’s 20th Congressional District special election, Jim Tedisco -- who loudly denounced negative ads in his race against
Jul 31, 2020
Candidate Who Denounced Negative Ads Won’t Denounce Negative Ad
Candidate Who Denounced Negative Ads Won’t Denounce Negative Ad
The Republican candidate in New York’s 20th Congressional District special election, Jim Tedisco -- who loudly denounced negative ads in his race against
The Republican candidate in New York’s 20th Congressional District special election, Jim Tedisco -- who loudly denounced negative ads in his race against
Jul 31, 2020
What’s the Real Cost of the Gulf Drilling Moratorium?
Louisiana Lieutenant Gov. Scott Angelle railed against the Obama administration’s moratorium on offshore drilling at a rally today in Lafayette, La, calling the
Jul 31, 2020
What’s the Real Cost of the Gulf Drilling Moratorium?
What’s the Real Cost of the Gulf Drilling Moratorium?
Louisiana Lieutenant Gov. Scott Angelle railed against the Obama administration’s moratorium on offshore drilling at a rally today in Lafayette, La, calling the
Louisiana Lieutenant Gov. Scott Angelle railed against the Obama administration’s moratorium on offshore drilling at a rally today in Lafayette, La, calling the
Jul 31, 2020
McChrystal May Punt on U.S. Troop Increases in His 60-Day Review
So: $25 billion, five years and 17,000 U.S. trainer troops to yield 400,000 total Afghan soldiers and cops. That’s Center for a New American Security president
Jul 31, 2020
McChrystal May Punt on U.S. Troop Increases in His 60-Day Review
McChrystal May Punt on U.S. Troop Increases in His 60-Day Review
So: $25 billion, five years and 17,000 U.S. trainer troops to yield 400,000 total Afghan soldiers and cops. That’s Center for a New American Security president
So: $25 billion, five years and 17,000 U.S. trainer troops to yield 400,000 total Afghan soldiers and cops. That’s Center for a New American Security president
Jul 31, 2020
On Countdown, Weigel Discusses HCR Repeal
For the second time this week, TWI’s David Weigel appeared on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, this time to pick apart the GOP’s problematic pledge to
Jul 31, 2020
On Countdown, Weigel Discusses HCR Repeal
On Countdown, Weigel Discusses HCR Repeal
For the second time this week, TWI’s David Weigel appeared on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, this time to pick apart the GOP’s problematic pledge to
For the second time this week, TWI’s David Weigel appeared on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, this time to pick apart the GOP’s problematic pledge to
Jul 31, 2020
Obama’s Full Remarks « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Obama’s Full Remarks « The Washington Independent
Obama’s Full Remarks « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Showdown in Pakistan Averted!
The perils of writing posts last night and timing them for release in the morning! Meet re-Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. His reinstatement meets the basic
Jul 31, 2020
Showdown in Pakistan Averted!
Showdown in Pakistan Averted!
The perils of writing posts last night and timing them for release in the morning! Meet re-Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. His reinstatement meets the basic
The perils of writing posts last night and timing them for release in the morning! Meet re-Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. His reinstatement meets the basic
Jul 31, 2020
Where Is ‘The Back of The Line’?
<div class="mini gray">Illustration by: Matt Mahurin</div> <p>Republican presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney agreed
Jul 31, 2020
Where Is ‘The Back of The Line’?
Where Is ‘The Back of The Line’?
<div class="mini gray">Illustration by: Matt Mahurin</div> <p>Republican presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney agreed
<div class="mini gray">Illustration by: Matt Mahurin</div> <p>Republican presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney agreed
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Shoots Down Permanent Doc-Fix Bill
Citing budget concerns, the Senate on Wednesday killed a $245 billion proposal to scrap the controversial formula that dictates doctor payments under
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Shoots Down Permanent Doc-Fix Bill
Senate Shoots Down Permanent Doc-Fix Bill
Citing budget concerns, the Senate on Wednesday killed a $245 billion proposal to scrap the controversial formula that dictates doctor payments under
Citing budget concerns, the Senate on Wednesday killed a $245 billion proposal to scrap the controversial formula that dictates doctor payments under
Jul 31, 2020
When Rewards Outweigh Penalties, Companies Put Your Health at Risk
When pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer pay billion-dollar fines for illegal off-label marketing (promoting drugs for unapproved uses), prosecutors and the
Jul 31, 2020
When Rewards Outweigh Penalties, Companies Put Your Health at Risk
When Rewards Outweigh Penalties, Companies Put Your Health at Risk
When pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer pay billion-dollar fines for illegal off-label marketing (promoting drugs for unapproved uses), prosecutors and the
When pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer pay billion-dollar fines for illegal off-label marketing (promoting drugs for unapproved uses), prosecutors and the
Jul 31, 2020
White House National Security Staffers Shift
Just released from the White House communications shop: The White House today announced that Deputy National Security Director and National Security Council
Jul 31, 2020
White House National Security Staffers Shift
White House National Security Staffers Shift
Just released from the White House communications shop: The White House today announced that Deputy National Security Director and National Security Council
Just released from the White House communications shop: The White House today announced that Deputy National Security Director and National Security Council
Jul 31, 2020
When It Comes to Financial Reform, Let the Games Begin
As we noted on Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee is in the midst of tackling financial regulatory reform, which has brought out the lobbyists in
Jul 31, 2020
When It Comes to Financial Reform, Let the Games Begin
When It Comes to Financial Reform, Let the Games Begin
As we noted on Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee is in the midst of tackling financial regulatory reform, which has brought out the lobbyists in
As we noted on Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee is in the midst of tackling financial regulatory reform, which has brought out the lobbyists in
Jul 31, 2020
Pentagon Hires Public-Diplomacy Veteran
Forgive me if this reads like I’m greasing a source, but as part of the holds on administration appointees released by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) last week,
Jul 31, 2020
Pentagon Hires Public-Diplomacy Veteran
Pentagon Hires Public-Diplomacy Veteran
Forgive me if this reads like I’m greasing a source, but as part of the holds on administration appointees released by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) last week,
Forgive me if this reads like I’m greasing a source, but as part of the holds on administration appointees released by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) last week,
Jul 31, 2020
White House: Of Course Elena Kagan Loves the Military!
White House Internet wizard Jesse Lee writes to defend the record of the solicitor general and Supreme Court nominee: Most prominently, a handful of Republican
Jul 31, 2020
White House: Of Course Elena Kagan Loves the Military!
White House: Of Course Elena Kagan Loves the Military!
White House Internet wizard Jesse Lee writes to defend the record of the solicitor general and Supreme Court nominee: Most prominently, a handful of Republican
White House Internet wizard Jesse Lee writes to defend the record of the solicitor general and Supreme Court nominee: Most prominently, a handful of Republican
Jul 31, 2020
So Let’s Say You Hired Blackwater for a CIA Assassination Program
There’s not much I can add at this point to Mark Mazzetti’s great scoop about the CIA hiring the-private-military-firm-formerly-known-as-Blackwater for its
Jul 31, 2020
So Let’s Say You Hired Blackwater for a CIA Assassination Program
So Let’s Say You Hired Blackwater for a CIA Assassination Program
There’s not much I can add at this point to Mark Mazzetti’s great scoop about the CIA hiring the-private-military-firm-formerly-known-as-Blackwater for its
There’s not much I can add at this point to Mark Mazzetti’s great scoop about the CIA hiring the-private-military-firm-formerly-known-as-Blackwater for its
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Talks to Small Business Owners
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Talks to Small Business Owners
McCain Talks to Small Business Owners
Jul 31, 2020
So What If the KSM Trial Isn’t in Manhattan?
Some conservatives are taking heart that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had second thoughts about trying 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Manhattan.
Jul 31, 2020
So What If the KSM Trial Isn’t in Manhattan?
So What If the KSM Trial Isn’t in Manhattan?
Some conservatives are taking heart that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had second thoughts about trying 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Manhattan.
Some conservatives are taking heart that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had second thoughts about trying 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Manhattan.
Jul 31, 2020
Social Conservatives and the 2012 Hopefuls
Luke Johnson’s piece on the Values Voters Summit, which took place in Washington this weekend, provides a nice look into the ongoing war over the importance of
Jul 31, 2020
Social Conservatives and the 2012 Hopefuls
Social Conservatives and the 2012 Hopefuls
Luke Johnson’s piece on the Values Voters Summit, which took place in Washington this weekend, provides a nice look into the ongoing war over the importance of
Luke Johnson’s piece on the Values Voters Summit, which took place in Washington this weekend, provides a nice look into the ongoing war over the importance of
Jul 31, 2020
Petraeus on Karzai-Taliban Talks: Just Don’t Say the ‘T’ Word
In Afghanistan, you’ve got a war of unclear goals that everyone agrees has no military solution. But it’s also not clear if the alternative to open-ended
Jul 31, 2020
Petraeus on Karzai-Taliban Talks: Just Don’t Say the ‘T’ Word
Petraeus on Karzai-Taliban Talks: Just Don’t Say the ‘T’ Word
In Afghanistan, you’ve got a war of unclear goals that everyone agrees has no military solution. But it’s also not clear if the alternative to open-ended
In Afghanistan, you’ve got a war of unclear goals that everyone agrees has no military solution. But it’s also not clear if the alternative to open-ended
Jul 31, 2020