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Iraqi Gov’t Spokesman: U.S. Troops Needed for Maybe 10 Years « The Washington Independent

Jul 31, 2020

Iraqi Gov’t Spokesman: U.S. Troops Needed for Maybe 10 Years « The Washington Independent

Iraqi Gov’t Spokesman: U.S. Troops Needed for Maybe 10 Years « The Washington Independent

Jul 31, 2020

‘Keeping the Blue Dogs Honest’

‘Keeping the Blue Dogs Honest’

Hastings Wyman has a good piece up at the Southern Political Report, talking to Oklahoma strategists about the NRCC’s eyebrow-raising inclusion of Rep. Dan
Hastings Wyman has a good piece up at the Southern Political Report, talking to Oklahoma strategists about the NRCC’s eyebrow-raising inclusion of Rep. Dan
Jul 31, 2020

Pro-Choice Caucus chair DeGette leads defense of abortion rights in House

Pro-Choice Caucus chair DeGette leads defense of abortion rights in House

Colorado Representative and head of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus Diana DeGette is surprised to find herself doing heated battle on a number of fronts in the war over abortion rights this early in the year. This session of Congress was supposed to be about jobs and the economy, she has said, but the new Republican majority right out of the gate has gone full steam ahead with two bills aimed at expanding restrictions on federal abortion funding while, outside of Capitol Hill, conservative media activists have launched an attack on Planned Parenthood , using cut-and-paste undercover videos to spur Congress to slash all federal aid to the organization. “I’m surprised, given that the number one issue right now is jobs, that the Republican leadership would make extreme position one of their top three priorities of the session,” DeGette told Politico
Colorado Representative and head of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus Diana DeGette is surprised to find herself doing heated battle on a number of fronts in the war over abortion rights this early in the year. This session of Congress was supposed to be about jobs and the economy, she has said, but the new Republican majority right out of the gate has gone full steam ahead with two bills aimed at expanding restrictions on federal abortion funding while, outside of Capitol Hill, conservative media activists have launched an attack on Planned Parenthood , using cut-and-paste undercover videos to spur Congress to slash all federal aid to the organization. “I’m surprised, given that the number one issue right now is jobs, that the Republican leadership would make extreme position one of their top three priorities of the session,” DeGette told Politico
Jul 31, 2020