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Daphne Eviatar on WNYC’s ‘The Brian Lehrer Show’ Today « The Washington Independent

Jul 31, 2020

Daphne Eviatar on WNYC’s ‘The Brian Lehrer Show’ Today « The Washington Independent

Daphne Eviatar on WNYC’s ‘The Brian Lehrer Show’ Today « The Washington Independent

Jul 31, 2020

Iowa Democrats call for open hearing on ‘personhood’ bill

Iowa Democrats are calling for an immediate public hearing on a bill they say will endanger the lives of women who suffer ectopic pregnancies, will deny access to birth control and limit options for couples struggling to conceive.
Jul 31, 2020

Iowa Democrats call for open hearing on ‘personhood’ bill

Iowa Democrats call for open hearing on ‘personhood’ bill

Iowa Democrats are calling for an immediate public hearing on a bill they say will endanger the lives of women who suffer ectopic pregnancies, will deny access to birth control and limit options for couples struggling to conceive.
Iowa Democrats are calling for an immediate public hearing on a bill they say will endanger the lives of women who suffer ectopic pregnancies, will deny access to birth control and limit options for couples struggling to conceive.
Jul 31, 2020

On FinReg, Five Lobbyists for Every Legislator

On FinReg, Five Lobbyists for Every Legislator

Today, the Center for Public Integrity has a good survey of how the financial regulatory reform bill got lobbied. More than 850 banks, financial firms, hedge
Today, the Center for Public Integrity has a good survey of how the financial regulatory reform bill got lobbied. More than 850 banks, financial firms, hedge
Jul 31, 2020