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Will Lawsuits Make A Comeback?

Jul 31, 2020

Will Lawsuits Make A Comeback?

Will Lawsuits Make A Comeback?

Jul 31, 2020

Minnesota GOP files trio of bills to stop state funding of abortion

Minnesota GOP files trio of bills to stop state funding of abortion

Two weeks ago, Republican leadership in the Minnesota Senate introduced a bill to ban state funding for abortion, and on Monday, two more bills with identical language were introduced in the Senate and another in the Minnesota House. The text of all three bills reads, “Funding for state-sponsored health programs shall not be used for funding abortions, except to the extent necessary for continued participation in a federal program.” The bill also includes language that anticipate a court challenge
Two weeks ago, Republican leadership in the Minnesota Senate introduced a bill to ban state funding for abortion, and on Monday, two more bills with identical language were introduced in the Senate and another in the Minnesota House. The text of all three bills reads, “Funding for state-sponsored health programs shall not be used for funding abortions, except to the extent necessary for continued participation in a federal program.” The bill also includes language that anticipate a court challenge
Jul 31, 2020

A Love/Hate Relationship with Eric Massa

A Love/Hate Relationship with Eric Massa

Glenn Beck on Eric Massa, March 8: I’m not saying he is as pure as the driven snow, I don’t know, I don’t know the guy, but this is a moment that will
Glenn Beck on Eric Massa, March 8: I’m not saying he is as pure as the driven snow, I don’t know, I don’t know the guy, but this is a moment that will
Jul 31, 2020

Democrats Suggest Foul Play in Arizona House Race

Democrats Suggest Foul Play in Arizona House Race

Here’s a strange saga, even for a campaign year. It seems that over the weekend officials with the Arizona Democratic Party discovered a credit card
Here’s a strange saga, even for a campaign year. It seems that over the weekend officials with the Arizona Democratic Party discovered a credit card
Jul 31, 2020