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Page 231 of 930
Commercial Real Estate Faces Its Own Foreclosure Crisis
Offices, stores and industrial buildings are all facing a perfect storm of increasing vacancies and a lack of capital with which to refinance their debt.
Jul 31, 2020
Commercial Real Estate Faces Its Own Foreclosure Crisis
Commercial Real Estate Faces Its Own Foreclosure Crisis
Offices, stores and industrial buildings are all facing a perfect storm of increasing vacancies and a lack of capital with which to refinance their debt.
Offices, stores and industrial buildings are all facing a perfect storm of increasing vacancies and a lack of capital with which to refinance their debt.
Jul 31, 2020
U.S. Out Of Iraqi Cities In June 2009, (Mostly) Out Of Iraq in 2011, Will Commute To Work
The New York Times reports that the draft U.S.-Iraq deal has U.S. troops pulling out of Iraqi "cities and villages" by June 2009 and combat forces
Jul 31, 2020
U.S. Out Of Iraqi Cities In June 2009, (Mostly) Out Of Iraq in 2011, Will Commute To Work
U.S. Out Of Iraqi Cities In June 2009, (Mostly) Out Of Iraq in 2011, Will Commute To Work
The New York Times reports that the draft U.S.-Iraq deal has U.S. troops pulling out of Iraqi "cities and villages" by June 2009 and combat forces
The New York Times reports that the draft U.S.-Iraq deal has U.S. troops pulling out of Iraqi "cities and villages" by June 2009 and combat forces
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Rallies the YouTube Vote « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Rallies the YouTube Vote « The Washington Independent
Obama Rallies the YouTube Vote « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: ‘Taint of Incumbency’ Is a Continuing Trend
Republicans hoping that voter unrest is targeted largely at the majority Democrats won’t like what they see in the latest Washington Post-ABC poll. That survey
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: ‘Taint of Incumbency’ Is a Continuing Trend
Poll: ‘Taint of Incumbency’ Is a Continuing Trend
Republicans hoping that voter unrest is targeted largely at the majority Democrats won’t like what they see in the latest Washington Post-ABC poll. That survey
Republicans hoping that voter unrest is targeted largely at the majority Democrats won’t like what they see in the latest Washington Post-ABC poll. That survey
Jul 31, 2020
Richardson, Aide Leave Scene of Houseboat Accident « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Richardson, Aide Leave Scene of Houseboat Accident « The Washington Independent
Richardson, Aide Leave Scene of Houseboat Accident « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Attempts to restrict abortion access abound at state level
Anti-abortion measures are advancing in state legislatures all around the country. Here’s the latest: # Alaska: Legislators halt insurance program for low-income women and children.
Jul 31, 2020
Attempts to restrict abortion access abound at state level
Attempts to restrict abortion access abound at state level
Anti-abortion measures are advancing in state legislatures all around the country. Here’s the latest: # Alaska: Legislators halt insurance program for low-income women and children.
Anti-abortion measures are advancing in state legislatures all around the country. Here’s the latest: # Alaska: Legislators halt insurance program for low-income women and children.
Jul 31, 2020
James O’Keefe Mocks People With Giant Checks
Before James O’Keefe recorded his undercover ACORN videos he cut this Yes Men-ish video for, in which his Taxpayers Clearing House, mimicking the
Jul 31, 2020
James O’Keefe Mocks People With Giant Checks
James O’Keefe Mocks People With Giant Checks
Before James O’Keefe recorded his undercover ACORN videos he cut this Yes Men-ish video for, in which his Taxpayers Clearing House, mimicking the
Before James O’Keefe recorded his undercover ACORN videos he cut this Yes Men-ish video for, in which his Taxpayers Clearing House, mimicking the
Jul 31, 2020
GLS Memo on New Iraqi Tax Policy
<< Back to story.
Jul 31, 2020
GLS Memo on New Iraqi Tax Policy
GLS Memo on New Iraqi Tax Policy
<< Back to story.
<< Back to story.
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Calls Out Fort Hood Review For ‘Political Correctness’
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is less than satisfied with the report of a commission empaneled by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to investigate the deadly Fort
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Calls Out Fort Hood Review For ‘Political Correctness’
McCain Calls Out Fort Hood Review For ‘Political Correctness’
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is less than satisfied with the report of a commission empaneled by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to investigate the deadly Fort
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is less than satisfied with the report of a commission empaneled by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to investigate the deadly Fort
Jul 31, 2020
Huckabee: NY-23 GOP Candidate Scozzafava ‘a Total Train Wreck’ (Video)
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee came under harsh criticism from the right for withholding his endorsement for NY-23 Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman
Jul 31, 2020
Huckabee: NY-23 GOP Candidate Scozzafava ‘a Total Train Wreck’ (Video)
Huckabee: NY-23 GOP Candidate Scozzafava ‘a Total Train Wreck’ (Video)
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee came under harsh criticism from the right for withholding his endorsement for NY-23 Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee came under harsh criticism from the right for withholding his endorsement for NY-23 Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman
Jul 31, 2020
Casey Pushes for Full Funding of CHIP
In October, it was Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) who rescued the Children’s Health Insurance Program from oblivion in the Senate Finance Committee. This week,
Jul 31, 2020
Casey Pushes for Full Funding of CHIP
Casey Pushes for Full Funding of CHIP
In October, it was Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) who rescued the Children’s Health Insurance Program from oblivion in the Senate Finance Committee. This week,
In October, it was Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) who rescued the Children’s Health Insurance Program from oblivion in the Senate Finance Committee. This week,
Jul 31, 2020
Reid Claims Dems Have Votes to Pass Stimulus
Via The Hill: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Thursday that he has enough votes to pass a more than $900 billion stimulus bill out of
Jul 31, 2020
Reid Claims Dems Have Votes to Pass Stimulus
Reid Claims Dems Have Votes to Pass Stimulus
Via The Hill: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Thursday that he has enough votes to pass a more than $900 billion stimulus bill out of
Via The Hill: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Thursday that he has enough votes to pass a more than $900 billion stimulus bill out of
Jul 31, 2020
McHenry Clarifies: I’m No Birther
In response to our earlier post indicating that Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) might harbor questions about President Obama’s citizenship, McHenry spokesman
Jul 31, 2020
McHenry Clarifies: I’m No Birther
McHenry Clarifies: I’m No Birther
In response to our earlier post indicating that Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) might harbor questions about President Obama’s citizenship, McHenry spokesman
In response to our earlier post indicating that Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) might harbor questions about President Obama’s citizenship, McHenry spokesman
Jul 31, 2020
Unemployed Americans Are Not Optimists
Anyone who has ever been unemployed or underemployed (working part-time or freelancing when one needs full-time work) knows that it’s quite easy to get down
Jul 31, 2020
Unemployed Americans Are Not Optimists
Unemployed Americans Are Not Optimists
Anyone who has ever been unemployed or underemployed (working part-time or freelancing when one needs full-time work) knows that it’s quite easy to get down
Anyone who has ever been unemployed or underemployed (working part-time or freelancing when one needs full-time work) knows that it’s quite easy to get down
Jul 31, 2020
Iraq, Afghanistan Vets ‘Overwhelmingly’ Support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal
The Vet Voice Foundation has commissioned a rare scientific poll to survey military attitudes about the ban on open gay military service. It’s found broad and
Jul 31, 2020
Iraq, Afghanistan Vets ‘Overwhelmingly’ Support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal
Iraq, Afghanistan Vets ‘Overwhelmingly’ Support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal
The Vet Voice Foundation has commissioned a rare scientific poll to survey military attitudes about the ban on open gay military service. It’s found broad and
The Vet Voice Foundation has commissioned a rare scientific poll to survey military attitudes about the ban on open gay military service. It’s found broad and
Jul 31, 2020
Skateboarders Find A Paradise in Empty Pools
Well, somebody’s making the best of the foreclosure crisis: Skateboarders are having a field day practicing in the empty swimming pools of foreclosed homes, the
Jul 31, 2020
Skateboarders Find A Paradise in Empty Pools
Skateboarders Find A Paradise in Empty Pools
Well, somebody’s making the best of the foreclosure crisis: Skateboarders are having a field day practicing in the empty swimming pools of foreclosed homes, the
Well, somebody’s making the best of the foreclosure crisis: Skateboarders are having a field day practicing in the empty swimming pools of foreclosed homes, the
Jul 31, 2020
Bachmann: SCOTUS Will ‘Absolutely Overturn’ Health Care if Dems Use ‘Deem and Pass’
In an interview with Matt Lewis, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) moves Ken Cuccinelli’s ball down the field, saying it won’t even be close on how
Jul 31, 2020
Bachmann: SCOTUS Will ‘Absolutely Overturn’ Health Care if Dems Use ‘Deem and Pass’
Bachmann: SCOTUS Will ‘Absolutely Overturn’ Health Care if Dems Use ‘Deem and Pass’
In an interview with Matt Lewis, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) moves Ken Cuccinelli’s ball down the field, saying it won’t even be close on how
In an interview with Matt Lewis, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) moves Ken Cuccinelli’s ball down the field, saying it won’t even be close on how
Jul 31, 2020
Obama to Extend Some Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees
Politico’s Ben Smith reports: Reacting to a rising tide of anger from gay and lesbian supporters at a series of slights and deferred promises, President Obama
Jul 31, 2020
Obama to Extend Some Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees
Obama to Extend Some Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees
Politico’s Ben Smith reports: Reacting to a rising tide of anger from gay and lesbian supporters at a series of slights and deferred promises, President Obama
Politico’s Ben Smith reports: Reacting to a rising tide of anger from gay and lesbian supporters at a series of slights and deferred promises, President Obama
Jul 31, 2020
Virginia abortion-rights rally attempts to sway health board from adopting ‘TRAP’ clinic regulations
A coalition of reproductive-rights advocates in Virginia will be joined by state leaders in protesting Wednesday new proposed abortion clinic regulations, which
Jul 31, 2020
Virginia abortion-rights rally attempts to sway health board from adopting ‘TRAP’ clinic regulations
Virginia abortion-rights rally attempts to sway health board from adopting ‘TRAP’ clinic regulations
A coalition of reproductive-rights advocates in Virginia will be joined by state leaders in protesting Wednesday new proposed abortion clinic regulations, which
A coalition of reproductive-rights advocates in Virginia will be joined by state leaders in protesting Wednesday new proposed abortion clinic regulations, which
Jul 31, 2020
Renewable Energy Groups Disappointed With Cut to Energy Program in State Aid Bill
As Annie just reported, the House just passed a state aid bill that provides $16.1 billion in Medicaid funding and $10 billion to pay teachers’ salaries, much
Jul 31, 2020
Renewable Energy Groups Disappointed With Cut to Energy Program in State Aid Bill
Renewable Energy Groups Disappointed With Cut to Energy Program in State Aid Bill
As Annie just reported, the House just passed a state aid bill that provides $16.1 billion in Medicaid funding and $10 billion to pay teachers’ salaries, much
As Annie just reported, the House just passed a state aid bill that provides $16.1 billion in Medicaid funding and $10 billion to pay teachers’ salaries, much
Jul 31, 2020
Protesters prepare for what comes after Summer of Mercy (VIDEO)
UPDATE*: Aug. 8, 2011, 2 p.m. EST The Summer of Mercy 2.0 ended Monday morning with a final protest in front of Dr. LeRoy Carhart’s abortion clinic in
Jul 31, 2020
Protesters prepare for what comes after Summer of Mercy (VIDEO)
Protesters prepare for what comes after Summer of Mercy (VIDEO)
UPDATE*: Aug. 8, 2011, 2 p.m. EST The Summer of Mercy 2.0 ended Monday morning with a final protest in front of Dr. LeRoy Carhart’s abortion clinic in
UPDATE*: Aug. 8, 2011, 2 p.m. EST The Summer of Mercy 2.0 ended Monday morning with a final protest in front of Dr. LeRoy Carhart’s abortion clinic in
Jul 31, 2020
McCain heckled by Tea Partiers over ‘Agenda 21′
It’s angry Tea Party town hall month in America and, in Arizona yesterday, Senator John McCain got a taste of the kind of crazy that colored Colorado’s gubernatorial race last year.
Jul 31, 2020
McCain heckled by Tea Partiers over ‘Agenda 21′
McCain heckled by Tea Partiers over ‘Agenda 21′
It’s angry Tea Party town hall month in America and, in Arizona yesterday, Senator John McCain got a taste of the kind of crazy that colored Colorado’s gubernatorial race last year.
It’s angry Tea Party town hall month in America and, in Arizona yesterday, Senator John McCain got a taste of the kind of crazy that colored Colorado’s gubernatorial race last year.
Jul 31, 2020
In California, Prop 23 Threatens State’s Renewable Energy Standard
The Los Angeles Times reported today that a California agency is set to approve renewable energy standard that is significantly more stringent than the one
Jul 31, 2020
In California, Prop 23 Threatens State’s Renewable Energy Standard
In California, Prop 23 Threatens State’s Renewable Energy Standard
The Los Angeles Times reported today that a California agency is set to approve renewable energy standard that is significantly more stringent than the one
The Los Angeles Times reported today that a California agency is set to approve renewable energy standard that is significantly more stringent than the one
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes From the Real America
I spent Saturday at the bi-annual Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, right outside of Louisville, Ky. Gun enthusiasts of all stripes were there — from the
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes From the Real America
Scenes From the Real America
I spent Saturday at the bi-annual Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, right outside of Louisville, Ky. Gun enthusiasts of all stripes were there — from the
I spent Saturday at the bi-annual Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, right outside of Louisville, Ky. Gun enthusiasts of all stripes were there — from the
Jul 31, 2020