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How the Financial Crisis Continues to Hit the Poor the Hardest

Here’s one of the most disturbing points made in the Financial Times piece on banks being poised to earn $38.5 billion in overdraft fees this year: Poorest
Jul 31, 2020

How the Financial Crisis Continues to Hit the Poor the Hardest

How the Financial Crisis Continues to Hit the Poor the Hardest

Here’s one of the most disturbing points made in the Financial Times piece on banks being poised to earn $38.5 billion in overdraft fees this year: Poorest
Here’s one of the most disturbing points made in the Financial Times piece on banks being poised to earn $38.5 billion in overdraft fees this year: Poorest
Jul 31, 2020

Leahy Admits Truth Commission Idea is Dead

Leahy Admits Truth Commission Idea is Dead

We’ve been speculating that Sen. Pat Leahy’s (D-Vt.) proposed truth commission to investigate alleged lawbreaking during the Bush administration may not be
We’ve been speculating that Sen. Pat Leahy’s (D-Vt.) proposed truth commission to investigate alleged lawbreaking during the Bush administration may not be
Jul 31, 2020

The Pledge to Increase the Deficit

The Pledge to Increase the Deficit

The Center for American Progress’ Michael Ettlinger and Michael Linden do quick work dismantling the GOP’s Pledge to America, a governing platform released with
The Center for American Progress’ Michael Ettlinger and Michael Linden do quick work dismantling the GOP’s Pledge to America, a governing platform released with
Jul 31, 2020