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It’s Not That Clever

Jul 31, 2020

It’s Not That Clever

It’s Not That Clever

Jul 31, 2020

Tea Party Draws Wide Range of Protesters

Tea Party Draws Wide Range of Protesters

In a steady rain, conservatives blasted President Obama’s policies.
In a steady rain, conservatives blasted President Obama’s policies.
Jul 31, 2020

Former Jeb Bush top staffer goes to work at giant phosphate and nutrition firm

Former Jeb Bush top staffer goes to work at giant phosphate and nutrition firm

Mark Kaplan, former chief of staff to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has been announced as the new vice president of public affairs for The Mosaic Company, one of the top dogs in phosphate and nutrient production in the country
Mark Kaplan, former chief of staff to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has been announced as the new vice president of public affairs for The Mosaic Company, one of the top dogs in phosphate and nutrient production in the country
Jul 31, 2020