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Gubernatorial Candidate in Florida Embroiled in Possible Medicare Overbilling Scandal

Doctors that worked in Rick Scott’s health care company say records show Medicare was being charged 100 percent, rather than the mandated 85 percent, for some visits.
Jul 31, 2020

Gubernatorial Candidate in Florida Embroiled in Possible Medicare Overbilling Scandal

Gubernatorial Candidate in Florida Embroiled in Possible Medicare Overbilling Scandal

Doctors that worked in Rick Scott’s health care company say records show Medicare was being charged 100 percent, rather than the mandated 85 percent, for some visits.
Doctors that worked in Rick Scott’s health care company say records show Medicare was being charged 100 percent, rather than the mandated 85 percent, for some visits.
Jul 31, 2020

ACORN: We’re Not Changing Our Name

ACORN: We’re Not Changing Our Name

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is challenging a report by the Washington Examiner’s Kevin Mooney which alleged that the group had
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is challenging a report by the Washington Examiner’s Kevin Mooney which alleged that the group had
Jul 31, 2020